Monday 15 November 2021

T sTands for a new challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody! 

Today we starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time the lovely Valerie is hosting. Thanks to Wendy for hosting the last challenge and to all who joined in the challenge. My theme is easy - anything goes! Tags of all formats are welcome, and as always, you have 2 weeks to link to us. The challenge goes live at 9 p.m. on Monday evening.  As we also start Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party this evening, I have made  a coffee themed tag - what else?

I can't write much just now, my right hand is not doing what I want, which makes typing extremely slow  and painful.

Some archive photos from 2009:

Some thinkies!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely tag, photos and fun memes!

  2. Beautiful tag perfect for T and loved the photos and memes-especially the horses and snoopy feel better-hugs and Happy T and new week

    1. Thanks so much, have a great day, happy T Day!

  3. That's a super tag and I like how you made it for Tag Tuesday as well as for T day. The vintage cup you used on it is a beauty. And wonderful photos too. I hope your blood pressure is doing better and you had a wonderful weekend, and a wonderful T day too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Thanks so much, have a great day!

  4. I wish you felt better, dear, but I absolutely adore that tag. I wonder which World's Fair that was for, but that cup was gorgeous.

    Lovely photos of the horses and the memes were lovely. Thanks for sharing your tag with us for T this week, dear Valerie. I hope things turn around for you soon, dear.

  5. I am sorry your hand is making it so hard to type. I hope it will feel better soon. Love the tag and all the horses.

    Have a happy week and hope good things come your way. :)

  6. Pretty tea cup and saucer. Beautiful horses and interesting mushrooms. Hope your hand is feeling better now. Nice quotes.

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Sorry your fingers are still so bad, hope they soon get better. We had a quiet weekend here, the kids were all at Leah's, so I had a nice rest, delightful! Hope you have a great week, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks so much, have a great, new week! Hugs to aall!

  8. Sweet tag, with a couple of your favourite things. Those horses are beautiful. I hope you feel better soon.

  9. This morning I am issuing a very stern notice to your fingers that they had better start behaving or we will chop them off. Hold on a moment, though, that wouldn't solve anything, would it? It pains me vicariously when I hear that they are giving you so much trouble. There is a fellow in our naturalists club who has developed a serious tremor and that's bad enough. Try focussing binoculars, let alone doing crafts. In any event, despite the hardship in doing it, your tag is terrific, Valerie. I am sure it will elicit praise from all your fellow artists. Speaking of "elicit" I am currently reading a great book on loons called "Loon Lessons" - superior content, but poorly edited. Instead of "elicit" they use "illicit" which is quite another thing entirely. Maybe I should do something illicit today. I have been perfectly good for far too long! I hope that better finger days lie ahead. Hugs, embraces, smooches, squeezes and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, don't talk about chopping fingers off, that is something that can really happen if the capillaries block more-When my hands start shaking I can't pick up my coffee cup, and that's REALLY bad! Elicit and illicit made me laugh out loud. Yes, it would be fun to do something illicit! I wish I had the strength for it! Have a great week, enjoy birding, keep taking ots of lovely photos. Hugs!

  10. The tag is so sweet. Your photos are beautiful.

  11. I hope your hands improve and that the doctors can find some remedy for your condition. And how I love those horses! Such gentle beasts! I just want to reach out and touch them.

    1. Thanks a lot, I hope it gets better soon. The horses are really lovely, I love watching them!

  12. Coffee and cake, yes please :) Happy T Day

  13. Such a pretty tag! I love the cupcake with the golden teacup and saucer - perfect 😁. Your photos and the funnies made me smile too. I hope that you are keeping well and wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs Jo x

  14. I hope you are better now! Thank you for such a nice post with beautiful photos!

  15. Well blogger ate that comment … I was wishing you a speedy recovery and help with healing all that is a problem with you.
    best… mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, Blogger loves eating comments, especially long ones!

  16. Great tag Valerie, and lovely photos! Hope your hand is much better tomorrow.

  17. so amazing photos of the nature!

  18. What a fab tag Valerie, and so fitting that it's coffee and cake. I hope you hand gets better relly soon, it must be so worrying as well as being inconvenient. Take care and look after yourself x

  19. Gorgeous tag, I love that cupcake and sentiment! Great photos, the horses are beautiful!
    Take care and I hope your hands improve.
    Hugs, Tammy

  20. That is a lovely tag.
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
    Do hope your hands improve soon for you.

    Sending lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    PS Thanks for the memes today too.

  21. Love your tea and cake tag! Must be sure to get one in my next post;) Beautiful pics of the horses, skies, and fungi. Wishing you much improvement regarding your hand<3 Thanks for the funnies, and happy T day!

  22. I love your tea/coffee tag. Lovely! The horses are beautiful as well as the sky. And of course mushrooms have a beauty of their own.
    That meme about the dishes is hilarious!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Hmmm, I hate having to do the dishes every day! Happy T day!

  23. a cupcake and coffee is just wonderful! hoping your hand feels better and cooperates with you appropriately! xo

  24. Hi Valerie, gorgeous tags and the tea cups are beautiful and the cupcake good enough to eat.
    Love the photos, some weird mushrooms! also love the funnies,
    Happy T Day

  25. What a great tag! And perfect for T-Day too. I had never heard of Chase & Sanborne or Seal Brand coffee, but when I looked it up on Wikipedia I learnt that they claim to be the first coffee company to pack and ship roasted coffee in sealed tins. Interesting.
    I love your photos of the ponies and the mushrooms.
    And your 'thinkies' are very good. Especially the one about the detour.
    I hope your fingers get better soon.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks so much Lisca. Have a great week, happy T Day!

  26. Indeed its always my turn to do the dishes😁

    Happy Tuesday Valerie


  27. Beautiful art work. I love the photos of the horses and shrooms. Hope your hand gets better.

  28. Happy very late T for Tuesday! I've been looking at the posts above, that owl is very colourful! Love the horses. I used to have ponies...bought one in foal and ended up a few years later with seven! All related and with Name's beginning with T...perhaps I shous find phones and add the to T for Tueday sometime! Stay safe, ((Lyn))

  29. sorry.... my laptop has a mind of its own! ...should read... 'perhaps I should find photos and add them...'

  30. You are indeed the lovely Valerie! I hope every day with those fingers finds them getting better and better.

    1. Thanks Jeanie! My finger are getting worse, not better, I can only use 2 fingers to type. Have a great day, hugs

  31. Oh I love that last quote! Your tag is perfect for T day. I love seeing your photos from a few years ago too.Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  32. OOh I love that teacup on your tag, and your tag of course, and the horses and the mushrooms. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  33. I great tag and pics and jokes. Thank you. V xx


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