Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Hi everybody, hope you are all fit today. I had a lazy day again yesterday, just here at home with lots of reading and crafting. And somebody must have eaten loads of chocolate again, the packet's empty! I hope I can soon get out and about again! My foot feels almost normal as long as I don't wear shoes, but today I hope to get out to the post office at least, as I want to post off the postcards I made for the Inspiration Avenue swap. I have made some mail-art envelopes for them:

And I finished off some more vintage postcards. I made more than the five I needed for the swap, so have a few extra for sending to other people. They have turned out very grungy this time, but I like them that way! Three more are still in progress, I hope to finish them today.

And here are the 'backsides':

I have crafted and/or painted several things lately using stencils from the Crafter's Workshop. It says on the packaging to send a mail and show what you have made with their products, which I did, and had some things showcased on their blog this week. Here is the link if you want to see: The Crafter's Workshop Blog
Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Beautiful envelopes and love those grungy cards - the lady is my fave! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Lovely vintage pieces today Valerie, love that bird stamp on the envelopes. Big congrats for being showcasesd on TCWB, off to have a peek, hope your trip to the PO goes OK. xx

  3. These are all just gorgeous Valerie. Really lovely the grungy vintage look as you know and these are stunning.
    Off to look at the showcase now - well done on this!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. WTG Valerie!! Checked out your showcased you know I really love that canvas!

    Beautiful envelopes (that bird stamp is awesome) and I love the grungy look of your postcards.
    Hope your foot continues improving.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. I think whoever ate your chocolate has been here too!!

  5. Wow, Sue - glad they burgled your choccie, too - I was thinking it was me!

  6. I love your grungy postcards Valerie - they're fabulous and the envelopes are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Wow Valerie the backs are as awsome as the fronts :)
    Well done on the showcase I do so love that canvas too :)
    Von x♥x

  8. Val, I adore your postcards, sooo cool and congrats on the showcase...hugs G.

  9. Totally stunning Valerie, love them all:0) Glad that your foot feels better, xxx

  10. love that you made your own envelopes and congrats on being featured!

  11. Love the postcards and the envelopes are beautiful too, Valerie!

  12. oh my! I love the look of these postcards...layers upon layers of colors that give them that aged look. The envelopes are sweet as well!

  13. I really like vintage even though that's not my style. I enjoy seeing it on other people's blogs. :) Lovely postcards!

  14. Hi Val, love your grungy cards and the envelopes are pretty, too! Hugs, Barb

  15. Hi Valerie, so glad to hear that your toe is on the mend ! Fabulous postcards, love the effect you have created on these beauties and the art envelopes are a perfect accompaniment


  16. Hi Valerie, the postcards are gorgeous, love the grunged look and love the backs with the pretty flower bouquets too! Congrats on your feature, I left you some love there too!

  17. Love the grungy vintage cards and the envelopes all awesome. Glad you foot is a bit better now.
    Yvonne x

  18. Hi Valerie. I like grungy, the grungier, the better. Hope your foot feels better. Nice cards.

  19. Superb postcards. The grungy look is fab. x

  20. Congratulations on the showcase Valerie. Loving your envelopes and cards, fab work. x

  21. Valerie I really love your vintage/grungy style.... its so soft and pretty.

    The 'backsides' are looking good too!

    Love that 'believe in yourself' stamp.


  22. Stunning stunning! love yr technique. t/c, gerri


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