Tuesday 8 March 2022

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!

Another short post, I hope things get back to normal - whatever that is - soon! I have a painted piece with some digital additions meant for my spring challenge at AJJ:

Soring is springing although it's very cold, and the Rhine is still too full:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a beautiful page Valerie - fabulous Spring photos too!Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Not only is your page full of spring beauty but so is the world around you. You have crocuses and lovely green grass. And your page is lovely too Valerie. That quote is the secret to peace, isn't it? I hope you are having a nice week. Hugs-Erika

  3. I would like to experience world peace and all be accepted.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Ooh I like that piece so moody and atmospheric. V xx

  5. Hi Val, lovely art, have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hope the work is making progress!

  6. Good morning Valerie: Both your piece and your pictures portray spring today. We had a little snow yesterday so that put a temporary damper on thoughts of spring, but it is only momentary, and we know that a few green shoots will soon begin to thrust up through the ground and renewal will begin. Spring migration of the birds is well underway, and the sound of bird song is already a feature of dawn. For the embattled people of Ukraine, dawn is the end of another harrowing night, of frightened children spent in cold shelters, fearing bombs falling down on them, and brave adults doing as best they can to comfort them, all the while fleeing their homes and leaving all that they have ever known and loved. And Homo sapiens continues to be delusional about being the superior species? We are barbaric in the extreme. Where does this end? When do we cease to maim and slaughter each other? When will we stop trying to impose one ideology on another? When do we come to our senses and desist from polluting the Earth with toxic chemicals beyond its capacity to absorb them? The answer, of course, is that we won't; we have failed in all of this and will continue to do so. The time is not so far off when none of us will remain to write the history of our folly. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David, thanks so much. The news from the ukraine is so scary, it's really frightening. Short comment today, I'm, supposed to be resting! BIG hugs!

  7. Praying for the power of love to over rule the love for power and that the war will cease. Lovely art peace with pretty little butterflies. Thanks for the photos showing the river and pretty flowers.

    1. Thanks Nancy, that's what we need. Have a great day!

  8. Oh my goodness, Valerie! I absolutely loved your gorgeous photos and beautiful work of art! I really like how you incorporate digital images onto your beautiful painting!!! And the photos are amazing. I especially LOVE crocuses!!! They are my favorite first sign of spring. I hope you are feeling better soon. Been thinking about you! Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks so much Sharon, it's so good to see the first flowers, although it's still cold and windy!

  9. Fantastic quote and gorgeous painting.

  10. dear in your country spring is so vivid :)

  11. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  12. Sending hugs your way. Your talent always makes me smile.

  13. What a gorgeous piece, I love that quote! Those Crocus are beautiful, so full of Spring! Take care and have a great day, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, it's so good to see the spring flowers!

  14. I hope your not-so-good health news (mentioned to Elizabeth) will soon be mitigated — and that you will be recovering soon.
    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks Mae, I hope so, too. Heart problems are scary!

  15. Beautiful art and lovely spring photos! I do hope you feel better soon.

  16. Oh, those crocus! Be still my heart! Please take care, Valerie. You know we're all rooting for you to get well soon.

  17. Lovely art and the words too :)

    Always enjoy seeing your photographs.
    Take care, sending lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  18. What a beautiful piece of art and sentiment. The photos are so lovely too. I hope you feel better.

  19. Wow this is a gorgeous design, love the art work and colour choices. The sentiment is beautiful love it. ♥

  20. How true is your sentiment on your painting! Lovely photos, the crocus are beautiful.

  21. A beautiful journal page Valerie and super words in the quote you used.
    Hope your new meds are helping you to feel a bit better. Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  22. I share your sentiments in your art. The power of love!

  23. Wonderful photos Valerie, and such a beautiful page and quote!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Beautiful spring work and great photos. Have a nice evening:)

  26. Thanks so much Lucyna! Have a great week!

  27. Dear Valerie! What a beautiful photos (Art-Works). Have a nice week.

  28. Wonderful words Valerie and used in support of the Ukraine and its people. I have never seen that quote before but it is something I will take away with me and hopefully i remember.
    Wishing you a better day.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I love that quote, too. Stay safe and well!

  29. Beautiful words and pictures Valerie your artwork speaks so much more when both are put together. Playing catch up today as I have a much needed day off.
    Sending you healing hugs my friend Tracey xx
    P.S You've reminded me I have crocus to plant in my garden x

    1. Thanks Tracey, glad you have a day off, don't do too much! Hugs, Valerie

  30. Sorry I am so late visiting. It's bitterly cold here and my hands are not working well. I am not sure if I like the quote better or the collage. The quote really drew me in. It is beautiful and poignant, and so very appropriate, too. Thanks for another great entry using your theme at AJJ.

    Love the crocuses and the tulips in the village.

    1. Thanks E, it's great to See spring flowers. Look after your hands!


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