Tuesday 17 May 2011

An eye in the woods....

Yesterday I went for a walk with Emily, my friend's little four footed friend. We went through the woods, but it was all a bit spooky, as it was a dark and rainy day, and rather gloomy under the trees. Emily kept giving me unmistable signs that she wanted to go back home. Like slamming her brakes on, or trying to pull me in the opposite direction....And then I saw a TREE that was watching me. Yep, a tree! If you are now thinking that I am slightly/rather/completely mad - you could be right, but I did see it. I did! And here it is:

Anyway, I decided Emily was right and we should go back home!
On the way back I found some pretty, wild roses growing next to a heap of thrown away tyres next to a rather murky bridge under the motorway , and it always makes me wonder how beauty turns up at such unlikely places,

And I managed to finish one of the mini-books. I can only show you a sneak peek today, as it has to travel to its destination still - in the nice mail art envelope from yesterday.
I will show the rest after it has reached its destination.

And I made some bookmarks, there's a bookmark swap going on at Gingersnaps,with the theme *travel*. I think I will make some more though, as they are not quite as I envisaged.

The Paris ones have been stamped on the front, and for the back I used some Paris themed scrapbook paper, but there was no manufacturer's name on it. No embellishments this time as they might damage the books! And I have cut off the short ribbon-tail on the right one, didn't like it. But it was the last piece of red ribbon!

The London ones have also been stamped on one side and for the reverse I have used an old illustration of London life.
I will make some more with more exciting themes and then decide which ones to enter for the swap.
Okay, that was it for today, time for my next cup of coffee! Havea great day, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. The tree is peaking not watching at you!Hahaha!!!
    I'm inlove with the cover of the mini.It's perfect!And the bookmarks are great!

  2. Hey Alex, I never thought of that! But it was a creepy looking tree!

  3. Great picture of the tree and the flowers, thank you for sharing. The book looks stunning and loving your bookmarks. Enjoy your coffee, just off to get mine. Annette x

  4. Good thing you got out of there .. any minute that three would have jumped out and grabbed you .. tee hee. Awesome photograph .. feels spoooooky. Your mini is absolutely gorgeous .. love the pink. Great bookmarks. Paris and London Town .. sigh. Have a great day, Val. take care. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  5. That tree does look spooky - just as well you had a ferocious dog with you to protect you! ha, ha. The mini book is gorgeous, I do love the pink cover and the cameo. Great bookmarks, like the London ones best. Have a nice day. xx

  6. Ha ha! Spooky trees watching you! I would like to see the world with your eyes and imagination! Hugs, Sarah

  7. I think you must live in a magical enchanted land where other special magical beings live now come on you cannot deny it when you show us pictures of the woods like this one!

    Your Bookmarks will go to America and mine remain in the UK such a shame they are fabulous. XOXO Zoe

  8. Poor you and Emily! Spooky trees in dark woods ... maybe you should "branch" out and go to the park instead and "leaf" the tree well alone!!!

    Your mini book looks amazing - can't wait for a more detailed peep! Lovely bookmarks too.

    Hope you are having a lovely day!

    Hugs, Carole xxx

  9. That is one spooky tree and would make a brill little story. Your mini book is gorgeous and your tags are fab. x

  10. You do have an eye for taking pictures, Valerie!

    I LOVE that mini book, can't wait to see it all. Your bookmarks are fabulous too :)

    Have a super day, my friend!

  11. I especially enjoyed the first part of your post Valerie. I have a furry friend Bella who likes to "put the brakes on" and would love to walk her in that spooky forest. "it always makes me wonder how beauty turns up at such unlikely places"....GREAT thought.
    Your art always makes me smile:)

  12. Thanks Theresa! To make other people smile is always a worthy achievement!

  13. Love your eye-tree! I can imagine little Emily braking! Hugs, Barb

  14. Hi
    That tree is so spooky!!!!!
    Beautiful mini book and the bookmarks are fabulous.

  15. Love your bookmarks and the eye in the tree, truly amazing photo. Nature sometimes mimics so many things. :-)

  16. The tree was just keeping an eye on you and your four footed friend to make sure you had a pleasant visit in the forest. As usual beautiful creations I love that pink you use on your mini book covers. Fabulous tags each and every one. Enjoy the rest of your day.


  17. How spooky, Valerie, that tree does seem to be looking at something! Love your bookmarks, they really are fabulous, can't decide whether I like the Paris ones or the English ones the best, think it's a tie. Enjoy the rest of your day. CoB

  18. Hi Valerie, Ha ha spooky tree, great fun:0) You've been mighty busy again, so much to see, love all your art work, especially the mini book, pretty in pink, have fun;0) xxx

  19. Beautiful album and bookmarks! love the parisian ones! ;)

  20. That tree really is spooky - I think Emily was very sensible. :)
    Another gorgeous little book and I love the bookmarks - you know how much I love Paris!lol
    Hugs xx

  21. WOW! A spooky tree, pretty flowers and gorgeous bookmarks all in one day, not to forget the beautiful book.

    TERRIFIC, Valerie.

  22. Wow, I love your book and your book markers--they're so beautiful!!

  23. That tree really WAS looking at you!

  24. that looks like it was a lovely walk, scary about that tree lol.

  25. I think that tree was just wide eyed with wonder at all of your beautiful art!

  26. Loved your story today about yr magical woods. Loved the all watching tree.Your pink tag book is so very pretty. Cant wait to see the insides too. The book marks esp the London one was fabulous. You always create such wonderful things. take care, gerri

  27. Another beautiful book and love the bookmarks too! :)

  28. If you like blog candies, welcome to mine - http://ivanna.blog.com/01blogcandy/ :)!

  29. That tree sure did have an eye watching you. Love your bookmarks and book. Yvonne x


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