Friday 25 March 2011

Shadows of the Past and a challenge card

Hi you all, good morning from sunny Rhineland. It's been good weather all week, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming and the trees are starting to get a whiff of green - spring! For the weekend we have been promised rain, but I suppose nature needs it, and we can be thankful for the lovely week we had after the long, hard winter.

Today I want to show you a small (6”x6”) canvas I made this week. After giving it a base coat of white gesso, I stamped TH’s *Countdown* onto some thin, hand made paper with clear ink and embossed it with copper.
I stuck it onto the canvas with mod podge and let it dry. Then I used Ranger Matte medium to transfer various vintage family photos onto the canvas. As I just use ordinary inkjet prints, they look faded and grungy, which is an effect I like. I placed some stamped script, also embossed with copper, on top of it, and went over the whole canvas with diluted gesso, which I then wiped off with a damp cloth so that it just gave a sort of foggy effect. Then I used some Inka gold & copper around the edges, and it was finished. I like the shadowy look of the finished canvas, and have called it *Shadows of the Past*.

The second piece is a card made for the *Try it on Tuesday* Inchy challenge. I have made a simple, one layer card, with three inchies – or rather one-and-a-half-inchies - printed in three shades of yellow and stamped with some fashion motives in archival black and clear embossed. I added a Bosskut sentiment and 4 gem stones. Finished!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for looking!


  1. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and I really love your canvas with the transferred photos (bit spooky too as I've just been looking at my vintage family photos for a project - got distracted as usual by a photo of my grandmother at about 17 as my younger daughter is the absolute image of her).
    Love the clean and simple look of the card too.
    Glad you have Spring weather and hope you have a lovely weekend too.

  2. This is a great canvas with your old family pics. Like the card too! Have a good weekend, Hugs, Sarah

  3. Love the 'shadows of the past' piece, Valerie! Such amazing results you get. Have a fun weekend!

  4. Smashing projects Valerie. Annette x

  5. Love both pieces, the canvas is stunning! Hugs, Barb

  6. That canvas is awesome! I love the effect, it is so cool!

  7. Thanks Ladies, it was fun to make, too!

  8. Your canvas is so GORGEOUS!!!! I love it!

  9. Your canvas is like a surrealistic ghost picture, I LOVE it!!Hugs, T

  10. Hi Valerie, I've been catching up on your latest posts...can't believe how busy you've been creating and blogging, I've only been off-air a few days! lol. Too many posts to comment individually when energy is dwindling, so will just leave one on this post. Loved reading about Creativa and seeing your pics - had to smile at your calling it 'your haul' like you've been on some sort of hunting expedition, but then i suppose it IS like that, he he. Lucky you, it sounded like a fabulous day, well worth the achey feet. Your latest creations are amazing, I particularly love the masculine Less Is More card, and the ones with the big cats are stunning. Oh, and this canvas, so ghostly and ethereal, I think it's lovely. I think my favourite project is the altered jewellery, such a lovely piece and I agree with you, the crack in the glass simply adds to the charm. Nice to catch up on your latest posts, petal. CoB

  11. interesting canvas kind of spooky


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