Thursday 17 March 2011

Gingersnap Challenge *Get to work* & some Black and White....

Yesterday I decided it was high time to start using all the bits and pieces I have been collecting for this month's them over at Gingersnaps. I have made a LO for GC93 *Get to Work*

The background paper is from K & Co, I had a whole stack of these lovely papers, and this is the last one, so it was hard for me to actually use it!
The main picture is from a Chicago office at the beginning of the last century.

I have added some vintage pics of a horse drawn bus in England, a gentleman on his way to work in a bowler hat, a man heaving sacks of coal,a man in a balloon - I think this image was a freebie from Dezina World - and on the right side, the elderly man with the stick is my great-great Uncle taken in Berlin in the 1920's. The telephone is a picture I printed, cut out, and glazed with glossy accents to make it nice and shiny. I used a crumpled up tag for the title, and that was it.

I won several auctions for stamps on EBAY last weekend, and one batch arrived yesterday - among them the 2 I have used here for these tags. I left them just black and white, as I thought this was most effective for the style of the stamps. The others will be shown bit by bit. I just don't know the manufacturer of the stamps, pity, as I like them very much.

The owl tag has some added hand doodling and a verse running round the edge . *A wise old owl sat on an oak, the more he heard, the less he spoke; the less he spoke, the more he heard - why can't we be like that wise old bird?*

The eagle was very appropriate for yesterday, as I spent most of the day watching eagles hatching out their eggs. The link for the web-cam was given to me by Jan - thanks a lot! It is so fascinating to be able to sit here and watch these wonderful birds in my own home, just great. And this tag is dedicated to them. I kept both the tags very simple ( still under the influence of *Less is more*!) and am entering them into the *Black and White* Challenge over on *Theme Thursday*

So, I'm off to watch those Eagles again....Have a great day, and thanks for looking!


  1. Lovely work again, Val, love your work LO, really interesting. Hugs, sarah & Kids

  2. Na, das hätte ich dann auf deutsch viel besser hinbekommen.
    Dein layout ist super geworden und das Tag gefällt mir auch sehr gut, Valerie.
    Danke für Deinen Besuch auf meinem Blog und dass Du Dich als Verfolger eingetragen hast. Ich trage mich auch bei Dir ein.

  3. Great LO and tag! Love all the detail you add to your projects. I'm so happy you're enjoying watching the eagles! Happy St. Patty's Day!

  4. Lovely layout! And your tags are fun!

  5. Love your LO and tags! Great work. Hugs, T

  6. WOW that is impressive to have a picture of your great uncle... Your works are lovely.
    thank you so much for the kind congrats at my blog. blessings~barb

  7. Loving all your creations! Love, Barb

  8. So gorgeous each and every one of them!

  9. These are brilliant, I love the way you have included your Great Great Uncle in your LO. Your tags are fab too, lovely stamps and I really like your doodling x

  10. Your work is stunning. The vintage photographs used in the first piece are so interesting -- love the Chicago office one ... and your grandfather! How lucky you are to have some photos. I've been an e-bay junky since I moved to Mexico --- trying to get a stash going again. Fun isn't it! Enjoy all life has to offer.

  11. Your LO for getting to work is outstanding Valerie and love your tags as well. Annette x

  12. This is an amazing entry for the World of Work challenge over at Gingersnap Creations. I'm fascinated with old photos and you have such a wonderful collage of them here. Helene

  13. hi Valerie, was only asking the other day on DC scrapbooking if anyone had heard from you, sad to hear you won't be on there anymore but I understand why. I have become a follower of your inspirational blog, your artwork is incredible, so beautiful and ethereal, hugs, Fi xx

  14. Wow! These are just gorgeous and make me want to find my vintage stuff.
    Fabulous work.
    Fliss xx

  15. Absolutely stunning layout! Awesome!

    Love the owl tag too. Thanks for playing the "Get to Work" Challenge at Gingersnap Creations!

  16. Everyone is just perfection, love them all.


  17. Love your project for the work theme over at Gingersnaps!! I really like the owl and the bird with the text inside of them!!


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