Monday 9 May 2011

A Mixed Bag for Monday....

Good morning everybody. Hope you are all well rested and fit and ready to begin this new week. The weather has changed here, still warm, but overcast and windy. I love listening to the wind blowing in the trees, and watching the braches swaying backwards and forwards and shaking their leaves.
Yesterday I did a lot of crafting - what else? and would like to share three things with you today.
The first is an inchie card that I am entering into the *Size does matter* challenge at *Just for fun* .
I have stamped my Mona Lisa with Stazon black onto some white card and reduced her to 9 inchies. After mounting them, I have made her part of a a rather wild birthday card. Hope she enjoys the party!

The second card has been made for the Poppy Challenge at the *Stampman* Blog.
The stamp used is from LaBlanche. It has also been stamped in Stazon black onto ceramic card, and coloured with water colour pencils.

Inside I have put a poem from Geoffrey Anketell Studdert Kennedy (1883-1929) called
*Missing -- Believed Killed: On reading a Mother's letter*. Kennedy was an Anglican priest who was better known as *Woodbine Willy*, because during WWI he used to crawl through the trenches, bringing the soldiers not only spiritual comfort, but Woodbine Cigarettes. Here is the poem:

'Twere heaven enough to fill my heart
If only one would stay,
Just one of all the million joys
God gives to take away.
If I could keep one golden dawn,
The splendour of one star,
One silver glint of yon bird's wing
That flashes from afar;
If I could keep the least of things
That make me catch my breath
To gasp with wonder at God's world
And hold it back from death,
It were enough; but death forbids.
The sunset flames to fade,
The velvet petals of this rose
Fall withered -- brown -- decayed.
She only asked to keep one thing,
The joy light in his eyes:
God has not even let her know
Where his dead body lies.
O grave, where is Thy victory?
O death, where is Thy sting?
Thy victory is ev'rywhere,
Thy sting's in ev'rything.

I will be sending the card in to the Stampman Poppy Appeal.

And lastly, I altered an oval metal tin, which I was given a couple of years back, and has since been slumbering in one of my desk drawers, waiting to be changed....
The tin is made of silver coloured metal. I painted the top with white acrylic paint, which I then stamped with music notes (Stamp is from LaBlanche) in Stazon black. Then I decorated it with flowers and beads, evidently still under the influence of Less is More *White on White*. Although this is definately more than less! But it was fun to make. There is an oval concertina album inside, so I think I will collect some bride pictures and fill it with them.
So, that was it for today. Take care, thanks for visiting, and have a great day!


  1. Three terrific projects Valerie, but adore your Poppy Card and the great verse. Enjoy your day. Annette x

  2. Yes, the Poppy Card wrenched my heart .. the verse so very poignant. Love the 'wild' card .. the the gorgeous little box. Have a lovely day, Valerie. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  3. The cards are very artistic ,especially the one with Mona Lisa!And the tin is perfect!You did a great job!
    Hugs Alex :)

  4. Lovely things Val, my DD just saw the tin and nearly went mad, we both love it! Hugs, Sarah

  5. All are beautiful projects Valerie but the Poppy card is so poignant.
    Hugs xx

  6. You must have been completely in the zone yesterday such glorious creations. your Poppy card is glorious fab stamp. White on White made over tin adorable will all the lovely little pearls and lace (?) flowers. And your inchie piece so much fun never seen a better reason for her mysterious smile than the party!

    Thank you for making Madonna's party and sharing with us at Just for Fun hope we see you again XOXO Zoe

  7. Beautiful creations Valerie. Love the tile effect with the inchies, your WoW tin is very pretty and feminine and your poppy card and poem very thought provoking. xx

  8. What a busy and productive day you had! I love the poppy card, your colours are lovely.

  9. Valerie,3 amazing projects and as others have noted a very poignant Poppy card,Such a beautiful poem too, your posts always make me smile
    Hugs June

  10. Good morning Valerie, fabulous projects, love all, poppy card's wonderful and it's really a beautiful poem:0) xxx

  11. Mornin, Valerie! Well Mona is one of my all time favorite gals, I love love love her, your card is totally awesome!

    Gorgeous poppy card and there you go again with one of your marvelous altered tin! You have had a busy productive day, my friend!

  12. These are wonderful Val,you never cease to amaze me with your creations. I saw the La Blanche stamp on QVC this morning...Chris xx

  13. HI Valerie
    I will work backwards.
    The altered oval dish is stunningly elegant, love this.
    The card, beautiful. I have some La Blance stamps and they stamp so well.
    The inchie- how did you manage to create such an imaginative piece on such a small scale - fabulous!

  14. lol well hope Mona enjoys the party a great piece for the Just for Fun challange :)
    Your poppy card is a stunner and the oval tin very stylish
    Von x

  15. Your beautiful poppy card and the very touching poem made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up ! The tin is fabulous so pretty and girlie and gorgeous, and as for your inchie I burst out laughing when I saw it, what does go on in that head or yours ! So very , very creative unusual and if that doesn't make her smile then nothing will.


  16. These are all so wonderful! The first card is such a wonderful mix of whimsy and classical! I love it!

  17. Lovely cards and the tin is wonderful, just right for a bride! Hugs, Barb

  18. A fabulous collection Valerie. I love the Mona Lisa card.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. More lovely things, love them all. ML looks really cool with the party hat! Hugs, T

  20. Gosh you have been busy

    Love the way you have used your inchies!

  21. Three fantastic projects. I love your Mona card, with her party hat. The poem is beautiful to go with your gorgeous Poppy card.
    The meat dish is just brill, I will looks at my meat joint diferently in future. Yvonne x

  22. Fabulous creations. You did have a good day. The altered tin is beautiful.
    Regards Florence.

  23. you are so productive, lovely stuff.

  24. Hi Valerie, I feel like I know you after following your comments on Donna's blog each day. I also find your comments on several other blogs that I follow. So today, I decided I had to find your blog and view your art. YOUR BLOG IS GORGEOUS with marvelous art projects. What talent you have! You are one busy lady and accomplish so much every day.

    Carolyn, Eagle, Idaho

  25. What wonderful art & crafts to share among us all, thank you!
    Very beautiful work :]
    I just ADORE the Mona Lisa card... amazing an inch, huh? WOW!
    Great stuff here.

  26. Such a nice creation. I like the little cup cake the best.
    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V
    ENT Surgeon and Avid Crafter

  27. Fantastic work on all of them xxx

  28. Fun Colors, pretty papers, these are all awesome! Love it! You never cease to amaze me with your talent!

  29. Your birthday card is fab, so bright and cheery

    Thanks for playing with us this week over on JFF

    Sam xxx

  30. all fab pieces , super inchies

  31. Lovely work on your blog - thanks for doing the inchie challenge on JFF. Love your quirky Mona Lisa - she is fab! Hugs, Neet x

  32. Fab projects, the poppy card is beautiful. Thanks for joining us at The Stamp Man. Sue C x

  33. Stunning work and i especially love the poppy card sooo beautiful and sharing the poem is so thoughtful too x Thanks for playing along with the stamp man challenge x


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