Sunday, 1 May 2011

Sketch Sunday.....

Good morning everbody! Well, it is half past ten here and I have just rolled out of my bed. Slept for nearly 12 hours, so I must have needed it, and I do feel better for it. Had a lazy day yesterday, just made an egg for an egg-swap I am taking part in, but this is really different, more a three dimensional canvas with an will see it soon, once it has arrived at its destination!
Today is Sketch Sunday over on sophia's *Blue Chair Diary*, so I have some sketches to show you, and then please look at the others who post their art their, it's really worth taking a peek.
I have gor 4 sketches out of a series which I called *Looking for a Hiding Place* to show you. They have all been drawn with wax crayons fron Caran-D'ache, a swiss firm who manufacture wonderful drawing and writing things.

I know these pictures do not conjure up a happy atmosphere, but they were made at a time when I was trying to think about some of the the things that had happened to me as a child, and how I felt then. And painting seems to have a very therepeutic working, at least for me.
On a happer note I played around with some pins and beads. I wanted to buy some decorative stick pins, but they are always so expensive, so I made some myself with some of the left-overs from album making. Here they are:

My table now looks a lot tidier, and I have a litttle supply of pretty pins for my next cards and albums.
So, here's wishing you all a great Sunday, hopefully together with your families and friends. Take care, and thanks for looking in!


  1. Good Morning Miss Valerie. Happy you are feeling better. Your sketches are most interesting and meaningful. Love the pins. Are they made out of jewelry head pin findings? Such a great idea. Enjoy your Sunday .. create something wonderful. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  2. Hi Donna, I used some pins I had over from my album kits, and just stuck on beads that i found. Thanks, I am feeling a bit better! <hope you are too!

  3. Hi Val, hope you are feeling better today! Go out and enjoy the lovely weather we are having! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Oh, Valerie your sketches make me feel quite frightened (which just shows what a great artist you are). Stick pins are super, glad you're feeling a bit better today (and you have a tidier desk to boot!). Have a lovely day. x

  5. Very powerful images in your sketches Val.
    Love the stick pins - a great idea.
    Hugs xx

  6. There are such emotion in those sketches. I'm glad it was helpful for you to do them. I love the little pins.

  7. Your sketches did prompt some feelings from my childhood, it is good to get them out and move on, so glad it helped you and in a round about way it helped me also. Your stick pins are lovely.

  8. What amazing sketches , where you an art teacher there seems no end to your talents, colours and images are terrific I can only imagine how you felt creting them as for your pins they are lovely. Good luck on reaching 100 ( Followers lol ), it's always a pleasure to visit.


  9. I am so glad you are able to use your art to help you work through your feelings... the results are powerful.


  10. Hi Valerie
    Art is always therapeutic and sometimes we are fully aware that it is connected with a time in our lives and other times it may not be so obvious. So long as you are in a better place at this point in your life.
    Beads and pins are always fun, aren't they? So rewarding making our own embellishments and I really love what you have made.
    P.S. Hope you have another good night's sleep.

  11. your therapeutic sketches are so inspired and creative. Love those pins too.

  12. It is always better to put into print, whether with words or images what is sitting in the mind and release it.

  13. Thanks Ladies, it does me good to see that others understand.

  14. Again, your sketches are amazing! I love your little pins, that's a fantastic idea, Valerie!

    So glad you had a good night last night. Enjoy your day today!

  15. I chose the seashell as my hiding it. The pins are great too.
    cheers, dana

  16. Love the pins!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. Your sketches are not "happy" but they are quite interesting and well done...I am glad they help you...
    The very first is a really interesting idea...
    Hope you have a wonderful May!

  18. Great sketches! It's nice to be able to work through emotions, etc, (especially from childhood) with sketching. art is very powerful! I love the seashell with the little girl hiding...very powerful.
    your pins are pretty, too! have a great day! xo

  19. I love how art can be made for so many reasons! Therapeutic being one of them. Interesting pieces.

  20. ~Such a strong story in these sketches.

  21. Your sketches are Interesting,Strong and well done! Glad your feeling better today Valerie!
    The beaded stick pins are pretty cool!
    Sending Love & Hugs, Tee

  22. I rather like your sketches!! And those pins are great! :0)

  23. Working through difficult feelings through your art sounds like a healthy thing to do. I like the idea of the girl making a safe and happy place inside the sea shell. The pins are really pretty, too!

  24. These drawings are very surreal...I love them!

  25. Very nice sketches and what a great way to release your story...we all look for a place to feel safe...and you have captured this essence wonderfully!

  26. Some very meaningful drawings Valerie.
    Loving your pins. Glad you are feeling better. Annette x

  27. Awesome sketches, a great way to express feelings. Your pins look super. Yvonne x

  28. I love the visual story telling that you have going on with your sketches! Pretty stick pins!

  29. Art can be great therapy. Your sketches certainly make one feel a little jittery, they are well done. Fun pins!

  30. Hi Valerie, glad you got such a good sleep, after reading yesterday's post it sounded like you needed it. I really love your pins, so clever to have made them, and so useful now that you have. Oh but the book is beautiful! also the more 'simple' book from yesterday, which is also stunning. I think your books are gorgeous and hope to see more. CoB

  31. Your stick pins are lovely! Sometimes are body just need a rest!

  32. those drawings are really touching and beautiful, and the pins are Lovely! :)


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