Saturday 26 March 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well. I got some of he results from the heart examinations,  the main trouble seems to be caused by  Atrial fibrillation, which explains my irregular pulse. The left side of my heart is also weaker than the right. Then on Thursday afternoon I got the next shock. I was eating my lunch in the dining room, and suddenly felt strange, I couldn't catch my breath and I must have passed out for a short time. They took me into my room, and 2 doctors came, did some examinations and then decided I had to go to hospital to be checked. After a few minutes 2 men from the ambulance service arrived, carried out an ECG in my room, and then removed me from my room on a stretcher. I was taken wih blue lights to the main part of the hospital, which is just across the road. I'm sure I could have managed to walk, but procedures are procedures and need to be kept. I was taken to the A&E and was really scared, but the staff there were wonderful, I was seen to straight away, had lots of tests, was connected to a ECG and a blood pressure monitor and given a drip in my arm. They also took blood from my ear and did some swab tests to make sure I didn't have MRSA, a very nasty bug. Then I was monitored for 4 hours, and as my vital signs were all vital again they said I could come back to the clinic here. And once again, I had to be taken in an ambulance because it is procedure and that seems to go before common sense. Anyway, the long and the short of it is that I am continually short of breath and  am only allowed to walk in the garden here  and mustn't leave the garden/park grounds on my own. UGH!  I feel like I've been put on a leash! Okay,  I know it's for my own good, but I still don't like it. So that was the short description of Thursday afternoon. I still feel very slow, and am going to have to reorganize my life a bit when I get home. Rant over!

There are still some people  I have not visited, sorry, the circumstances were against me, but slowly I'm getting there!

Another A3 painted girl in spring colours meant for my spring challenge at AJJ:

My garden photos from this afternoon:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. My husband suffered from A Fib when he was on dialysis (several times). I know there are things they can do help it, but I don't know what it is. I hope they can get yours under control. It sounds frustrating to me and I would feel like I am a leash too, and I would hate it. Be strong and brave and have a bit of patience. And I love this latest lady. Thank goodness for art, right? It gets you through those hard times, and that sounds like you need lots of art time right now. Take care and relax this weekend. And have some faith too. Hugs-Erika

    1. At the moment I am on heart medication, and they are trying to get the amounts right. I am not patient, and I hate being controlled, but I will have to get used to it for a few days! Have a great weeked, hugs!

  2. Oh Valerie keep us posted as best you can. Beautiful art and photos to bring cheer.

    1. Thanks Christine, I will keep you informed. Have a greqt weekend, hugs!

  3. Sound like they took good care of you. I really like last mural.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Yes, they are taking good care of me! Have a great weekend!

  4. Sounds like you are in good hands there Valerie, even if you feel restricted it is for the best! Your spring lady is beautiful and the garden photos are lovely. Look after yourself.

    1. Yes, I know, I just don't like it! The garden here is really beautiful.

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Sorry to hear you were feeling so bad, and I sincerely hope that you are now being sensible and doing what they tell you at the clinic. Please, no extra tours or breaking the rules just now! I know you!!! Will ring you this evening. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. I am really trying to be good, and I will not break the rules! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  6. Hi Valerie, First of all its good that you got some results to the tests and that they will be able to get you the right medication. I know what you must be feeling right now as I was diagnosed with that condition about three years ago. Once the doses and pills are right for you, I'm sure you will feel a lot better, you are in the right place for them to care for you.
    Its a beautiful page for the AJJ theme .
    Stay safe, rest, the pills do help.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks for the input, Yvonne, I hope they can make an improvement with pills. Have a great waeekend, look after yourself, hugs!

  7. Valerie, just do as you are instructed. I know it is not nice feeling that you are tied in but your health must be first in your mind. I hope that does not sound bossy of me, but having AF myself I know what you are feeling. I had three cardioversions to begin with over about two to three years but in the end had to have a Pacemaker fitted. I am now on my second one. It has helped me along with the medication.
    Saying that I never had a funny turn like you describe, that must have been quite scary for you.
    On a brighter note I like your portrait, what a lovely lady again, a true Spring Goddess for us to enjoy, and with your little trail of flowers that I like so much when you include them.
    Love the cat's eyes especially but wonderful photos of the gardens.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. It's good to get input from other people's experiences. The trip to the hospital was really scary, but I'm back here again and can still walk in the beautiful gardens. Patience is not one of my virtues! Glad you like the spring lady! Hugs! Have a great weekend!

  8. My goodness, Valerie, you are going through more than anyone ever should. The only thing to do is to follow the instructions of those who are taking care of you, knowing that it is for the best in the long run. It is not an easy time you have been dealing with over the past couple of years. I am sure I am not the only blogging friend who wishes that I lived closer so that there was something I could do to help. I am glad that you are still able to do your art, since without doubt this is wonderful therapy in its own way. Thanks for another lovely lady in her spring colours. She is quite delightful. As you walk in the gardens at the clinic be sure to scour the bushes for those special birds found only in your corner of the world. Balconia beauties I call them - and that includes you. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David. Art is really a therapy, as is being out and enjoying nature, and we have so many birds and other small animals living here, it's great to watch them. And yes, I will try to turn out one of my Balconia birds again. Have a great weekend, take care. Have you seen Lily recently? Hugs to you and M!

  9. What a scary time you had. I have never had that condition, but I I am sure they know what they are talking about. At least you were at the clinic when it happened. I would hate to be on a leash, too, but just listen to the sentiment you wrote today. Believe in your current self and create your future self.

    This is a spectacular beauty you gave us today, dear. Such a lovely entry for your theme at AJJ.

    Love the photos you took. At least they didn't take your camera away from you! There are a few bright spots in your life right now, just like your incredible photos.

    1. Thanks E, I can still go into the garden and take hotos, and that's good. There are bright pots in my life, like my blog friends, fellow patients, and very caring staff here- Sometimes it's hard to see that there are more bright spots than black ones! Hugs!

  10. Oh Dear Valerie I am sorry you are going through so much. Sending healing energy to you my friend. I particularly love this quote today and the art is lovely. Get some rest.

    1. Thanks so much Nicole, much appreciated. It's good that so many friends are thinking of me! Hugs!

  11. Oh, Valerie, welcome to the a-fib club. If it helps, it can be regulated (or at least mine is, so far). Of course, every situation is different medically but I hope they can get yours in synch soon. It hurts to hear you going through so many things at once. I'm sure the incident fainting and the hospital had to be terribly frightening, not knowing what was going on. I am glad it happened when you were at the clinic and could be well cared for and taken to the hospital. I wish they could have been specific about what caused the incident (or maybe they were and you chose not to share, which would make sense) but I hope it doesn't happen again. It does sound like they are on top of things.

    I'm so sorry about the short leash but at least the grounds are lovely, as are your photos and you have your art. If I lived in Germany I would be bringing you flowers, treats and come paint with you. I hope you are allowed guests sometimes or enjoy the other residents. Please take care. We are all behind you.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We are allowed visitors who are tested and vaccinated, and there are lots of nice and sympathetic fellow patients. The fainting was evidently caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get together and paint? But we can still share everything, so that's good! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  12. Like the latest goddess you created, you are strong. Such beautiful flowers and the cat behind the gate made me laugh. Take care

  13. Your beautiful flower photos and art work make a sad contrast to you repeated health crises. I hope that your doctors will soon figure out how to stabilize your problem, and that you will have the freedom to do what you would like to do on your own schedule.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I hope my health stays relatively stable now. Have a great week!

  14. Oh my, what a fright. Hang in there. I'm so glad you have your art and can get out to enjoy the flowers. hugs, Teresa

    1. es, it was scary. I hope it gets a bit better!

  15. What a horrific experience, thinking of you and sending big hugs across the miles. xx

  16. I'm sorry you have had such a time...This stuff is very scary. I'm praying the doctors will get you on meds or other treatments that will cure this. I love your painting and the photos.

    1. Thanks Debra. I have new meds and Hope they will soon Work.

  17. your art is amazing:) i hope health problems will soon be solved:0

  18. Rather scary to have that happen, but it does sound that they are taking good care of you. Just be patient (not always easy) and I'm sure the new medication will kick in soon.

    Sending lots of get well wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

    PS Lovely photographs and colourful art.

  19. scary for sure-but sounds like you are getting excellent care-it takes a bit sometimes to figure out the medicine or if you may need an operation.
    It will be ok-hugs

  20. That sounds scary. I'm sorry you're having your activities limited. I know you'll be glad when they get a treatment plan in place so you can better look forward.

    I love the garden flowers. They've done a good job with the potted plants.

    1. It was scary, but the meds are working and i feel better. And I can can go out again, but have to take things slowly!

  21. Oh no, that's no way to spend the weekend! At least you were close to the right place at the right time. I hope your med kick in really quickly and that you feel better soon. On a brighter note your artwork is wonderful! Take things easy and have a great week, Sue xx

  22. Oh gosh, I'm sorry you dealt with and are dealing with this.
    Love the kitty looking through the fence:)
    Take good care of your dear self.

  23. Oh goodness Valerie- thank goodness there were others around and that you were close to he hospital! I suspect quite a big lifestyle change for you until you get this sorted! Wishing you well soon! I love this lady and all of your beautiful photos! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I will indeed have to reorganise my daily Life!

  24. Beautiful art and photos Valerie!
    I hope they sort out the right medication for you soon, and you can get back to some sort of normal life again. I can understand how hard it's been, when you were used to being active and independent.
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks Alison, it is hard, but I will have to get used to it.


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