Sunday, 8 May 2011

Sketch Sunday, Less is More and Mothering Sunday

First of all Happy Mothering Sunday to all Mothers. I know this is celebrated on a different day in England, but I am sure all mothers everywhere deserve to be praised and valued for what they do. And a special greeting to all mothers who are alone today, who have lost their children through illness, accidents, wars, or whatever, and to those who have just been forgotten by their families, as I know how this hurts.
It's a sunny and very warm day here, a few days ago we were shivering with icy temperatures and today it's summer. I'm sitting on my balcony, typing, drinking my coffee, and listening to the Church bells ring. A jay and a magpie are trying to get the last remnants of bird food out of my winter feeder - one sits here, pecking frantically, while the other is on a branch, hopping anxiously from one leg to the other and hoping that the other will leave something over....
Today is Sketch Sunday over on Blue Chair Diary.
I have 3 pictures to show. One is a card I made for my Mum back in 1951 - the date is on the back - when I was 4 years old:

The second picture is one also made many years ago, at school, when I was in the fourth year at grammar school. It is a simple pencil drawing of a still life.

And the last one is a sketch I made 2 years back while in Noordwijk in Holland. I bought myself a drawing pad and a black felt tip pen and sketched the view while sitting in the dunes looking down at the beach early one morning.

And now to *Less is More*. The challenge this week is white on white. Sigh! White cards do look elegant, but they are not really my thing. Anyway, I have tried, and made 2 cards, both with an embossed dotty background, white ribbon and some dimensional elements in the form of a rose and butterflies. I did add some embellies - two pearls on one, and some tiny beads on the other; I hope I will be forgiven for these excesses!

Okay, that was it for today. Thanks for looking, take care of yourself and have a great day!


  1. Happy US Mother's Day to you!
    We had our turn in March!
    I love your pictures from way back, thanks for sharing and your White on white cards are charming. I love those butterflies and of course pearls are allowed!
    Thanks for joining us again!
    Lady LIM
    "Less is More"

  2. Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day. I love the card you made your Mum - so nice to still have it! Great pictures.

    And your LIM WoW cards are lovely - I really like the texture and the butterflies too!

  3. Lovely cards - love the embossed backgrounds and the butterflies

    Happy Mothers Day to you too


  4. Well your talent was shining through at an early age Valerie, and how great that you still have the card. Your LIM cards are so pretty, I particularly love the rose and so appropriate for Mother's Day. Have a lovely day. Suze x

  5. Gorgeous cards Val - the butterflies and rose look beautiful.
    Happy Mother's Day to you too.
    Hugs xx

  6. You have Jays right on your doorstep! so jealous LOL they are lovely but the ones round here are very shy usually just a quick glimpse as one flits from tree to tree.

    Great life span of drawing you must have arrived with a pencil in your hand LOL Your white cards are charming even if they are not your thing XOXO Zoe

  7. Zoe, you might be right about arriving with a pencil - when I was about 2 I got punished for drawing *pictures* on the walls at my Aunt's house! She never tired of complaining about it!

  8. Hi Valerie
    I love how you pack so much into a post.
    White on White - what a challenge this is!!! Your card is full of grace and beauty ... gorgeous.
    I have a similar story regarding sketching. It is a bit shameful as I am such a lover of books and if anyone did this to my books I wouldn't be too happy. I would (I was very, very young) always look for paper to draw on (scribble actually) and used my sister's Andy Pandy books - 8 years between us. She continues to bring this up at every opportunity lol. Here is the funny thing, I am the book lover and she isn't. I say, when you gotta draw, you gotta draw. Thankfully I was never punished as my Mum would say to my sister that she shouldn't have left her books out within easy grasp of a toddler.
    It is precious you have the card you made your Mum back in 1951 - that is very special.
    Sorry for such a ramble!!

  9. White on white might not be your thing but those cards are gorgeous. Love the textures and 3D effect.

    Sweet picture you did when you were 4, very precious memories.

    Happy Mothers Day to you too, Valerie.


  10. Happy Mother's Day to you
    Your cards are lovely, texture on white looks so FAB!
    Great to see your artwork from your schooldays I regret never going to collect mine, I can remember som eof the projects vividly
    Thank you!
    Diva LIM mandi
    Less is More

  11. Thank you for sharing those special cards you made for your mother and the fab drawing. Your white on white cards are beautiful Valerie. Enjoy your day. Annette x

  12. Happy mothers day to you to being British but living in Greece can celebrate both day's but then again could If I pointed this out to my kids ! Beautiful cards for `the LIM challenge don't think I have seen you do white on white before and you do it so well. Your sketches are perfect the first one is so touching an am amazed you still have it . I see from a young ange your talent was obvious.


  13. Happy Mothers Day to you, I love each one of your drawings, I wish I had some of mine when I was younger, it's great to look at childrens art. Have a lovely day xx

  14. Your early year creations are fantastic! I couldn't do that now :)

    The white on white cards are gorgeous, Valerie!

  15. Happy Mothers Day to you! Loved the early sketches and the darling note from yr child. So happy that is warm and sunny there, that always puts on a smile.Have a beautiful day. take care, gerri

  16. The cards you made your mom are very sweet and the sketch from grammar school is fantastic. Love the white on white cards you made, they would make lovely wedding congratulations cards.

  17. How sweet you still have the mothers days cards from your childhood and they are great! I am with you with the white on white I bet there are some great cards though and yours are just the first I have seen ;0)

    Love Dawn xx

  18. Hope you have a Happy Mothers day. Love the drawings from your school days. Your white cards are gorgeous, loved the addition to the butterflies. Yvonne x

  19. Oh how sweet! She saved the cards! What a wonderful memory you have. Happy Mother' Day! :-)

  20. Fabulous cards love the flower on the second one. Love your pictures especially the first when you were very young. I have saved my Mothers Day cards from my children and they make me smile evry time I get them out.
    Lynne xxx

  21. Gorgeous card :-) the embossing and butterflies are lovely :-)

    how fabulous that you still have your artwork from when you were 4 !! it was very thoughtful of your Mum to save them !! :-)

    Lols x x x

  22. love your white on white, Valerie. Looks like you were always artistic. Have a great day! The weather's nice here too.

  23. Two lovely cards. Carol x

  24. Happy Mother's Day to you. Lovely work.

  25. Good morning, Valerie. How lovely to have a card you made for your Mom at that age. Your still life is wonderful ... The two white cards are splendid. Love the rose. Hope you are making yourself a great day ... take good care. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  26. Wow! Beautiful card. Love the past artwork creations! Happy Mother's Day!

  27. Hi Valerie,
    Oh, what a beautiful post! and I love seeing the card you made for your mom--it is sooo special!! Sending (((hugs))) your way,

  28. Lovely cards and fun to go back through your sketches! You even kept them from age 4? Cool.

  29. there is something wonderful about embossed white paper! Love seeing all your arts.

  30. Wonderful sketches and memories! Thanks for sharing! Love the card too!

  31. Happy Mother's Day to you too!
    Such wonderful artwork! Thank you for sharing, what a treat :]

  32. Happy Mother's Day - i love the fact you still have the artwork! excellent. the butterfly cards are soooo beautiful...i love white on white! enjoy the day

  33. I popped by yesterday & my 'comment' wouldn't load... so I came back to wish you a Happy Mother's Day and tell you your post is a beautiful & thoughtful addition and your new work is different and more skilled but holds all the magic of your childhood creations :)

  34. Love your white on white cards! Yes they were difficult...but so elegant! Love your sketching too! I try my hand at drawing sometimes...just not very good at it!

    Happy Mother's day to you today too!

  35. Happy mothers day to you! It looks as if you have ALWAYS been an artist.

  36. What fun to look back at the wonderful things you've created along your art journey. Thanks for visiting my blog today! By the way, I love the white on white card!

  37. Happy Mother's Day! What fabulous drawings!! Beautiful cards, like the white on white with the butterflies :)
    thanks for the inspiration!!

  38. Just love the all white cards. The dimension and details are lovely. Thanks for yr sweet words today. take care, gerri

  39. What a sweet Mother's Day memory :) I hope you had a great day :)

  40. Very pretty cards, love the embossing panels.

  41. A beautiful white on white card Valerie and I love your sketches. It's lovely that you've still got pictures that you did when you were a child, there's nothing of mine left but I've kept every piece of art that my kids have done.
    xxx Hazel.

  42. So nice to have something so important from your past.That Mother's Day card is just certainly had the talent visible then. Hope you had a great Mother's Day Val and those butterfly cards are just beautiful! All very lovely art.

    Annabelle >^..^<

  43. Hello there Valerie, Gorgeous creations every time I visit, no exception, beautiful card for the LIM challenge:0) xxx

  44. Oh, I love the white on white cards. Just beautiful.

  45. really lovely, love the addition of pearls you are a rebel good luck and well done x


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