Friday 11 March 2022


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, and soon the weekend will be here, and I am looking forward to it, and I'm sure many othere are, too. Today I am sharing an A3 piece painted here. I made a similar one a couple of months back, but it is now hanging here in the main building of the clinic along with2 others, and that's a good feeling! I am linking to my spring challenge at AJJ amd to PPF;

This lady has a lot of talent:

Sheep made from old telephones:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your art. This young lady is amazing with the street art. Ohhh those sheep just crack me up. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole. I had to look twice at those sheep, too!

  2. I love your artwork. I love the flowers in your painting. :)

  3. How exciting to have some of your art hanging at the Clink. Congrats. That is exciting. And this lady is very lovely. She looks ready for spring. I hope you get some rest this weekend and have a nice weekend also. Hugs-Erika

  4. Lovely colourful piece. How great that your art is on display at the clinic!

    1. Thanks Christine. It's a strange feeling ever time I see my art hanging there!

  5. The world does need prayer, but we all need to remember we're all belong to human race.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Indeed we do, some seem to have forgotten it!

  6. those sheep are amazing, always love your ladies in paintings and so awesome to have your art hanging on the clinic's walls-congrats. Hoping you can relax and rest at the clinic-Happy weekend Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, I hope to have a good rest over the weekend!

  7. This is brilliant, love that colour on it and amazing project ♥
    {thanks for your 'message' on facebook, please take care and sending hugs}

  8. A well deserved feeling of love as your work is displayed on the clinic wall Valerie, bright and cheerful. Glad your replicated your fabulous lady in springtime colours it looks like she is keeping watch on the world. Those sheep are totally amazing so cleverly designed and yes the lady with her chalk Frida drawing is incredibly talented.
    Thank you for continuing to light up our week with your found words..
    Take care of yourself Hugs Tracey x

    1. Thanks so much Tracey, I was fascinated by those hseep, too!

  9. A beautiful painting and how lovely for you to have your art on display in the clinic where many folk can enjoy looking at the.
    I will never look at a sheep in the fields again without thinking of the ones you shared today in the photos. Recycling old phones in a remarkable way.
    Have a goos weekend Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, those sheep have taken over my sheep image entirely! Fantastic constuctions!

  10. Valerie, your lady is fab in her warm and beautiful colors. So much interest in her face with those expressive eyes and lips. Love the details and the background too.

    Very fun shares - especially the telephone sheep. The road artist is amazing. We definitely all need to pray for the world - I dreamed that one of prayers did save a whole city. I think it was a message.... Many hugz and have a fab weekend.

    P.S. Congrats on having your artwork hanging at the clinic - I know everyone enjoys it.

    1. Thanks Nancy, those sheep are amazing, so clever. Have a great day!

  11. Beautiful art Valerie, and how wonderful to see your paintings on the wall at the clinic too.
    The Frida Kahlo pavement art is fabulous, and I love the telephone sheep!
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Alison ❤️

  12. Ha! Now we know the real reason you are in the clinic, which I am now sure is an art gallery in disguise, and your pictures are hanging for all the world to see. Art therapy at its best, and you will be able to bask in the glory of stardom, with adulation from the other residents who will no doubt be bidding huge sums at a silent auction. I think that the proceeds should be donated to the Government of Ukraine and that would enable them to buy a fighter jet or two. Little did Putin know that his ultimate comeuppance would come from a little old lady in remote Balconia-by-the-Rhine. Germany will have really stepped up! Your picture will be on Ukrainian postage stamps when the conflict is over. This morning I am meeting Heather and Lily for the first time in about three weeks. Miriam is staying behind to do housew**k because my daughter will be arriving later for a weekend visit. I will be leading a bird outing to Long Point, on the shore of Lake Erie, tomorrow, and she simply couldn't resist the allure of being with twenty-four other august and erudite ornithological types. Seeing her dad had nothing to do with it! That's all for today, Cupcake. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Okay, you're right, I just wanted to see my art on the wall! I sincerely wish I could squash Putin, he is so evil! Have fun with Heather and Lily, take lots of photos! Have fun with your daughter as well! Big hugs, Valerie

  13. Those colors in your piece are just fabulous. And I love the phone-cord sheep. Very clever. That's a lot of phone cords! I'm curious -- do other people in the clinic also do art? You could teach them so much!

    I hope it's a relaxing weekend and a nice one for you, and that every day you are one step closer to going home.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Yes, others do art and we have creative therapy three times a week, yessssss!

  14. Gorgeous. This goddess looks like she has a secret. Very cool to have your paintings on the wall at the clinic. Take care

    1. Thanks CJ, she probably does have a secret!

  15. Really beautiful! I love how bright and colourful your art is. Happy Paint Party Friday!

  16. Oh I love your lady, so bright and full of life! It must be great to see her hung up on the wall. The street artist is very tallented, I don't know how they get the perspective, being so close to something so big. Those sheep are brilliant, I would love half an hour inside the designers head lol. Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  17. I'm impressed they've displayed your work. What a good feeling that must be :)

  18. Congrats on having your art work displayed ~ so happy for you ! Xo ~ love the sheep and talented lady painting Freda K ~ Xo

  19. The clinic is a perfect place to brighten and cheer up everyone- wonderful!
    And wow- that street art portrait is absolutely amazing!! Love the telephone sheep- clever and fun. happy PPF and have a great weekend!

  20. Another beautiful piece Valerie, she is gorgeous and I love those colours, would be perfect in my house..they are my colours..and those sheep are wonderful, I didn't see the phones to start with, so clever..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks, those sheep are fabulous! Have a great weekend!

  21. Very sweet painting. It's nice to see your art hanging in a public space.
    That chalk painting is amazing.
    Those sheep are a hoot, or should I say, "Not baaad"?

    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Haha, that's a good one, thanks for the laugh! Hugs!

  22. Beautiful art always. Happy PPF

    Much love

  23. How exciting having your work hanging in the Clinic. I'm so proud;)
    Love the latest little lady.
    Aren't those telephone sheep amazing?
    YOU have a wondrous weekend.

  24. Oh Valerie, that is such a beautiful painting. Just looking at it gets me in a good mood with those happy colors! The telephone sheep cracked me up! Have a lovely weekend.

  25. I looked and looked at the painting. LOVE the white bits for sparkle but it's all about her eyes and gesture. Sheep!

  26. Lovely long necked girl with the beautiful flower in her hair. Just stunning and brilliant. Congrats on getting your art on display, too. This is a great entry for your theme at AJJ, too.

    WOW, those are some impressive sheep!

    1. Thanks E, I would love a neck llike that. Have a great day.

  27. I think blogger ate my last comment,which was about Russia's inhumanity and viciousness. I hope you will be well very soon.

    best... mae at

  28. How wonderful to have your artwork on display in the clinic. You must feel so proud when you walk past it all but I am not surprised as you paint the most exquisite ladies and this one is definitely up there with the others. So pretty.
    Hugs, Neet cxx
    ps hope you are having a good weekend

  29. What an elegant lady. How wonderful to have your art on display in the clinic! Congratulations- quite right that your talent should be recognised! Love hose sheep! Hugs, Chrisx


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