Wednesday 30 March 2011

When the postman rings twice & other tales & pictures….

Well, this seems to be my lucky week. On Monday I got a parcel full of goodies from Dawn. Yesterday was a warm, sunny day; I was able to go walking along the Rhine, and saw some pirates getting ready to fire their guns onto our little township! You don’t believe it?

And today the postie rang again. He was holding a big padded envelope from England, and looking at me….I knew what he wanted to ask – if he could have the stamps! No problem; that made 2 happy people. I dived into my kitchen and opened the envelope from Susie J, which was full of lovely surprises – a card, a tag, a wonderful ATC and an even more wonderful mixed media piece, all made by Sue. Thank you soooooooooooooo much!! More lovely things for my arty kitchen. I want to get the whole wall filled bit by bit with things I have made, and which some of my lovely friends have made for me. I spend a lot of time in my kitchen, as I do all my crafting there, and it is good to be surrounded by so much creativity. And some *toys* for me were also in the envelope – a round tin with a concertina album in it, a little key chain house album, and some images from Crafty Individuals. Yoohoo, more excuses not to do more than the absolute bare necessities of h*******k. (Sorry for the swear-word!)

And this is the canvas I am entering into the challenge on *Paint Friday*, a mixed media piece which I have been making over the past couple of weeks, using pictures of my family, and some of me as a little girl – can you spot them? The canvas has been painted with white gesso, covered with strips of ancient magazines, and the pictures have been added partly with transfer medium from Ranger, partly with gesso. I then put more gesso over everything, and wiped some parts clean to highlight the pictures. The text, from one of Bob Dylan's wonderful songs - has been printed onto vellum.

And before I shut up for today, here is a little reminder for you. Tee is organizing a vintage egg challenge. Well, the eggs don’t have to be vintage, they can be made of plastic or whatever, but they should look it when you are finished with them. Tee is also offering a prize to the winner, so ladies, start laying those eggs – pardon me, I meant, start playing those eggs, get eggcited and get your eggcelent eggs over to Tee’s eggceptionally lovely blog!

Thanks for looking, big thanks to all who take the time to leave a comment, and have a great day whatever you are up to!


  1. I love your stories, Valerie!And I would like to see some pictures of your arty kitchen!!!
    Have a nice day!:)

  2. You have been really lucky again! And the Rhine looks so lovel, in spite of the pirates. And I love that canvas you made!

  3. Fabulous canvas Val!
    Pleased the parcel arrived safely.
    Sue xx

  4. Great canvas, and lovely goodies that you got! Hugs, Barb

  5. A big batch of goodies and projects :) The pictures are amazing and I can't believe those nasty pirates!!!

  6. I'm so delighted for you (and for your postman - the one that gets you out of bed ;) )! What a lovely parcel to receive full of creative goodies.

    Love your canvas too - maybe if my Crafty Corner was in my kitchen I too could do more messy crafting!

    Would love to see some pics as your wall progresses!

    Hugs, Carole xxx

  7. I left you a comment before & forgot to write my name! Sometime I am just in too much of a hurry! Lovely work, hugs, Sarah

  8. I love that you are creating a wall of art work both yours and your friends I think that a fab idear I have a hanger with art work from friends in my craft room to inspire me What a fab crafting parcel and glad the postman got a wonderful gift as well

    I too would also love to see some pics of your wall in progress and also love to contribute to it.

    fab canvas

    hugs alma xx

  9. Valerie I love your post(s).
    Your an inspiration! Creatively Fun, and Uplifting! Hugs Tee

  10. Lovely work and lovely gifts - enjoy! Hugs, T

  11. Terrific collage Valerie and some fabulous presents. Have fun. Nearly forgot, the photo of the Rhine is beautiful. Annette x

  12. Great mixed media and your stories too.:) See you on Friday's PPF.

  13. Fantastic collage, Valerie!

    You sure are keeping that postman busy :)


  14. This post cracked me up! Take cover from those crazy pirates. haha! hey, throw those "vintage" eggs at 'em! :0)


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