Friday 27 May 2011

Woohoo, It's Paint Party Friday again!

Good morning you all! Friday again, and that means another Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin. It 's been a windy and rainy night here, still seems to be rather blustery outside, but I slept likle a baby for 9 hours. Yesterday evening I visited my neighbour, and we feasted on cheese, crackers and ProSecco, a wonderful Italian fizzy wine, and It seems to give you a good night's sleep, too. I'm having light problems keeping the key board and screen focused, but I'm taking it slowly! And it's a party!!

Today I am sharing two more of my masks, one in cool blues and greens, the other in warm shades of orange and red. I love painting these faces, divided up into so many colour splashes, and every now and then I just get the urge to paint things in this style, so I do it!

And I made some more tags yesterday. The first one is for the *Spoon challenge* at *Blog Challenge Garden* where you need to make a tag with a spoon - a real one or a picture of one. I have used a spoon which I altered – and blogged – at the end of April. I have mounted it onto a tag, made from the packaging of some Prima flowers, it is a nice weight of cardstock and will not collapse when I put the spoon onto it. I just added a few floral rub-ons. The spoon shows an image of a distant relation taken back in 1916. The spoon is from my cutlery drawer, there are still way to many flying about there that never get used, so one by one they will be transformed....Watch this space!

And the two blue tags seem to be a hangover from the day before, they are just for fun.

That was it for today. Thanks for visiting, have a great day and take care!


  1. Those masks are looking at me Valerie so I had to scroll down quickly to get to the tags! Lol. The altered teaspoon is so pretty. Have a great Friday. xx

  2. Love your masks Valerie, great work as always, have a smashing PPF.
    Loving all your other makes as well busy lady.... Annette x

  3. I was thinking of tossing our old disgusting spoons... no longer, love the way you have given new life to the spoon & actually, all of this is fantastic :) Now I want to be invited over for that next bottle of fizzy wine LOL!

  4. No problem Sunshine, you can sleep on the couch afterwards! And it is amazing what you can do with the shabby old spoons which are not really ususable any more...

  5. Agree .. let's have a fizzy wine party ... perhaps we would all sleep. Such a novel thought! But I digress ... great masks - still think they belong on the front of live theatre programs .. very dramatic and wonderful. Altered spoons -- I've only seen this done once before. Love the concept, and yours is sooooo well done. Love your tags too .. must get on that and see what pops out. Yours are always to original. Have a lovely day, Valerie. Heaven only knows what you will be able to accomplish today after a great nights sleep! :o) Hugs from Mexico, Donna

  6. Donna, you would be most welcome, too - the couch sleeps 2! My head is still rather fuzzy, but never mind, it was worth it!

  7. I love the color pallet you chose for the both paintings. They are beautiful! The tags, too. :)

  8. Great pictures, Val, and I love the tags, too. DD's brthday present arrived safely, thanks, I will hide it till Monday! Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah and kids

  9. Love your colourful paintings. I see many things in them.

    I LOVE that altered spoon tag and of course your blue tags are gorgeous too, Valerie!

    All this with a fuzzy head, I am impressed :)

  10. Hi
    I'm not taking part in PPF this week but enjoying other PPF creations. Your marks are remarkable.
    Love the tags, the spoon tag is so unique.

  11. Your Spoon tag looks very feminine! Thanks for playing!!


  12. WOW WOW WOW your mask always amaze me they are brilliant. Spoon tag just adorable and then your last 2 tags very pretty, just love them all XOXO Zoe

  13. Your masks are fantastic - they remind me both of stained glass windows and the harlequin masks I imagine from the masked balls attended by the likes of Casanova!!

    Your tabs are lovely - I especially like the bird in a dress!!

  14. That bird in a dress is really cool! I love the blue tags Valerie, you could start a book with them! That spoon tag is awesome also!

  15. Loving them all my friend ... gorgeous spoon tag and beautiful art for friday
    hugs June xxxx
    ps thanks for joining in fun friday too !!

  16. Hi Val, more lovely work from you again. You all seem to be so talented. I would like to start a blog, but first I have to think about something I could put on it!? Hugs, Barb

  17. Oh, your spoon tag is gorgeous, Valerie, really lovely project. I look forward to seeing more altered spoons, but make sure you leave a couple for stirring your coffee! CoB

  18. What great masks and the spoon ides is fantastic! Love them all. Thanks Valerie, you are so talented. Happy PPF!

  19. Oh¡¡ I like these masks in red and blue ... Saludos

  20. Glad you slept well at last Valerie so it looks like the Prosecco is the key.
    Gorgeous artwork, love the bright masks, the spoon tag is just gorgeous as are those pretty tags.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  21. Good morning, Valerie. I took a couple of days off from blogging to actually get some things accomplished. Finished up a couple of cards and worked some more on little note cards for holiday gifts. Yesterday I repotted several house plants that were root bound.

    LOVE YOUR TAGS. Your spoon tag is my favorite. Altering spoons can be oodles of fun. I altered some and made charms a couple of years ago by cutting off the handles and adding theme related elements.

    We have more rain today so my yard work is on hiatus. Have a wonderful weekend.


  22. LOVE the spoon tag!!!! HAPPY PPF!

  23. Lovin' the bold colors of the masks! Snap, Crackle POPPIN! And your handmade tags are the best! Happy Friday!

  24. hello,
    your masks are wildly fun. nice to see the other things you have been making too.

  25. Wonderful vibrant masks! Reminds me of Venetian or New Orleans style masks - but bigger!

  26. The masks are really cool and The tags are georgeous. Have a great weekend.

  27. I really like the masks, especially the red one. The tags are divine!
    Happy PPF! Theresa

  28. Such a diverse artist!
    Happy Painting

  29. I love your masks! Reminds me of The Beast & A Dragon!
    And your Altered Spoon - Fab!! I like you added a relatives pic!
    The Spoon is Luscious!
    And the little bird in a dress tag is so neat! Lovin it! Hugs,Tee

  30. I really LOVE your masks! You've got me wanting to try them. They look like such fun! Great job on those.

    Your spoon tag is amazing! I never would have thought you could do anything so creative with a spoon! Nice touch that you added a personal memento inside.

    And that bird with a dress has stolen my heart. I love that tag! :)

  31. love your masks, so creative and colourful.

  32. Hi Valerie,
    I just posted your art on my magazine blog and if you get a chance, I hope you'll come to take a look! You're welcome to announce the feature on your blog, as well so your friends can visit!!! Wishing you a WONDERFUL weekend, my friend.

  33. love your mask paintings and your tags! you do great work! Happy PPF!

  34. Love your masks Valerie especially the blue one think I will try the prosecco instead of the jack it seems to give a funkier image.Great spoon tag very clever and colourful indeed. Hae a great weekend


  35. Congrats on being featured in Cindy"s magazine she definitely has an eye for talent !!


  36. The masks make me think of Mardi Gras, so vibrant! Happy PPF!

  37. Great colors in your masks..they are very unique! Happy PPF!

  38. I love the boldness of the colors in your masks! (You make me want to decorate some spoons :) )


  39. Adore the spoon tag! The masks are a wee bit scary I can't think what they remind me of though mmm but great work non the less

    love dawn xx

  40. Such a great variety! Love the colorful masks, the spoon and those darling tags. You are one talented lady!ps. I cleaned up the entry way for the pic! LOL. gerri

  41. the faces are great with with the warm and cool tones...a clever idea. love the tags, too! I like all of the layers you add to them! have a great weekend! xo

  42. the masks are very cool - an unusual style and SO vivid. do you start in the middle with eyes and just build shapes from there?

  43. I love your masks! So bold and colorful. Great job! Your spoon tag is really unique; I think it turned out wonderfully! Your fun tags are just that, fun! Love the bird in the dress, especially!

  44. Congrats Valerie on your feature at Whimsical Musings magazine!

  45. Wow,this is adorabe,,i love yuor mask,and the spoon tag is sooo pretty with the flowers,beautifull valerie.

    hugs and smile jeannette

  46. What fun projects! Looks like you thoroughly enjoy being a creative soul :)

  47. Wow I love those masks! They are awesome!!! And you tags are so beautiful!

  48. Hi Stav
    Glad to see that you are better and creating lovely work as always.
    Love all that you have done,but have not been able to leave comments on some. I was lucky I could leave this one. Not sure why it is locking me out. Still I glad I was able to leave this. Take care.
    hugs china

  49. Great colour pallettes for the masks. Cool tags! Very neat idea about the picture one. Lol at the last one. :)

  50. What a joy it is to see your artwork! I absolutely Love your spoon tag, you are so creative!!!

  51. Your tags are SO fun, and how can you not love a challenge with spoons? Love your work!! Happy PFF!

  52. Great spoon tag...very creative blog!!

  53. all of your tags, including the posts below, are sooooo beautiful!

  54. You have been a busy gal ....that blue mask is quite unique and entrancing, great work!!

    I just got your gift in the mail.....just lovely! Thanks so very, very much!Your work is beautiful and i especially adore the little dressed up birdie .
    Of course I love the owl you placed on the envelope.Hubby thought I had bought something on line....nope.....won it from a gal overseas....very first time blog winner! Lots of fun discovering all of your surprises you hid inside that envelope....loved every one of them treasures.

    Again thanks for the lovely gifts, will be using them in my art.


  55. WoW! Your art is original, I love the masks...and the tags...and cheese and crackers and Italian wine ☺ xo


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