Monday 29 November 2021

T sTands for This and That and Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a great week!

This evening we will be starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time  our lovely and talented Sandie is in charge, and her theme is 'Use the first letter of you name'. As always, she has some fun examples on our blog, which will go live this evening at 9 p.m. Hope to see YOU there!

I chose one of my all time faves, Vincent van Gogh. The tag was drawn with chalks on a blue painted background:

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. My drink is coffee or cappuccino, as always:

And I am sharing this photo for those of you who actually drink tea when the could be enjoying coffee:

I did not purposely dress to fit the colours in the café:

Some giant cups:

An evening walk through our little town:

And a thinky:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely V art and photos today, that is a nice photo of you Valerie, you look well.

  2. I love this art Valerie. You are always so creative. I also love the night photos. Hope you are feeling well.

  3. I love that you matched the seat! So fun, Valerie.

    1. Thanks! Great to see you again, Ivy! Have a great week!

  4. Now those a some big cup. I've seen popcorn place it big cups like that.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Yes, those cups would be ideal for serving popcorn! Take care!

  5. These pics are so calming and gorgeous. Lovely Post dear! xoxo

  6. Beautiful post but the lady in red is the prettiest of all.xx

  7. Hi Val, good morning. Hope your weekend was god and that you are now feeling a bit better. We had the whole family here over the weekend, it was lovely, but I'm happy that they have gone home again! I'm hoping for a quiet week! Love your beautiful tag and fun post as always. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, poor you! You must have been in the kitchen all the time! But I'm sure you were happy to see them all again! Have a great week, hugs to all!

  8. Wonderful tag. Love the photos of your evening walk,so pretty. Have a great week. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, I love the lights and reflections when it's dark! Hugs!

  9. It is now raining outside. I would love a cup of hot coffee now. Great photos from your evening walk.

    1. I wish I could make you one, that would be great! Have a great day!

  10. Ah, Vincent. How many people has he inspired since he first put brush to canvas? He has become a bit of an enigma, and even though there is barely a corner of the planet where his name is not known, he remains ethereal in so many ways. But Valerie, here's the exciting thing about this post. It's the femme fatale in the red dress sipping on coffee. I am breathless, for I know it is the Professor Emeritus, magnum emeritus in fact, of all things ornithological in the rarified atmosphere of Balconia-by-the-Rhine, that unique centre of endemism unrivalled anywhere in the world. She is drinking coffee which no doubt contributes to her sagesse, tea just wouldn't do it! I know, of course, that she is your alter ego so perhaps you will have her autograph this picture and send it to me! Your little town is exquisite, and nightfall adds a lovely touch. Would that I could walk those streets with you. In just three weeks the winter solstice will mark the shortest day of the year and we will begin the climb towards spring. A happy thought. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! I have been fascinated by Vincent since I was a child and my auntie gave me a post card with the image I have used today. Back then I also tried to paint it. Then I got art books to read in the library, and it was like a new world. I thought I could stay anonymous with my photo as I blend so beautifully into the background! But, clever and observant as you are, you recognised me! Its cold and damp here today, we had a few snowflakes but they were gone before I had grabbed my camera! I always look forward to the solstice, as it's my birthday, and from then on the days get longer again! A happy thought indeed! Have a wonderful day, David, enjoy everything! Hugs!

  11. What a great new tag theme. And Vincent was a super pick for your name. Great tag dear Valerie. I will have to think about this one before I start my next arty session. And I do like how you blend into the seats. It looks like a photo shoot. The beret is beautiful too. And nice light photos. It's that time of year, isn't it? Have a happy Hanukkah and happy T day too. Hugs-Erika

    1. yes, it'a fun theme indeed, and I had to start with Vincent! I really blend perfectly in that café, we had a good laugh about it. I love my berets, and this one is my fave! Chanukka is very early this year, thanks for the good wishes. I love all of these festivals with lights! Hugs!

  12. Love the van Gogh tag. You look so festive in the cafe and make a pretty picture. Lovely evening walk, I like the lights in the buildings as it's getting dark. They looks so warm and inviting. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. I love walking in the evening and watching the lights go on. Have a great day!

  13. You look lovely in red. And thanks for the meme about TEA, which I like very much.

    1. Thanks a lot, tastes are different, I'll stick to my coffee!

  14. I love every photo in this post. Your Vincent is wonderful. I have been intrigued by him forever -- his life, his art, his use of color and motion. You have mastered! And that photo of you in the cafe is wonderful and it is so very good to see your face again. Those evening shots are so pretty. Oh, that walk must have felt a bit magical with those sparkling lights. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! Vincent is really fascinating, I love his work. Everything looks beautiful at night!

  15. Oh what a beautiful art piece! And you are a beautiful lady! Hope your week is wonderful...

  16. so ideal portion of coffee in this big mug:D

  17. Very fine pictures 😊 have a nice day 😊

  18. Great tag Valerie, and wonderful photos!
    Lovely to see you looking very stylish, drinking your coffee.
    Happy new week.

  19. Oh I love your Vincent, beautifully done! What fabulous photos too. You look very stylish in the cafe, I always look like a bag of rags on my walks lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, bag of rags is a wonderful description!

  20. I love Van Gogh paintings. Your tag is fabulous!
    Love the picture of you in the cafe. I don't know if I have ever seen a picture of you. The beret is lovely, as are you!
    Loved seeing the sights of your town at night.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, I love my beret, too! Night pictures are always exciting. Happy T Day, hugs!

  21. Fabulous art and photographs, and I especially liked the photograph of you.
    Appreciated the tea meme :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I thought I should promote tea once in a while, too! Have a great day!

  22. Hi Valerie, I love your Van Gogh tag, your coffees always look so delicious, and loved seeing you too. Awesome photos-I really enjoy seeing them Happy T wishes Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, glad you liked the photos, and me! Happy T Day, hugs!

  23. How fortunate for you that you can use Vincent for your tag. He has a lot of art you can choose from and still create a beautiful tag. Nicely done.

    I think you look fabulous at the coffee shop. That color fits you perfectly. You sure brighten up the establishment and even the coffee/cappuccinos look better for it! LOVE those big mugs, too. That would keep me going for a few minutes (grin). Thanks for sharing your beautiful self and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

    There's something magical about Christmas and lights at dusk. You got some beauties, that's for sure.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I don't have a different outfit for each cafe I visit so that I always match the establishment, but perhaps I should! I love seeing lights twinkling in the dark! Happy T Day!

  24. Love your Van Gogh art- and might I say you look quite chic in your red! Super photos of your town along with the coffee and tea items. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, have a great week, take care. Happy T Day!

  25. Valerie, your tag is fabulous and fun and so well done!

    Love the picture of you at the cafe matching up with decor.

    The evening pictures are beautiful and warm and such a treat.

    Love the funnies too.

    Happy T-day! Hugz

  26. Thanks so much Nancy, have a great week, Happy T Day! Hugs!

  27. Good morning from a snowy morning here in Toronto. I love those large coffee mugs!
    You look perfect in that cafe.

    1. Thanks Jackie. No snow here, but lots of grey skies and mist. Happy Tea Day, keep warm!

  28. You're ready for the Christmas season in your red top.
    Happy Tuesday
    Thanks for dropping by my blog


  29. Loving the Van Gogh, and your outfit makes the perfect photo :) Happy T Tuesday!

  30. I love your Starry Night and I love those black trees against the dark blue sky, so beautiful. Those cups are enormous also! And yes without tea there would only be darkness and chaos lol Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle. Those cups are almost big enough to bathe a baby!

  31. I love your Vincent. Very clever as your name starts with a V.
    You look very good in red. What a great photo!
    I loved your evening photos. All those twinkling lights and beautiful evening skies.
    Yes, those cups are huge. But of course you know that they are plant pots....
    Great meme at the end.
    Happy T-Day,

  32. Great tag, Valerie it is lovely. I am one of those poor fools who loves tea :) V xx

    1. Thanks Vee. I come from a family of tea drinkers, and never wanted to drink tea. I think I was the only one who grew up to be a coffee drinker! Have a great day!

  33. lol, I am not that fond of van Gogh but you made a great job painting it :)
    But I do love your outfit on the cafe. It suits you well. Even the flowers agrees. :)

    1. Thanks Monica, I love Vincent. That really is a fun photo!

  34. Your Tag is wonderful, love your theme.
    As always your blog is full of beautiful photos.
    Thank you for playing along with my theme.
    Hope you are ok. xx

    1. Thanks Sandra, still having a lot of problems! Have a great weekend!

  35. Oops! Totally missed this! I love your Vincent tag! Your matching outfit looks great, as does the coffee. Your evening walk looks beautiful. Hugs, Chrisx


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