Saturday 13 November 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy, relax and have fun!

I started this painting months ago, inspired by Melanie Rivers, and this week I finally finished it:

This hybrid piece was made for Chris' weather challenge at AJJ - a beautiful day in autumn:

On Thursday I had to go out at 7 a.m. It was cold, with frost on the ground, and the sun was just rising. Blogger has once again altered the order of the pics. Here you can see the frost rising as mist from the ground:

And some funnies / thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art and photographs ... even if blogger did change the order!
    Have a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  2. That gingerbread one is hilarious. Lovely art and photos

    1. I thought you would like it!Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  3. Another lovely art piece. I love that lady and the bird. This time the bird looks like she has a bit of sparkle. And you also made a beautiful hybrid piece for Chris’ challenge. Plus I love your beautiful autumn photos. No autumn here In the desert. But I must say the night is beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I sometimes need some sparkle! Yes, the night is beautiful in the desert. My niece lives In a little town on the edge of the Negev, and at night the desert looks so beautiful. <have a great vacation! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  4. Wow beautiful love this post with gorgeous colours and design. x

  5. I been enjoying nature
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Chuckling here over the ginger bread house! Love your art work Valerie. Beautiful photos too, it certainly looks cold.

    1. Thanks Sue, it certainly was cold. Today it's cold and really foggy, good weather to stay home and paint! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Hi Val good morning. Hope your blood pressure is going down still. Look after yourself! Your art is really beautiful, she looks so serene and thoughtful, just beautiful! Have a great weekend, take care! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, good morning! The BP is still too high, but more in my usual range. Glad you like my girl! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  8. Beautiful art and photos Valerie, Happy weekend-hugs Kathy

  9. Lovely art and photography Vj. Have a wonderful weekend

  10. If ever we get a chance to redesign humans, Valerie, I am going to put you in charge! You do come up with the most interesting faces! I am no less enamoured of this beauty than of the others you have created. It is wonderful that you can continue to imagine these stunning faces and then portray them for us all to see. This from a fellow who could barely draw a stick bird back in the days when we all kept prodigious field notes on our sightings. Now, all you need is a phone and you can take all the pictures you need! I have been watching the goings-on (actually little is going on) at Cop26 in Glasgow, and I am filled with dismay. It has been more of a lobbying session by the fossil fuel industry to maintain the status quo. Lots of blah, blah, blah by the politicians, but no action. This morning I read that 26,000 tons of masks have found their way into the ocean. We are such a sick bunch. I think I should get busy composing "Requiem for the Earth". Soon it will be played everywhere as humans disappear from the planet. On that cheerful note - have a great weekend. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, that would be fun! I am having fun painting faces just now, experimenting with different colours and styles. Phones are a great help these day. we all had to take notes all the time at the university, now they just record things on the phone! The results from the climate conference in Glasgow were appalling - well, there were no results. The world is burning, and they can't see - or won't- see it. They need to start playing fire brigade before it<#s too late, if it isn't already too late. Have a good weekend in spite of it all, hugs!

  11. Lovely painting. Beautiful photos especially those with frost rising. Thanks for the funnies. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nancy. It was magical watching the frost float as mist out of the ground! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  12. Wonderful painting. The woman is very mystical. Your hybrid page looks a lot warmer than you having to be out so early in the morning. I like the picture with the high, thin cloud that looks like a bird. Stay warm and have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks CJ. The high, thin cloud is from the planes. Today is really chilly, so I'm going to dive under my blanket and watch some TV! Have a great weekend!

  13. I was in awe of that Rivers inspired painting. Was that gold flecks on the bird? It was beautiful. I also thought the hybrid entry you made for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey was wonderful, too. So much nicer and warmer than what I offered today, which is more like your poor ass (donkey).

    Your photos were quite mesmerizing to watch. I enjoyed seeing the fog rise. I would like to know what those structures are in the field that look like PI.

    BTW, could I have the recipe for your gingerbread house (GRIN)? Great post today, dear.

  14. Thanks Elizabeth! I sprinkled some of my fairy dust on the bird.It was wonderful seeing the frost rise as mist. I have no idea what those structures are, I wondered about them myself.And for the gingerbread house you need 4 slices of bread and a pot of ground ginger. Put them together as in the picture. Enjoy! Have a great weekend, Hugs!

    1. I was so glad you shared this recipe for the gingerbread house, because I think I can make it! I hope you know that request for the recipe was in jest.

      Glad to know I'm not the only one curious about those structures in the field. It looks like they are there for a reason, but they sort of remind me of ruins.

    2. Yes, I did realise your request was a Joke, my answer likewise! I will try to find out about the thingies in the fields.

  15. Your face painting is beautiful. Those sky photos are amazing. The cloud formation in two shots looks like wings.

    1. Thanks Teresa! We have wonderful Sky views Here, I never tire of watching them. Hugs,!

  16. A beautiful painting Valerie, I love her eyes. Great hybrid piece too, and lovely photos.
    Have a lovely evening.

  17. Marvellous paining. I think I could manage making that gingerbread house.

  18. I love your painting, it's so beautiful. I love all the stars in the background.

  19. Another fantastic fave Valerie. I love your hybrid page for my theme at AJJ. We haven't had much frost yet, your photos are fabulous. Love the first thinkie! Now, does the bread have to be fresh to make the house? Happy weekend, Chrisx

    1. Hi Chris. You can use fresh bread, but it gets stale in a few days. So you could directly use stale bread. Or toast - unbuttered of course. Brown bread would look pretty, too I leave it to your imagination. Be sure to send me a photo! Hugs!

  20. As always love everything, the wonderful pieces, your photos and the memes.
    I hope the weekend brings you good health.

  21. WunderschĂśn dein gemaltes Bild, die Farben gefallen mir auch sehr gut!
    Die Fotos vom Wetter sind einmalig und die anderen. Ich bin froh dass bei mir noch nicht so kalt ist nachts
    Ich wĂźnsche dir einen schĂśnen gemĂźtlichen Sonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ja, ich wäre froh wenn es nicht so kalt wäre. Mindestens ist es heute trocken! Dir einen schÜnen Sonntag, alles Liebe!

  22. Beautiful pictures 😊 have a nice day 😊

  23. I agree with others. Beautiful art and pics.
    Have a good week ahead!

  24. Thanks Azka, have a great Sunday!

  25. Your art is beautiful and I love the gingerbread house. V xx

    1. Thanks Vee, have fun with the gingerbread! Hugs!

  26. That's such an serene expression on her face in your painting and gorgeous autumnal colours in your piece for AJJ. Photographs are fabulous with the frost rising as a mist and I loved the funnies, especially the Gingerbread house - might just have to give that a try. Hope you're having a nice weekend. Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Seeing the frost rising was wonderful. Do try that gingerbread house! Hugs!

  27. Gorgeous painting Valerie, love that lady and the rich colors! Great photos, the frost looks beautiful! That ass/donkey is so cute! :) Take care & hugs, Tammy

  28. A wonderful colourful piece Valerie, beautiful lady..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  29. A fantastic painting Valerie your lady looks so beautiful.
    On catch as usual and enjoying reading and seeing the lovely photos.
    Yvonne xx

  30. I love that woman with her glowing nimbus. She looks serene.

  31. What a gorgeous painting, such life and colour there. Great funnies too! Take care, Sue xx

  32. Glorious skies, great color. I love it all!

  33. Sorry I have been missing - having problems with my thumb (arthritis) and typing is so difficult.
    Love your hybrid piece, autumn is a favourite season of mine, for the colours. You have captured all the colours I love and this is a beautiful picture.
    As are the photos that follow, how lovely is that of the frost rising from the ground in a mist? You have an eye for photography.
    The lady in the painting looks very pensive, I wonder what her thoughts are - are they jn regarding that bird?
    Hugs, Neet xx


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