Tuesday 29 May 2012

Vincent Van Gogh Journal Pages

I was really wanting to do some work on my journal over the weekend, as the promt I picked out was *Van Gogh*, but I had promised myself not to do anything till I had cleared my table....Yesterday I was on strike, did NOT want to clear away all those bits and bobs, but today I ground my teeth together and got on with it. I was able to celebrate a happy *Wiedersehen* with lots of things that have been AWOl for weeks. I also had a brilliant idea. There is a drawer on one side of the table, which I thought would be perfect for foam squares and all the other little things which I am always looking for. I could just sit on the other side of the table, but I never felt comfortable sitting there, for reasons not known to me or the rest of mankind. Then I had the BIG IDEA - I turned the table round. Now the drawer is there, for me to fill with all those countless little pieces that crafters need to have at their finger tips. It has taken me six years to get this far! Oh well, better late than never! And while I was at it, I swept the floor and tidied the rest of the kitchen. Then I knew that I had deserved to start work on Van Gogh! I wanted to do some pages like I did for Frida Kahlo, with a printed background showing her works, but I wanted to paint, so I tried - but I am no Van Gogh! Anyway, I did my best, painted one of his pics as best I could, and then made 2 computer-generated transparencies as lay-ons. The left one shows a letter with a drawing, the right side a faded letter to his brother Theo, overlaid with his drawing *Sorrow* and a saying of his. I didn't draw anything before hand, just painted directly onto the paper, and resisted the temptation to use sharpies to give more definition afterwards.

I had a fun time painting it, perhaps I should try this more often.

For the challenge over at 'The Cheerful Stamp Pad' this week, 'The Sweet Life', sponsored by Stampotique, I have made a card for a little girl, who loves pink, blue and lilac. The background has been embossed with a texture fade folder. The middle panel has been cut with an ancient die, sorry, don't know from whom. I stamped it with the image of the kids and the lovely sentiment, and embossed with Ranger Tinsel EP before colouring with water-colour pencils. I threaded a narrow, pink ribbon through the holes, and added the lilac daisies.

By the way, several people suggested turning the third part of my triptych round so that the reddish part is outside. I have turned it, and it does look better - thanks!

That's enough for today. Take care, have fun and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Love that Van Gough technique you used!
    hugs Alyson x

  2. Beautiful pages, love how you have painted them, and the overlays! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Your Van Gogh paintings certainly reflect the glorious weather we've been having (although we're back to grey skies again here!) and the card is so pretty - what a lovely sentiment. Have a nice day! xx

  4. Stunning and very eye catching journal pages Valerie and a real ray of sunshine.
    Very pretty card too and love the ribbon and flower embellishing.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  5. I really, really love your Van Gogh pages Valerie...the overlays are inspired and your painting is wonderful!
    Very cute card too.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. well done on the "tidying"!

  6. I love your Van Gogh pages Valerie, the colours are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Wonderful journal pages and I love the way you did the background- perfect homage to Van Gogh!
    Great idea with your drawer, don't you love it when the perfect solution presents itself to you like that?
    And of course I love your sweet, sweet card- she will love it! What a lucky girl to get such a pretty creation from you!
    Have a great Tuesday!

  8. Love the swirly sky. Very Van Gogh! Sweet card too. Well done on your tidying. Wish the fairies would come help me out with my crafty area! x

  9. Love the Van Gogh and the card is gorgeous, Valerie!

  10. Stunning Van Gogh pages Valerie! I love the overlays and the card looks so sweet, love the daisy's!

  11. I am in LOVE with your van gogh journal pages! oh my they are just gorgeous!!!!! I could get inspired everyday if my journal looked that good! xo

  12. the journal pages are beautiful, I love this work, I would love a huge [painting like this,
    I think its great the way we can help each other in blog land as well, giving each other ideas, , have a wonderful day!

  13. Gorgeous pages Val, love how you have painted Van Gogh's style! Hugs, Barb

  14. I love, love, love your Van Gogh journal pages. I am your newest follower, please accept my warm and humble invitation to visit and hopefully to follow me, too. Connie :)

  15. Fantastic Van Gough paintings Valarie and those overlays finish them off beautifully. x

  16. beautiful Van Gogh inspiration, free hand at that!

  17. Your Van Gogh pages are amazing, they should be framed and on your wall. Love the tsweet tag as well.
    Yvonne x

  18. OH MY GOSH! Your journal is totally amazing!!! and I agree with Meggy--they should be framed--they're gorgeous!!!

  19. Hi Val, wow what a great Van Goghess you are. LOL
    Loving the colours and the transparencies really make it all POP.
    Sorry been lax on commenting, been crazy this last month. Thank you for posting comments on my challenge this month. One more to go...

  20. I bet it is so much fun to create after you moved things around. I think it lets creativity flow.. Your Van Gogh Journal pages look AMAZING..


  21. Van Gogh... are you kidding me, these pages are fantastic, Valerie! :]

  22. I absolutely adore this Van Gogh page! Awesome! :)

  23. Oh my stars... this is fantabulous! Have you heard of the new Art Journal Cafe?


  24. The journal pages are fantastic very Van Goghesq ! As for the drawer episode well six years indeed..... better late than never ! Your card is a vision in pink and purple love the threaded ribbon.


  25. These pages are amazing Valerie. Really love them. Wow! Such a pretty card.
    Regards Florence xx

  26. Oh I love your Vincent pages! Yes you should definitely do similar again...wowzer!


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