Thursday 18 November 2021

Thursday / Friday Post

HI Everybody!

This week is flying by, it seems to go faster and faster. I am late writing my blog today,  my fingers are very bad just now. It can only get better! I'm glad I have lots of art already made. Sorry for the sometimes bad photos, my hands are still shaky. The first piece was inspired by a lesson from Tamara in LB21. I am linking to Chris' challenge at AJJ, as this is really summery:

The  second piece was inspired by a lesson with Effi Wild:

I  am linking to Paint Part Friday

Some views from our little town:

This used to be the moat:

Christmas is coming:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning. I was wondering where you had got to. Both of your journal pages are lovely, beautiful colours and so well made. The second one could be used as a Christmas card. Great photos, too. Yes, all the shops here, too, are full of Christmas goodies! Have a great weekend, try to rest! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Yea, I think I will use it for a Christmas card for my neighbours- The Christmas market is open here, lots of people there! Hugs to you all!

  2. Good morning, Valerie. I am distressed to hear that your fingers are not behaving any better, and I am sure this must cause you untold grief, to say nothing of the sheer pain associated with it. I have a deep sense of frustration that there is nothing I can do to help. I think you are very brave to even attempt to continue with your blog under such conditions, but I can also imagine that a blog is a lifeline to the world, and that must be an incentive to struggle along and do the best you can. Simple tasks must require planning and discipline to accomplish, buttoning a shirt, opening a can, turning the door knob. I am still fit and healthy and I am sure that Intake it for granted. Perhaps its time to stop doing that! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, there are really some hings I can't do, but I have to manage. And it's a super excuse not to do housew**k! I can't open cans or button things, but I just wear my hoodies which are easy to put on and jeans with elastic waist, so that helps. My thumb and 2 fingers on my right hand are turning dark blue nd are blistered. I know it will go away sooner or later, but it's frigging painful just now! Okay, enough moaning! I like to keep up with my bog, and I will go to art group this afternoon, even if I only splash paint onto paper! And that can be fun! I hope you and Miriam are keeping well and enjoying your walks. I had a nice walk past the castle ruins and along the Rhine this morning. Have a wonderful day, hugs to you both!

  3. Lovely art. The second journal page makes me think of the holidays. I love that color combination you chose. So fun to see the shop windows dress for Christmas. I love the street lanterns in town, too. Will they be decorated soon for the holidays? I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Yes, they're starting to put up the decorations in town. Thanks for the good wishes!

  4. Love your creations. Really sorry your fingers are not doing so well. Hope they get better soon. Take care Anesha x

  5. Great creativity vj..loved your art works. Of course, loved your street photos too

    1. Thanks Ashok! I love taking my klicks on my walks!

  6. Loving your art, my favorite if I were to choose is the first one. Loved seeing the shop windows too-I miss that-since I moved away from home I never lived again in a place with shop windows-sad as I always loved those. Love the quotes. sending along healing prayers hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, I like the first one, too, it's a happy piece! I rarely bu anything, but I love looking in the shop windows! Have a great day, hugs!

  7. Sorry to hear about your shaky hands today Valerie. I hope tomorrow is better. Your art is wonderful and full of joy today. I am glad you have lots made to share as it is always a joy to see them. The week is certainly flying by. Agreed. Have a wonderful and hopefully less shaky end of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, my fingers are very bad just now, I hope it soon gets better.Or I need to make wobbly lines my 'thing'! Have a great day, hugs!

  8. Another uplifting and inspiring post. That butterfly creation is stunning. V xx

    1. Thanks Vee, butterflies always make me happy! Hugs!

  9. What stunning colours you have combined in your lovely butterfly page fo us to enjoy. It is dark, damp and dismal here so this was a joy to see. Thank you for brightening my late afternoon. Both paintings are wonderful and I love the colour combo in the second one - blues and greens are my go to's.
    Thanks for the photos, I love Germany at Christmas - to me it is the real Christmas over there.
    So sorry to hear about your hands, I don't know the real problem but it does not sound good. Sending healing thoughts.
    Hugs,Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. We had sun today for the first time in days, it makes such a difference. My fingers shake because of a nerve problem, and on top of that I have Reynaud's syndrome, which affects the fingers and toes and makes very swollen, painful fingers. I can only type with 2 fingers just now, and this makes me very slow. Hugs!

  10. Lovely art and quotes today, hope your fingers improve soon. I should start thinking about Xmas.

  11. Absolutely gorgeous art Valerie! Lovely photos and great memes. Queen-agers! Lol!
    Have a lovely evening.

  12. Oh I love your pieces Valerie, especially the candles, just beautiful! I'm definitely a Queenager too lol. I hope you fingers get better soon. Take care, Sue xx

  13. Both pieces are gorgeous Valerie, I really love the colors in the candle one! Fantastic photos, the shops look ready for Christmas! Take care & I hope your hands get better.
    Sending hugs, Tammy

  14. I hope your hands improve soon Valerie. Great art work, love the colours in the candles. Christmas is arriving too soon for me!

  15. Hi Val, Bill here. Great Art and photos! Hope you soon feel better!

  16. Lovely art, so nice and colourful, and a lovely selection of photographs especially the Christmassy ones.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  17. Oh Valerie, I'm so sorry to hear your fingers aren't working right. Between doing art and typing up a blog that has to be terribly frustrating, not to mention all those small motions we do without thinking, like clicking a camera or opening a jar or can or even holding a toothbrush, not to mention flossing. Pain is just miserable and I hope you are able to take something that helps, even a little. Please take care. We love your blog and the photos but truly, if it is bothersome to include so many for now, we get it!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm lucky I have a good neighbour who helps!

  18. The memes are wonderful as are your pieces and pictures.
    I hope those fingers ease up and treat you better.

  19. You are sure doing well with your painting, even with your sore fingers. I love both of these. the color in the second one and the butterfly in the first one provide a real presence. Thanks for sharing the first with us at AJJ using Chris's theme.

    I love your memes today. They are all great. And I enjoyed seeing how your little town looks during autumn and of course the Christmas goodies. Thankfully, here we have Thanksgiving to break the time between Halloween and Christmas. I hope all is well soon with your fingers, dear.

  20. Sorry to hear about your fingers. I hope they feel better tomorrow. Your photos look very clear to me and your artwork looks fabulous. Love the photos of you town. Christmas in the air in some of the shop windows for sure! Happy weekend!

  21. Yes Christmas is coming.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  22. Both art pieces are beautiful. Great quotes and beautiful photos. Nice to see the Christmas decorations. We haven't been to the shopping malls to see the decorations.

  23. I am so sorry to hear about your hand. I really hope you feel better soon. Your beautiful butterfly painting says it all. The shimmer in the candle painting is amazing. Your little town is lovely and shop looks so festive. Happy PPF!


  24. Hi Valerie-Jael, Christmas does seem to be coming early everywhere. Beautiful art work and loving the photographs too. Take care and have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. When Halloween is over, Christmas begins in the stores! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs!

  25. Beautiful art. Christmas and panic of it is coming earlier and earlier...

    1. Thanks, you are so right! And directly after Christmas the Easter bunnies will appear! Have a great weekend!

  26. Beautiful art pages! The second one with the candles would make lovely Christmas cards;) Love seeing your charming town photos. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, good Idea! Have a great weekend!

  27. OMG
    I luvved the first art; then i saw the second one and fell deeper in luv

    Happy Friday. I'm a queen-ager and luvving it

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  28. Thanks Gillena, have a great Weekend, enjoy being a Queenager! Hugs!

  29. Love is everything, isn't it? Without love, your heart just shrivels up.

  30. Wonderful art. I love the candles.
    Love the photos of your town. The house front looks fantastic.
    I hope your hands heal soon!
    Love does open hearts and make the world a better place.
    Best Wishes

    1. Thanks Dixie. Without Love the world would be a sad place!

  31. I hope you are feeling much better soon! Your pages are so beautiful, I love all the detail you doodled; the butterfly and flowing lines on your candle page are amazing 😀. The Christmas windows look so inviting, I think I'd spend a fortune there if I could 😉. Take care and wishing you well! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I usually don't shop here, it's too expensive! Have a great Weekend! Hugs!

  32. Pretty artworks! And your photos are always amazing. I love streets.

    1. Thanks Tarang. I Love going through the streets and taking Pics!

  33. Colourful fun art. Hope your fingers improve soon.

  34. Your artwork is divine ~ both pieces ~ think my favorite is the second and what lovely photography ~ love your town ~ Xo ~ Lots of healing reiki energy hugs for your hands ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  35. Wow this is amazing. I love it so much. The photos are special.

  36. Words of wisdom, squiggly are, and wonderful tag, what else could one ask for on a Saturday morning...FANTASTIC. XX

  37. I love that butterfly- what a joyful background! The candles and the background are so beautiful. Lovely photos of your town. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here too, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, here it was Halloween out and Christmas in! Glad you like my colourful pieces! Have a great weekend!

  38. i love tiare smith and effi wild! your art in their styles is fabulous, well done! xo

  39. I love "Light for the journey". It seems appropriate as I look towards Advent.

    I can tell that window shopping in your town during this season would be delightful :)


  40. Your photos are beautiful. I really like your color works are extraordinary. Happy Monday :)


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