Thursday 3 May 2012

A Tag and a Bookmark

Hi you all! The good news first: I didn't manage to break anything else yesterday! My toe is still sore, probably will be for a few days (weeks??), but I will have to try to get a shoe on later, as I need some shopping. I am not quite sure how I am going to get down the stairs and drive to the supermarket, but I am sure I have solved worse problems before....
I did some painting - which will be revealed on Friday - and a bit of crafting yesterday, and spent the rest of the day lounging around, reading on my Kindle and watching old *Inspector Barnaby* DVDs, so made the most of my day of rest.

The tag is a very simple one. The background colours have been stamped directly from the stamp pads, using wild honey and 2 shades of green, and the clocks (LaBlanche) have been stamped with Archival olive and then embossed. I added a little square of left over stamped card, and 2 flowers. I am linking to *Artful Times*, where the theme is *time*.

The bookmark has been made with a chipboard cat from my stash, inked with Archival Olive and embossed with my *Dirty-Mix* embossing powder - different powders which have got mixed, with some perfect pearls in different colours, and probably some dust from the floor; something like home-made factory-floor sweepings. I hate to waste leftovers.... I fixed a striped ribbon to it with ds tape, and sandwiched the other end of the ribbon into a card cut-off, which I stamped with different friendship quotes.

I'll be back tomorrow with the latest news of Cissie and Jason, so hope to see you then! Have a good day, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Beautiful tag and bookmark! Perhaps you should put your shopping off for a few days? Whatever, please be careful! Hugs, Sarah

  2. What beautiful work the tag and the bookmark is just so cute!
    Do take care when out and about.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. love your recipe for "dirty mix" embossing powder! lol

  3. Great projects Valerie....ouch your toe sounds painful, hope you are ok and able to get about a bit more today.


  4. Gorgeous projects, love how you made the bookmark.
    Hope you manage a bit better today with getting about. Your toe sounds real painful, take care and don't argue with any more doors.
    Yvonne x

  5. pretty tag Valerie and I love the pussy cat bookmark. Don't overdo it today! Take care, Suze. xx

  6. Love the block stamping on your tag and the cat bookmark is adorable especially shown against the week. Hope your toe is getting better. x

  7. I love that kitty! And quotes are just perfect! :)

  8. Lovely time tag and cat bookmark.

    Thanks for playing along with us over at Artful Times this week.

    Sam xxx

  9. Morning Valerie. Fab tag. Love those friendship quotes you have used.
    Take care,
    Florence xx

  10. Hope your toe heals quickly! Love the stamping layers on your tag!

  11. You never fail to amaze me! Even with a broken toe, you still manage to create such beautiful work! And selfish me, I'm glad to hear that we'll be getting another Cissie/Jason installment :D
    I love those quotes too, I'll have to borrow the second one for my Round Robin- it's perfect!
    "Feel better soon" Hugs,

  12. Love the tag, has the look of fabric the way you stamped it. The cat is adorable, love how the stars are punched out too. If your foot is too swollen for a shoe you might try cutting an old slipper (one with a more than a cloth bottom), cut it from the top of your ankle down to your toes. Then punch some holes where you cut it add a shoelace and you can tighten it enough not to fall off. I made a few pairs for my MIL to go to the doctors office in when her feet would swell up. Hope you get out OK.

  13. I LOVE that bookmark! So fun!

  14. Hi there, You've got lovely texture from your stamping on the tag, time is a great theme and your tag is brilliant. Super bookmark! Do they have online grocery shopping in Germany? I'm sure that just for once you could get it delivered and save your poor toe. Good Luck! Gay xx

  15. Oh I LOVE your bookmark! I've been wanting to make something like this for my Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown books I collect. There's a crochet pattern similar to try, but I just haven't gotten around to that yet, but I like the paper version just as much! Really sweet! I'll have to free-hand one like yours, if you don't mind my copying?.. eventually anyways.. I'm always so busy with so many different projects lately! Dear Daughter is celebrating a birthday here tomorrow night, so housecleaning, baking and cooking will be my "projects" for now! Have a great day! ((hugs)) ~tina

  16. Loving your tag and bookmark. Hope you manage to get to the shops OK. x

  17. Thanks for commenting on my tangled flowers for day 3 in May - you're right, it was more time consuming than I expected; mostly because I kept adding stuff I guess. Then I found myself thinking....this is taking a LONG time - am I done yet? :)

  18. Hope you got your shopping done Valerie and that it wasn't too painful to get your shoe on and drive.
    Beautiful tag and bookmark and glad to see a fellow Harlan Coben fan too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  19. Beautiful tag and I love the bookmark and quotes. Glad you are adjusting to the toe, sort of.

  20. Sounds like a great reason to stay indoors and play. hope your toe heals quickly! Beautiful tag!
    hugs Lynn

  21. Love everything on this post!! The tag the kittie the quotes !

  22. Love both the tag and bookmark! Very cute kittie and such a great idea! Have fun!

  23. Hi Val, first of all thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting on my faces. (HUGs)
    Love how you did that tag pad directly to paper, what a great effect. Again I are the Queen of Tags....wear your crown proudly
    Love bookmark with kitty too. Take care of that toe....ouchy

  24. Oww love the patchwork effect in the background fab tag Valerie :)
    Thank you for joining us at Artful Time
    Von x♥x

  25. Hope you are soon feeling much better but the enforced rest has given us a lovely tag to look at for the challenge over at Artful Times. Love how you have composed this.
    Hugs, Neet x

  26. I love the little cat very much - I'm cat mad!! This is a very pretty project with a fab background.

  27. Super pretty time tag - hope your toe gets better soon! cx


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