Monday 7 March 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend,  and I wish us all a good, new week. I had a lot of health problems last week, and now have new medication for my heart problems, and have to slow down a bit as my puls is very low and irregular and I couldn't work faster if I wanted to!  My heart goes out to all those poor people in the Ukraine suffering this awful aggression and destruction while the rest of the world looks on and does nothing. 

This evening we will be beginning Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a hearty wecome to all of the nice ladies  of the T Gang who come by- I have made an A3 painted coffee scene as my ticket for the T Party and my entry for my challenge 'spring' at AJJ:

I love these little violets peeking out of some stone steps.

I don't know what these little pink flowers are:

The lake next to the clinic:


My tulips:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good evening Valerie. Beautiful painting, enjoyed all the photos, and pretty flowers, nice to have the lake nearby too-maybe some birds there to view and hear.
    Hope to get to feeling better soon hugs Happy T

    1. Thanks Kathy. We have a chain of lakes here, not hugs one, but very pretty! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. I hope the new medicine kicks in soon Valerie. Sounds like you had a tough week; hopefully this new one will have you getting back up on your feet more. And I do have to mention the funny with the tan spots on the white feet. That happens to my husband every summer, and it is pretty funny. And mostly I want to say I love this week's T painting. The green vase of flowers is really pretty. The whole piece is. Makes me want to sit down and have a cup of tea. I hope you have a better week ahead. And happy early T day too. hug-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. This week hasy been tough indeed, it can only get better! Glad you like the T painting- I'm having fun painting these pieces just now. Stay safe, hugs!

  3. Love your tea party art Valerie, and gorgeous spring photos. I hope This is a better week for you, take care.

  4. LOL @ the photo of the polka dot feet!

    Your art is beautiful as always, Valerie.

    Happy Monday!

    1. Ha! Polka dot feet could become a new fashion!

  5. Good that you are feeling much better with the new medication. Pretty tea set art. Lol! My feet don't have dots but with not so interesting markings.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I don't have dotty feet either!

  6. Love the floral painting especially those little trailing blossoms. That cuppa looks delicious. V xx

  7. I hope that the new Meds will get you feeling a lot better soon. It sounds like you have been going through distressing times with you health problems.
    Your art page as always looks lovely and so does the photos and those pretty tulips.
    Stay safe,
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, these past 2 weeks have not been so much fun, I just hope it all gets better soon!

  8. Good morning Valerie: I hope that your new medications get you back to somewhere near peak form very quickly. You have been through far too much and it's time for a respite from all this ill health. As for Ukraine, it's more than prayers that they need. A few planes shooting down Russian aircraft would be a major step in the right direction. I am confounded how much the media portrays the help that refugees are receiving, and thank goodness for that, yet never really acknowledges that we are giving Valdimir Putin a free hand in bombing the country to pieces, unchallenged, and killing many of the civilians who are stranded there. The claim is made that if NATO aircraft impose a no-fly zone it will kickstart a new global conflict. I am quite sure that if Putin decides to do that he will find a reason whether the air space above Ukraine is challenged or not. It also seems callous that we are willing to sacrifice Ukrainians so willingly. We know they are being slaughtered daily, yet do nothing. I am sure that it is slight comfort to the people being bombed out of their homes that a Russian oligarch no longer has access to his yacht. Enough ranting. Get well please, we all need you. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David, the docs here are working on the right dosis of the varaious medicaments, Im sure it will all come together soon! And then perhaps I can go home! The wold is crazy usst now. That inhuman piece of sh*t in the Kremlin is so evil, and no other country stands up to him and he does what he wants. I am so sad that nobody is helping the people. I hope you enjoyed your bird walk. Take care, stay safe, big hugs!

    2. Bird walks are the best therapy of all, Valerie!

    3. I believe you, being out in nature is always the best there us!

  9. Pretty coffee scene. I love the way the flowers are arranged and cascading out of the vase. I think the violets might symbolize Ukraine. Even under dire circumstances they endure. I hope you're feeling better. Happy T Day

    1. Let's hope that the Ukraine comes through this dreadful time!

  10. I love your tea painting. So cheery and happy! And the polka dotted feet made me laugh. I bought tulips this weekend, too. So cherry!

    I'm glad you are on a new med and hope you adjust to it well or that it can be modified. My pulse got super low after new meds and had some of the same symptoms you mention. They lowered the dose a bit and now the pulse is still low but within normal levels. You might have to fiddle with it for a bit but it's good you are on something new and I hope it's very helpful.

    Ukraine. It hurts my heart.

    1. Yes, Ukraine os a huge, dark shadow over the world, I m so sorry for those people! At he moment my meds are being altered daily becuse my pulse dropped so low, but I think they will get it adjusted soon. And then I hope I can go home! Have a great week, hugs!

  11. I am so sorry that you are having problems with your heart. I hope your health improves. Those flowers are so pretty!

    1. Thanks GigI, I hope it soon gets better, too!

  12. I like your coffee still life -a touch of Spring, as are the violets :)

    I hope your heart issues resolve with the new meds.

  13. so pleasant art dear:) i am also enjoying your tulips:)

  14. I love your painting Valerie, so happy! I's so sorry about your new health problems - hopefully the meds will sort it all out soon and you'll be back to zooming around. My feet are firmly inside fur boots at the moment, so no chance of dotty feet for me lol. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  15. Again, just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully your new meds will help you to feel better soon. And I just love your art work, your photos, and especially that funny one of the tan legs and spotted feet! LOLOL! Really made me giggle! Again, sending my prayers across the miles. Hugs, Sharon

  16. Your T Tuesday and AJJ painting is beautiful. I love the flowers in the vase and the coffee pot that goes nicely with the cup and saucer. It's a charming entry for your theme at AJJ, dear.

    I am also saddened by what is going on in Ukraine. This morning a journalist was talking to a Ukrainian citizen when a bomb come down in front of him and the journalist. That is proof right there the PUTZ has committed a war crime. I just hope The Hague charges him with war crimes and we can get him in jail where he belongs. Too bad too many Russians believe his incredible lies. Tell a lie often enough and it becomes a fact. Just ask Trump, if you don't believe me!

    I'll link you to T. I still have to finish mine, too. I

  17. Your T party art is beautiful, lovely designs and colours.

    Hoping your new medication helps sort your health problems out.

    Saying a prayer for Ukraine and its people.

    All the best Jan

  18. Good luck with the medications: I hope you are soon feeling much better. I'm obsessed with the war and all the exceptional inhuman behavior of the Russians and especially their leader, who seems utterly willing to use nuclear weapons if things escalate.

    best... mae at

    1. It just gets worse and worse in the Ukraine, and nobody helps!

  19. This is lovely art. I love the suntanned dots. Hope you are feeling better.

  20. Oh Valerie, I do hope your new meds solve your heart problems. That's a fabulous Spring page. The colours are exactly what I think of as Spring colours,The situation in Ukraine is dreadful and made worse by the fact that Russians are being told such lies. The lake looks very peaceful. Hugs, Chrisx

  21. So sorry to hear that you are having heart problems. I hope that your new medication helps.
    Your tulips are beautiful as well as this weeks artwork.
    I had to laugh at the sun dots!
    Happy Tea Day,

  22. Valerie, I hope your health will improve soon. Hopefully the new medication will kick in. I like your page very much, it has such a beautiful spring feeling.
    I am so saddened about the war in Ukraine and it also makes me angry and furious. And I feel helpless. I'm afraid Putin is so unhinged that he would start using nuclear weapons if the situation escalates further. It is horrific and I'm lacking the words.

    1. Ukraine is really a tragedy, I hoe they get help!

  23. aah, another delightful painting Valerie. Love the photos and funnies! Hope your new meds are just what you need. Happy T day!

  24. I love your t day paintings. They are always beautiful. I hope you get to feeling better, soon. Hugs Sharon

  25. Good Tuesday Morning! Love your tea paintings. I haven't had any time to do crafting so I added pictures this week. Hope you feel a lot better soon, crafting is good for you! Yes that war makes me angery and furious too, I just can't understand WHY??? Hope the day is full of sunshine and yellow sunflowers. Happy T for Tuesday! ((Lyn))

    1. Who can understand what that maniac is doing or thinking? Hugs

  26. I'm sorry that you have new health problems. I hope they get sorted soon.
    Your painting is bright and cheery. Just what we need at the moment. (But what is it in the cup? Bubble tea?)
    Yes, the war in Ukraine is terrible. Like Spyder says: why? He really needs locking up.
    Happy T-Day (And happy Women's Day),

  27. Hope the medicine helps and you are feeling better. Love the funnies and your tulips.

    The art is beautiful and I love the bubbles in the cup - they have us all imagining what is in there! LOL. Fun Spring colors and theme. Many hugz to you Valerie.

  28. I hope you are feeling much better soon and the medications are working out for you! Your tea painting if beautiful and I love all the detail that you created, and those tulips are gorgeous and would brighten anyone's day - perfect 😀. Take care and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  29. All photos you shared here are perfect! Especially Ukraine one. We keep our praying for Ukraine. Thanks for sharing this post.

  30. What a delightful page you have painted for us. I love how you have brought the topic of the challenge into your "T" page. Those blooms are just perfect for the scene.
    Hope you start to feel better soon.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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