Thursday 10 March 2022

Thursday post

Hi Everybody!

Sorry I didn't get round to visiting anybody yesterday, I am just totally exhausted. They are still experimenting with the meds, as I got  a bad reaction from the first heart / blood pressure / blood thinning meds, so I hope we soon find a good solution. I need to go for more heart examinations, so perhaps we will know more then. Today I have a mixed media piece to which I added some digital extras. I am linking to my chalenge at AJJ, spring:

And I have a new tag for Michele's flowers challenge at Tag Tuesday, I forgot to post my tag, so sorry Michele!

A few pics taken here:

And some funnies / thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, hoping they figure out your heart medicine soon, loving your journal page, and great thinkies too-hugs Kathy

  2. Fabulous piece Valerie, love your tag and gorgeous photos..take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Lovely art , photos and thinkies Valerie. Hope they find the right meds for you.

  4. Your art is beautiful as always Valerie!
    I do hope they sort out your medication soon, and you start to feel better.
    Alison ❤️
    P.S. no need to worry about commenting x

  5. So sorry to hear you are having problems with your medication. Getting blood thinners just right can be a tricky job but persevere and they will get there. It is awful when your heart regulates your breathing as it does and you find you are exhausted all the time. Have faith, they will get you sorted I am sure.
    In the meantime I love the Goddess of SPring you have drawn for us today. How wonderful an idea is that you had for her. A superb example.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! It's all a bit difficult just now, but I'm sure the will find the right miture in the end. I have been exhausted for weeks, at first I didn't know what was causing it. Glad you like my spring lady, I've started anogther one! Hugs!

  6. Hello Valerie. Hoping they get your meds straight soon!!!

    Your AJ page is very interesting. Love the words and the butterflies. Thought-provoking piece.

    The tag is fab - great words to go with Frida. Fun.

    Love the pictures and the thinkies. Especially love the attitude ones.


    1. Thanks Nancy. I think the face shows a bit how I eel just now! Frida really was a daring person in spite of all her handicaps! Hugs!

  7. We always knew that you have an exceptional heart, Valerie, but a big heart, a heart with grand feelings, of love and compassion, concern for the world, and it is unjust in the extreme that it should require treatment of this nature, blood thinners, regulators and so on. I hope that soon the tinkering will stop and the medical experts will discover exactly what it takes to get the rhythm just right, and the strength back up to par. You must surely know that I am chomping at the bit to see what new and exotic bird you might find in the hidden recesses of Balconia-by-the-Rhine, and you will need to be back up to full strength to mount an appropriate search, and then paint its image for all the world to see. I have been honing up on systematics and classification in anticipation of such a challenge. Get well soon! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David. Im going to take a walk in our park this afternoon, perhaps I can spot a rare bird that will get your juices bubbling straightaway! At the moment I'm taking a hige amount of meds, but if it all helps, then its okay. m o glad you are preparing yourself for the next momentous discovery, I'm sure it will be sensational! Have a great day, stay safe and well, BIg hugs to you and Miriam!

  8. I really like your Spring collage journal page with its great mix of elements. I like your tag also...yes, dare to be different. It has a great background.

    1. Thanks Annie, dare to be different is a good motto to live by!

  9. Sorry to hear the meds gave you such a bad reaction. Get some rest and don't worry about commenting until you have a good day. I'm sure everyone understands. I love your face page today. The digital additions to make the frame around it are lovely, especially the fields of flowers at the bottom. And nice Freida tag too. Its great making spring pages right now, seeing winter just won't completely let go here, and it is time for spring to arrive. I hope you get the rest you need and the new meds do the trick. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Here it really looks like spring, and we have had lots of sun, but its still cold. Hope it soon wams up over at your place! Hugs!

  10. Hi Val, sorry you are still not feeling so well, and hope it will soon get sorted. The main damage to the roof and kitchen has been repaired, now the kitchen is being installed. All is well here, take care, hugs, Sarah

  11. Wonderful page. At first I thought it was a tree and then saw the head of the dreamer/dream. Very cool. Hope your meds get straightened out quickly so you can get back home. Take care.

  12. So sorry that the heart medication is not suitable for you. Hope you will get one that works well for you soon. I like the mixed media art piece. Beautiful photos. I like the one about the cactus.

  13. I know it can take a while to get meds settled, and I hope your medical team gets you fixed up soon. The flowers they have there must help contribute to some cheer.

  14. I'm so sorry you are still feeling poorly. It sounds like you take a similar batch of meds as I -- heart, blood thinners and high blood pressure. It does sometimes take time to work things out -- I know it did for me. The good thing is that you are in the clinic where they can monitor things more quickly (versus sending you home with the script and then you wonder "is this how I'm supposed to feel" until you call and they modify. You just hang in there. That one shot -- looking at the sunset (rise?) from out the window with that gate (window frame?) in the foreground -- stunning.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I hope it soon gets fixed, I am always impatient. The sunrise photo was taken through the glass in the front door, which has a beautiful wrought iron decoration.

  15. Oooh, I love the mixed media one. It is so beautiful.

  16. Wow! Great sayings ~ love Maggie's and your art work is divine ~ favorite is the first one ~ (when do you sleep?) and your photography is awesome ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, you are very kind! We all need love and laughter! Hugs!

  17. Oh Valerie, let us hope that you get the right combination of meds soon! Your page is fabulous and of course the Frida tag is brilliant! Lovely photos and fantastic thinkies! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I hope it gets sorted soon, too. Have a great Friday, hugs!

  18. I'm so sorry your meds treated you badly. Hope that's in the rear-view mirror soon. Your mixed-media piece is great.Also like the floral piece AND your flowers:). Great memes.

  19. Wonderful creations, wish I had the courage to be more experimental. Sorry to hear about your bad reaction to your meds. Hope they work it out soon. Sending healing prayers. Anesha x

  20. Another fabulous mixed media page, sweet little round face reminds me of a cheeky child. There's lots of food for thought amongst your funnies Valerie, I really love the Bob Marley quote. Again I send healing hugs to you and hope they can balance your medication very soon. Take care my friend Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey have a great day, look after yourself!

  21. I hope you get those meds sorted soon, it does take time but when its right I'm sure you will feel much better.
    The art page and tag look fantastic, its good that you are able to get involved in your art, a good way to escape what is going on around you. Stay safe and one day at a time, on your way to getting your health under control.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonee. Art, reading and painting are keeping me sane just now!

  22. I love your artwork today Valerie, especially Frida, she looks amazing! I hope they sort your meds out quickly and you start to feel better. Take care and look after yourself, Sue xx

  23. My favorite today are the first one. Loved to fine the lover part of her face in it. :)
    Beautiul nature shots too. :)

  24. I don't take medications, but my friend Sally does. She tells me they have to sometimes experiment until they get the proper medicine and the proper dosage. I feel for what you are going through.

    Both your journal page and your tag are fabulous. I REALLY love how you incorporated the sunflowers in her head.

  25. Should read a Wonderful Tag,lol.xx

  26. i am holding out hope and sending wishes you can get good meds, be healed, and feel better! beautiful art today and the frida piece is just stunning! xo

  27. Flowers. Flowers. Flowers. Happy Tag Tuesday.



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