Friday 18 March 2011

Archaeological Findings in the Bottomless Pit

One of the themes over at Gingersnaps this month is Zentangle, a sort of repetitive doodling. I am not going to start doing this again, as I remember that I was addicted to these scribblings 20 years back, and filled several sketch books with them. I don’t think it was called anything then; people who saw it made comments like, *Well, if it helps….* So I decided to delve into the depths of the Hall Closet, AKA the Bottomless Pit, and look for them….
I found loads of forgotten treasures. Several new sketch books, canvases, paints, paper, ribbons galore, old photos, boxes and frames to alter and much more. But the sketch books I was looking for have not yet turned up, just a few pictures which were in a folder: a vase of flowers that I did when I was at school, some pictures painted at the beginning of the 1990s etc. So sooner or later I will have to climb onto my ladder and search the top compartment – help!
But something really sad happened while I was pushing and pulling to get at my things.
Really, really tragic.
Get your hankies ready, Ladies.
My iron (sorry to swear) fell from the top shelf and smashed onto the floor. I am thankful to say that it did not fall on me, but it broke into two parts, and as a little piece has broken off, I can’t fit them back together again.
And I can’t afford a new one just now, so – wait for it – now I really can’t do any i*****g any more! Do I hear you sobbing?? Or are you getting envious, ready to seize those irons and hurl them to the floor?
And the name of the manufacturer of the iron is *Hit Company*. Fitting!
It must have been my lucky day.
Anyway, here are some of the pics I discovered while excavating the dark depths:

The catty pictures have ben made using 2 different templates that I cut from card to mask the white areas, or, as in the seond picture, to mask the background.

This was a picture which I did on holiday at the North Sea, and tried to get the effects of the waves and stones and seaweed etc.

Well, that was it for today, more to follow, so watch this space! Thanks for looking and have a great day!


  1. Your doodles are fabulous Valerie and sorry to hear about the iron incident, or at least I think so!
    I have to say my own iron doesn't come out very often at this time of your as I tend to just put a top on and throw a jumper or cardi over the top so it doesn't matter if there are a few creases.
    Anyway, the shabby chic look is in!
    Have a great weekend.
    Fliss xx

  2. They are amazing , Valerie! I think you must prepare an exhibition with all of your work!!!

  3. Wow, some really great things here, I ma impressed! Hugs, Sarah

  4. I say go buy a lotto ticket, this is your lucky day! Love these, so clever the way the images are embedded in them. You really have a talent for this.

  5. Gosh, this is the kind of doodling I do when I'm on hold on the telephone, never knew there was a word for it! Nowhere near as good as these though, I esp love the 2nd cat pic with the masked background.

    What a sad day - I trust you will be holding some kind of ceremony to mark the sad passing of your beloved iron. Can we expect to see you all crinkly and creased from now on? lol. coB

  6. Cob, nobody has seen me anything other than wrinkled and creased for years - and I don't just mean my face!! Why do you think my iron was in the BP?

  7. You doodle like no other..gorgeous!

  8. Your doodles are fab Valerie, I can see how they must have been addictive back in the day, especially since you were producing such stunning results!

    And as for the iron ... I somehow don't feel that it will be mourned for long ... unless there is a crafty use that comes to light!!!

    Hugs, Carole xxx

  9. Carole, you have given me an idea for some *unplugged* creations....

  10. Incredible Zentangles! As for the iron...I'm not even sure I know what one is. HA!

  11. Oh Valerie! I'm having such trouble recovering from your tragic news! It has affected me at a very deep level .... WOOOOO HOOOO! Quick, throw it away before someone comes up with a solution for fixing it. Put your cloths between a pile of books and 'press' them ... well, it works for flowers. :o) Your zentangles are amazing. I only just discovered this doodling art last year and have yet to really do anything with it, although it really fascinates me. Be careful when you go up the ladder ... there could be another heavy appliance lurking ... hugs

  12. Great work, love your zentangles, very clever! Hugs, Barb

  13. Wow! Fantastic Zentangles Valerie! Hugs Tee

  14. Your Zentangles are fabulous!!! Love the cat and profile of the woman!!! So creative!!

  15. All terrific doodlings Valerie and a great idea to use templates. Annette x

  16. Wow, your doodlings are fantastic, love the cats.

  17. how sad that you cant iron anymore... and faced with a choice of crumpled clothes or less money for craft lovelies - I know which I would chose. I love your doodlings.

  18. These are fabulous, love Carole S

  19. Have you seen the badge on my blog re ironing? haha so tragic about the iron but really grateful it didn't land on your head! These tangles are incredible. I took a 2 hr workshop a couple of weeks back and understand the process now but not sure I want to "post" any of my newbie work.

  20. OMG, you never cease to amaze me! These zentangles are absolutely magnificent, Valerie!

  21. Wowzers! Your blasts from the past are awesome!


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