Monday 1 November 2021

T sTands for a New Challenge at AJJ

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ, and this time our lovely and talented Chris is hosting and her theme is "all kinds of weather". Now that leaves a lot of scope for making journal pages! For the dreaded rules please see the AJJ blog! I made a hybrid piece with a photo taken from my window set into a stitched window-frame and digitally assembled. Inside all cosy and outside wild weather:

As you can see I have tea and coffee on the table, as today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely  ladies of the T Gang who visit here
I indulged in a cinnamon and raisin Christmas tree from the bakery, so delicious, with crunchy cinnamon pieces in it, a delight!

And cappuccino for me!

Now we are being told that they are building here, just in case anybody hadn't noticed it in the past 2 months:

I'm pleased to say the trench is getting longer, they are working well:

Lots of kids out and about on our main street:

New decorations in the book shop:

The first Halloween decoration I have seen in our town:

The beautiful Rhine;

A neighbour's garden:

And some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Yes, Valerie, I can hear you (grin). That's a lovely hybrid entry you gave us fir a first entry to Chris's theme. I love how you used one of your own photos of the sky outside. I feel all warm and toasty inside because I am drinking coffee and drooling over that cinnamon Christmas tree. What a great way to start this month with both a great page for Art Journal Journey and T, too. Thanks for sharing this great entry with us for T Tuesday, dear.

    I had to laugh at the pumpkins. They were cute, but I also liked the photo of the bike and the warning sign outside your apartment building. I also like the coffee and drink inspired funnies, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you heard me! I had to use that seance funny, I was so amused that your name was in it! That cinnamon Christmas tree was wonderful, crunchy bits of sugary cinnamon in it, yummy. I'd better not buy one again too soon! Have a great day, see you this evening! Hugs!

  2. Yes, to the yummy looking cinnamon Christmas tree cookie and coffee. Beautiful view of the River Rhine. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks Nancy, you would enjoy it for sure! I love walking along the Rhine, so relaxing. Have a great week, hugs!

  3. Hi Val, good morning. You posted later today, I looked for you earlier on with no success! Lovely journal page and great funnies, love the idea of a Zoom seance, too funny! Your cinnamon Christmas tree looks wonderful, must look to find something like that! Glad you now know officially that they are building on your road!Have a great day, rest well, it's a holiday! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Yes, we have to all post at the same time for the AJJ challenges, and that is later than my usual. The cinnamon tree was from the bakery at Rewe, perhap you can find them where you live. Yes, it's good to know that they are building. Now it's official! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  4. Good morning Valerie: "All kinds of weather" seems like a theme everyone should be able to tackle with gusto, but why do I have the feeling that most people will use stormy, dark days rather than sunny springtime delights, or the gorgeous colours of fall? Perhaps I will be proven totally wrong. Yesterday was quite lovely here, sunny and getting up to 12 degrees, which is very mild for the end of October. We had a delightful group for my walk and I was able to show them "my" Eastern Screech Owl, which caused them to go into paroxysms of delight. For most of them this was their first time ever seeing this species and that always adds an extra level of pleasure. Well, it's good that they finally let you know that construction is going on along your street. And all this time you have been wondering! Your cinnamon raisin tree looks really delicious. If I were there I would take a bite! We buy cinnamon raisin bagels from time to time and have them with cream cheese. When I was still working I used to visit an old style Jewish deli in Thornhill, just outside Toronto, where they made the best old style bagels ever, boiled and then roasted in a wood fire oven. To get them hot was to die for! Sadly, it would be a three hour round trip to go and get them from home, so I haven't had the pleasure for years. A new week begins. I hope you will feel a little better every day. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, good morning. I hope you are drinking coffee and having a good start to your day. I have ll sorts of weather's lined up for my pages, autumn is always my fave, and spring is glorious too, so just wait and see! Today is sunny, but cold and windy with lots of clouds like fluffy sheep racing over the sky, so pretty. I am staying home again in the hope that it will help, but tomorrow I have to go out as I have an appointment in the early morning. Well, it's 11:30 but that's early morning for me, I like to take my time with drinking coffee, reading the newspaper, sitting at the computer etc. Glad your walk was really good, I would so love to see a screech owl. Send one over instead of a goose! I can imagine what a delight it must be to see these beautiful creatures close up. If you were here you would get your own cinnamon raisin tree, so yummy! They sell bagels here at the baker, but they have no flavour, I won't try them again. there is a Jewish shop, but it's on the other side of town and not in an area where I'm likely to be, pity. But I do occasionally make them myself, and they taste good, too! Have a good November, and a good, new week, take care, have fun, drink wine and coffee, eat bagels and be happy! Hugs to you both!

  5. Das sind wundervolle Wetterseiten, tolles Layout für das neue Thema und deine Fotos gefallen mir wie so es bei dir zu geht und der Tannenbaumkuchen sieht lecker aus mit deinem Kaffee! Witziges dazu und so wünsche ich dir eine gute neue Woche pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir auch eine gute, neue Woche, ich hoffe es geht dir gut! Alles Liebe Dir!

  6. I love your new page today Valerie. I like the photo you took and used, and the dog and cat glad to see you get home. Nice bits of texture with that string also. And your cinnamon tree does look yummy. It is that time of year for spices cakes, isn't it? It makes my mouth water to think of it. That is a good thing about November. And funny they have decided to tell you they are fixing the road-smile. I also love the pumpkins on the steps. Last evening my husband and I went to the grocery store (before dark) and there were some parents out taking their little little ones trick or treating. They were so cute. Happy T day to you, and happy November. Hope you feel good this week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika! I love being outside, but it's always good to come home to cosy warmth and a cup of coffee! I have tea, too, for visitors, an lots of different sorts! That cinnamon cake was more than yummy, it will be a big temptation every time I go to that shop. Those crunchy and sugary cinnamon bits were soooo good! And yes, good news, they are fixing our road - now it's official! How nice to see the tinies in their costumes, that#s always lovely. Have a great week, hugs!

  7. What an absolutely brilliant page Valerie. Much better to be indoors on a stormy day. We had rain early morning yesterday and then popped out for a walk in the sunshine, by afternoon it was wet and very windy - 2 very strange minutes of howling wind and torrential rain but with coffee in my hand it was fine!! This really is. fabulous entry for my theme, Thank you.
    Your cinnamon tree looks delicious and of course coffee! I loved seeing your photos, especially the reminder of sunnier climates in the bookshop window. The seance funny is very funny. Have great week, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, glad you like it! Your weather Yesterday was just like your weather, wild, wet and windy. That cinnamon cake was fantastic. Have a great day! Hugs!

  8. Beautiful art, delicious tea and beautiful photos. Great memes too.

  9. Love your journal page. The cup is so pretty and there’s nothing like a good bookshop window. Your pictures are great and your funnies always make me smile. Thanks for your wonderful blog..

    1. Thanks for your kind words, much appreciated! Bookshops are fun, always full of dreams!


  10. Beautiful journal page and photos. The kawai and cake taste great for sure. Have a nice week:)

  11. In front of a window with tea and cookies to watch a storm or changing weather is a perfect spot. I can just smell the cinnamon raisin Christmas tree. The worksite looks very official now. Perhaps all the new signage will make them work faster to complete the project. Love those jack o'lanterns. Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, it's good to be inside when the weather is bad.. I don't believe they will work quicker!

  12. Hi Valerie, Gorgeous art journal page-I really love your creativity and great November theme too. Enjoyed all your photos so fun to see jack o'lanterns there Happy Monday and November

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a great week and a happy November!

  13. Great scenes around town. Love your memes, too. LOL.

  14. Lovely journal page, love the dog and cat image. Have a great week. Anesha x

  15. Love your artwork-I've always loved window themed artwork. I love those pumpkin faces! The top two had me laughing! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Debra. I Love windows, too. Have a great week!

  16. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely Art and photos. Have a great week!

  17. Lovely photos Valerie, your coffee and cinnamon tree look delicious!
    I love your hybrid page too.
    Happy November!

    1. Thanks Alison, you have a wonderful November, too! Hugs!

  18. i see coffee and cookies and I am happy:D

  19. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love all of the different elements, especially the cute cat & Dog! That cinnamon cookie looks delicious and I love the memes, the wine one is so funny! Take care and enjoy your week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy! That Cookie was yummy! Have a great week!

  20. What delightful art and I love your tempting treats too! Funny zoom/seance as well.

    1. Thanks. If I join in another Zoom I will have to think about the seance!

  21. The porcelain cup and saucer and matching napkin with your drink are just beautiful. I enjoyed all the photos of your neighborhood. I love taking photos of my own surroundings and I love when others post theirs.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. I think it's important to take photos to register the changes that take place from season to season and year to year. Happy T day!

  22. What a fabulous page Valerie with all your details and the cute cat and dog, and that cookie looks so yummy..great fun photos too..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissie, That cookie was more than wonderful! Hugs!

  23. A great journal page!
    Christmas trees already? I still can't believe that it is that time. Looks delicious.
    Loved the meme about Zoom meetings! So true!!!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, yes time is flying. Halloween out, Christmas in in the shops! Kate, can you here me?!

  24. Your art journal spread is beautiful (I didn't expect anything less). The weather in your photo is one of my favorite moods and of course best observed from indoors where it is warm and cozy! Is "Nähe trifft Freiheit" D'dorf's city motto? Nice that they finally let you know that this is a construction zone, because you had no idea before, right? I like your cinnamon pastry, it looks delicious.

  25. Thanks Carola. The powers that be in our town seem to be working slowly! Yes, bad weather is best observed from inside! Happy T Day, have a great week, hugs!

  26. I love how you used one of your own photos on this fabulous page for the theme Chris has chosen for us at AJJ. I hope and think we could be seeing more of your photos used as inspiration for us in the coming days.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I will certainly be using more of my photos, it's such fun putting the pieces together! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  27. Really cool hybrid piece, Valerie. Your focus on the storm, memories and the comfort of coffee/tea is done so well. Love the animals in the corner too.

    Great picture of pumpkins, the river, and shop and street scenes. I really love the Zoom funny - very true!

    Happy T-day.


    1. Thanks Nancy! That Zoom/seance funny was too funny, especially that i had Elizabeth in it! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  28. I love your cappaccino! I haven't had one for ages and of course the 'funnies' with an added Elizabeth in it! The roadworks seem never ending, but the river and pumkin pictures are fab! Happy T day! ((Lyn))

    1. Hi Spyder, I practically live off cappuccino! I saved that funny for today because Elizabeth was mentioned in it! Happy T Day!

  29. Oh our blog pages have so much in common! You have a dark stormy sky, and I did too. (Great hybrid page by the way) and then the crockery you used was also in the painting that I featured. It is not surprising really as the Grand Duchess painted that while living in Denmark.
    Your cinnamon Christmas tree looks very yummy.
    They are working on the street! It is now official! I had to smile at that.
    I loved the other smileys, especially the zoom meeting.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Yes, now the world can tell that they are building on our road! Yes, the zoom meeting was too funny, I will be thinking of it when I zoom again - Valerie, are you with us? Happy T Day!

  30. Blogger is "broken"? lol

    I'll give it another try...

    Your art piece is a picture of cozy comfort in a storm :) The cookie looks delicious! Happy T Tuesday!

    1. The cookie was delicious. Blogger has a mind of its own! Have a great day, Valerie

  31. love your page, and that cinnamon raisin tree looks delicious. Nice to see the pumpkins on the steps too! Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, that cake WAS delicious, yummy! Have a great week!

  32. Wonderful hybrid art for the new AJJ theme- I love your stitched window scene! Cinnamon raisin is especially nice in the cooler months- I have oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins (or dried cherries) most mornings for breakfast now. Your cappuccinos are always so lovely. Thanks for the smiles too:) Happy T day!

    1. Your breakfast sounds very good, too! Have a great day, hugs!

  33. A lovely piece of art. The work continues. Great photos.

  34. your cappuccino and cinnamon crunchy tree look delicious. Love the zoom sign! I zoom a lot and it is the truth. "we can't see you , can you hear us! LOL Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon! This was especially funny as it asked Elizabeth if she was there. Can you hear me? Thanks a lot! Have a great day!

  35. Your cinnamon raisin treat looks really clever and I'll bet it tasted delicious with those wonderful flavors!

    1. It was delicious, I'm going to the shops tomorrow so I'll be looking for them again! Have a great day!

  36. I love how you have taken that photograph and framed it as you have. It would make a lovely picture for your home in a frame of some kind.
    I noticed the nod to Elizabeth and her Tuesday T. Lovely touch.
    Beautiful photos of your home town (even the hole) and I especially enjoyed seeing the Rhine again.
    I never used to like cinnamon flavoured anything but lately have developed quite a liking for it - your biscuits sound delicious and look cute too
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you liked it. I wish you hadn't mentioned cinnamon again, now I'll be craving it again! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie


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