Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Tag Tuesday and some Vintage Images

Good morning. It's tag Tuesday again, and I have a tag of sorts ready. Yesterday was really cool here, but the weather men have promised that the weather is going to warm up from today - but before we get excited, it's going to pour as well. But it will be warm rain. And it should get cold again in time for the weekend - lovely prospects!
I went out yesterday, as I had an appt at the doctor's. I found some very ancient shoes it my cupboard, which I managed to squash my feet into to, so didn't have to go in my old slippers. But it was still painful, although when not squashed into a shoe, it does feel better. But the best thing was the wonderful feeling of relief when I got home and kicked my shoes into the corner....
At Tag Tuesday the theme this week is baking. I leafed through one of my old volumes of the 'Housewife's Magazine' from 1899 and found some nice adverts and images. I chose a very serious one from Dr Oetker's Baking Powder - still on sale today! The ad has a black frame round it, which reminds me of the cards they send here when somebody has died. I glued the image to a piece of scrap card, and framed it with some golden paper lace usually used to put round cakes. As the husband is sitting there reading instead of praising his wifey for baking him such a nice 'Rodon' cake, I added a text to show what she is thinking, 'If I'd have known he'd be reading I'd have burnt the cake, burnt the cake, burnt the cake....' The German text underneath the ad says that Dr Oetker baking powder only costs 10 Pfennigs and can be used instead of yeast, and gives an unbeatable flavour. And if you only use this brand, your cakes will always be successful. You can get free recipes from good firms and from the chemist too! I suppose it used to be a commodity which was sold at the chemist's.

The following images are all food related, and you are very welcome to download and use them.

Nestle's baby milk;

Albert's cakes:

Suchard cocoa:

Müller's invalid stout - especially recommended for people who are sick, reconvalescent and nursing mothers....

Have a good day you all, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Warm rain? Things are looking up!!!!

    It was cold enough here yesterday to put a match to the fire! We were meant to be going out but I crocheted granny squares, played scrabble and generally lazed about instead. The sun did come out for a bit in the afternoon so we walked to the shop for a bit of fresh air.....

    I love how you have used the band that normally goes around the cake for your background.

    Such fantastic images.

    Hope your toe is soon back to normal.


  2. Thanks for the images Valerie!
    I still have to make my tag for this week.
    I love yours!
    Hugs xx

  3. Thanks for the images Valerie!
    I still have to make my tag for this week.
    I love yours!
    Hugs xx

  4. Love your tag, but I wonder if a brave Victorian housewife would have dared to make fun of her lord and master?! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Oh my... oodles of wonderful images, thank you for sharing.
    Always a pleasure visiting for blog, Valerie. :]
    Clever idea, using the paper doily... I love it!
    Happy Tuesday!

  6. Great images Valerie and yes I have some of that baking powder in my cupboard. Have a nice Tuesday. xx

  7. Love all these vintage stuff. :) Baby is adorable!

  8. Lovely creation Valerie and glad you managed to get out. Still cold here at the moment and looking like rain too.
    Great vintage images so thanks so much for those.
    Have a good day too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. Good to hear you got out Valerie. Loving the story behind the tag and the great images. I like Dr Oetkers Pizzas, I wonder if they are made by the same company..... x

  10. Yes they are! I love them, too!

  11. Good to read tou are getting about. loved reading your post its a great piece and thank you for the images.
    Yvonne x

  12. Gorgeous tag, Valerie!

    Thanks for the awesome ads!

  13. lovely images. love the vintage apron. Thanks!!

  14. WonDERful tag- I LOVE the quote you added, so perfect! Thanks for the smile!

  15. Ah, my first smile for the day! LOVE your tag, and thank you for the images you shared too.. I think my favorite was the apron! ((hugs)) ~tina

  16. Glad you're feeling better, Valerie! your images are wonderful and so is the tag.

  17. Sorry to hear your foot is still sore. Great images xx

  18. Lovely tag, love your humor about the burnt cake too! Hope your foot gets better soon. Thanks for sharing the images too!

  19. So nice to hear you got out, so sorry to hear it was a still a bit painful. Love you tag. and these images are great!

  20. Shoes can be a real pain when you don't have foot pain!! Wonderful tag and what great images to share! Take care and hope your weather is lovely today!

  21. beautiful vintage tag! Hope your toe gets better soon, it can't be easy for you!

  22. Love your tag and thanks for sharing the images. I hope your toe mends quickly!

  23. Great tags, as always - and even though I don't use vintage ephemera, these are really cool images.

  24. Cool images. Love the humour on your tag. Hope you have a good day. x


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