Tuesday 1 March 2022

The goddess of spring - new challenge at AJJ

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ and this time I am hosting with the theme of  

🌼🌺🌼 SPRING 🌼🌺🌼

When I think of spring I think of new life, rabbits, flowers blooming again , green grass, trees sprouting new leaves, being able to play and enjoy time out of doors and in the garden - the possibiities are endless. Use spring colours, or make a spring collage or painting -just have fun! I hope to see lots of you joining in the challenge. For the dreaded rules please see our blog! I have made an A3 face painting, showing the goddess of spring, wth flowers in her hair:

I was very sick for a few days, and din't get round to much, but I think I'm feeling better now!

Some spring flowers from past years:

Have a great day, enjoy the new challenge, and I am looking forward to seeing your spring offerings!

Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your spring flower lady is beautiful. She certainly has flowers in her hair. It's a lovely face, too. She certainly knows what flowers bloom in spring. Thanks for sharing this first entry with us at Art Journal Journey using your theme, and thanks for hosting this month.

    the spring flowers from years past are wonderful. My favorite is the photo of those steps with baskets of spring flowers planted in them.

  2. So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Hope you have recovered by now. Beautiful art piece with flowers in the lady's hair. Nice sky shots. Spring flowers are cheerful.

    1. Thanks Nancy, spring is a wonderful time. Hugs!

  3. Hi Val, good morning. Just a quckie, chaos reigns here still. Your art is fabulous!I am backwards and forwards between here and Leah's all day. Tak care, hugs, Sarah

  4. Well, I love this but faces? Not my strong suit. I'll have to think of another spring-y theme for a page LOL! Yours is lovely and a great challenge.
    Happy Journaling!
    Mary Anne

  5. Happy March Valerie. I love your goddess of spring. She is lovely and I do love all the flowers in her hair. And I see she is celebrating by wearing her gold jewelry. Sorry to hear you didn't feel well, but glad you are on the improve. Take care please. And I'm looking forward to seeing some spring art. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks so much Erika, glad you like her! Spring art will surey be loely. Hugs!

  6. Good morning Valerie: I am of course totally entranced by your Goddess of Spring, but I am finding it hard over the past day or two to get over my sadness at the events in Ukraine, and I feel a sense of morbid desperation that mankind has not evolved beyond this, and that we stubbornly refuse to learn the lessons of history. It is terrifying that our systems of government permit one insane dictator to place the entire world under nuclear threat, while inflicting incredible savagery and barbarism on an innocent, peaceful neighbour. Furthermore, it disgust me more than I can possibly express, that the former President of the United States is openly expressing support for this invasion, with support from his many Republican sycophants, and a cheerleading corps of right-wing radio stations, and religious fanatics predicting Armageddon and welcoming it. It is very difficult to believe that humans are an enlightened species, as some might claim. It moved me to tears to hear President Zelensky say that he can no longer say good morning or good evening to his fellow citizens, for no day is a good day any more, and for some it is their last. This is a very sad time for all of us. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Similar feelings here, too. It is totally scary. And as for Trump and his cronies and the fanatical religious groups - polite words fail me. Just a short comment today, it was a long day. Big hugs, Valerie

  7. Glad you are feeling better, Valerie! Your lady with the flower hair is so fun and so perfect for your very perfect March theme. Love all your flower pictures too. Hoping for continued good health! Hugz

  8. Beautiful Goddess of Spring, colours and design ♥

  9. She looks a beautiful Spring Goddess Valerie and it is a super new theme you have chosen for us at AJJ for March.
    Loved the spring photos and flowers as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne, have a great day, take care! Hugs!

  10. your art is truly like a Spring Lady:)

  11. Your goddess of Spring is beautiful Valerie! I love your photos too!

  12. What a lovely lady, with all those marvelous flowers. It must have taken some time to draw and paint each one. Amazing sky pics too. I love the sun breaking through the clouds.

    1. Th a Teresa. It took longer than I thought! Have a great week!

  13. A wonderful new theme and a lovely lady! Sorry to hear you were ill.

    1. Thanks Christine, have a wonderful week! Hugs!

  14. She is gorgeous with her floral hair and gorgeous springs colours Valerie..I'm starting Autumn and loving the cooler weather..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  15. Love your Spring Goddess with all her flowers. Good to hear you are better now.

  16. Well done on goddess of spring. Not much sign of spring in my area.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  17. A beautiful goddess, Valerie. Well done, my friend.
    She fits perfectly with your lovely photos.

  18. Hi Valerie, I hope that you are feeling better. Your art work as always is a joy to see and this artwork is so beautiful. Like a goddess of nature - Spring is on it's way. You have certainly managed to capture the essence of spring bursting into life changing our monochrome surroundings into technocolour.
    We just need to push to cold front away to make room for spring here lol
    Take care Michelle x

    1. It's cold here but sunny and the flowers are blooming!

  19. I'm sorry you've been sick :( I love the greens in your art. She looks ready to welcome Spring into her life :)

  20. I like that lady with all those flowers in her green hair. A true Spring Goddess!

  21. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  22. Beautiful pictures 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  23. Your lady is wonderful, and a great selection of photographs.
    Sending healing wishes.

    All the best Jan

  24. I love your Spring goddess and I absolutely love this theme. Sorry that you haven't been well-hope you are really on the mend now, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, things arent so easy just now!

  25. Your piece is the epitome of spring! And how glorious to see the forsythia and daffodils out. Soon!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Spring flowers are good for heart and soul!

    2. She is a perfect Spring goddess love the bench art. V xx

    3. Thanks Vee, the benches are super! Hugs!

  26. Love your lady, love the topic you have chosen for the challenge but do not like the fact that you have been poorly. I do hope that you start to improve soon Valerie.
    Your lady j is very beautiful and very inspiring with all her flowers surrounding her. It reminds me of the time when wearing a flower in your hair was all the rage - flower power and San Fran and all of that.
    Take care and rest and get well again.
    Gentle Hugs, Neet xx

  27. It's a great pleasure to find the way to your Blog, Valetie-Jael. This is the fantastisc thing on blogging, in my opinion, to meet each other artists.

    Well, your flower power Lady remember me on my on youth being a small Hippie many, many years ago ... and I smile. Your Lady is lovely!

    Wish you soon recovery. Have a good time.

    1. I was a flower child / hippie back then, too, and this was in my mind as I made the picture! Nice to meet you, too, Erika! Have a great weekend!

  28. Lovely page!
    beautiful photo`s!

  29. Beautiful, beautiful flowers and photos, Valerie! I especially LOVE daffodils! And your Goddess of Spring is absolutely gorgeous! I especially love her hair! I went to high school & college in the 70's and just LOVE everything flowers!! Please take care of YOU too! HUGS!! Sharon


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