Saturday 20 November 2021

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing a piece called 'Roots of joy' inspired by  the lovely Tiare Smith. We splashed and and splattered colours on the page, and then drew scribbly lines round them. Then the scribbly dragonfly was added and on the stem leading down to the roots some words have been fitted into the squiggles. This was good, because shaky hands weren't so important here!

And here are 2 pieces which I digitally changed:

I am linking to Chris challenge at AJJ, as this reminds me of spring.

And I have another tag for my anything goes challenge at Tag Tuesday:

Some funnies/ thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh fun and happy art. I love the scribble part of it.

    1. Thanks Nicole, scribbling is fun! Have a great weekend!

  2. Love the happy effect of your splatters and scribbly lines you should do more of these since they suit shaky hands. Inspiring tag and good memes

    1. Yes, I will do more of these, they ae fun and quick! Have a great weekend!

  3. Awesome art Valerie and I loved the memes-Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  4. My weekend are not control by alarm clocks
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Yes nobody likes alarm clocks! Have a great weekend!

  5. Really fun-art !
    The alarm clock was funny!

  6. The art pieces turn out very prettty. If I have an alarm clock now, it would give me the same message. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Nancy. No alarm clocks needed here, either! Have a great weekend!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Love your colourful and joyful scribble flowers, they are adorable. And the tag is beautiful, too! I love the alarm clock funny, I'm longing for that day!! Have a great day, take car, I'll ring you this evening! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hugs! Looking forward to hearing your voice this evening!

  8. I love the flowers in your first creation. Such beautiful colours. Great work. HOpe you are doing better. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  9. Scribble flowers seem like just the thing for shaky fingers, but even better would be relief from the agony that is causing them to tremble. If only magic wands were real, I would get my hands on a huge one, and wave it over Balconia-by-the-Rhine, conferring steady hands for all time for all who live there. I would fly over on a magic carpet to dispense my relief, and invite you aboard for coffee served in the thinnest, finest, bone china demitasses as visible proof that a steady hand had been restored. Reality is what it is, however, and there is nothing I can do to alleviate your misery, except send you a few bons mots and hope that they cheer you up for a moment or two. Enjoy the weekend as best you can, Valerie. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David, your posts are always such fun! I would love to see you sitting on a magic carpet, waving your big wand over Balconia. And wonderful coffee would be great, but I'd rather have a big mug full! I hope all is well in your place, and that the most beautiful birds wait for you to walk by and enjoy them. I'm having a pyjama weekend and relaxing Hugs to you and Miriam!

  10. The splatter painting looks like so much fun and the tag is very empowering. Enjoy the weekend

    1. Thanks CJ, I will definitely play with that splatter and splosh Technic again, it was such fun. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Your flower piece is absolutely perfect! What a terrific technique. I love the colors and the happiness of this piece. I'm glad you could do those but oh, I'm so worried about your hands. They are your tools, your operating equipment and shaky hands are a challenge for an artist. I hope the pain is under control. I so admire that you are still sharing and making things. Biggest hugs!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. The pain is more or less under control, but the meds make me tired and very unconcentrated, but sooner or later I hope it will get better. Painting and writing are good, because it stops the nerves dying off. HUgs, have a great weekend!

  12. I think you need to go with the shaky hand style (not that you want shaky hands, I don't mean that). I mean your piece is great, and I love the squiggly lines. It feels like summer, and it is beautiful. I love the tag too. Those ladies are fun, and their little dog is especially fun. Hope the hands are improving a bit and this whole disease slows down in its progression. Happy weekend my friend. Hugs-Erika

  13. LOL I'm still smiling over the cat funny!!! I Love love love your art pieces! PLEASE show more of your painting-you have a wonderful style!

    1. Thanks Debra, I post on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Friday, and weekend!

  14. Very fine post;) Have a nice weekend;)

  15. I love these flowers Valerie- they certainly do look like Spring flowers. The scribbly words look great...a truly lovely page for my AJJ theme. The tag is fabulous-hoping to join in. Love the alarm clock! Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I loved making the flowers, splosh and splatter is always fun! Yes, it's nice not to have to get up at 5:30 each day!

  16. Beautiful and wonderful art. Love the way it almost reminds me of asemic writing. I like the digital versions, too. Great entry for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    That tag is SO positive. I absolutely LOVE it. Wonderful sentiments and darling girls.

    Cute memes, too. That cat is really typical. Wants in and out at the same time. Hope all is well in your world, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! My Kitty was like that, first she wanted out onto the balcony, then she wanted in, and then out again, she could play this game for hours!

    2. So true of cats. BTW, the Cat has spoken and he says THANK YOU.

  17. Hey, I've got that alarm clock. Grin.
    Those pieces are grand, especially the squiggles. That would be fun. Makes me want to try it.
    Take special care.

    1. es, it's a great alarm clock! Scribbles and squiggles are fun! Have a great weekend!

  18. Love the pieces you shared. :) Also- the memes gave me a smile.

    Hope you are having a nice weekend!


  19. Love your version of Tiara Smiths lesson, I have just done that one, I’ll put it on AEDM. Great tag as well.

  20. Hi Val, Bill here! Love your art and photos! Hope you soon feel better.


  21. A very nice idea for an illustration. I like joyful drawings, it's like a bit of spring autumn. Have a nice week:)

  22. I hope your hands get better soon. I do like the squiggly flowers and splatters in the background. Nice!

  23. I love these flowers and colours Valerie, gorgeous..and I have one of those clocks, I love that

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, yes, that's a great clock! Have a great day! Hugs!

  24. I feel myself in an art gallery! Colors are peaceful and warm. All look great. Have a great new week.

    1. Thanks so much. My home has turned into an art gallery. Have a great, new week!

  25. I love all of your art Valerie!
    Have a lovely Sunday evening.

  26. Sounds like a grand workshop Valerie so freeing to just throw paint down and discover what you find with scribbly doodles... you found some great flowers and I love the butterfly, her glitter reminds me of fairy cake sprinkles.
    I'm smiling at Grumpy Cat.. :D Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. It was indeed fun to Play with the paint! Hugs!

  27. Lovely colourful art.

    I do like the retirees alarm clock.

    Enjoy the remainder of Sunday.

    All the best Jan

  28. Art and craft finding ways to make our problems strengths. Your art is beautiful and what a great technique. V xx

    1. Thanks Vee, thät's true, Have a great week, take care, hugs!

  29. Beautiful flowers on your first art page Valerie and of course I liked your other fabulous art pages as well, as I am reading your posts and catching up.
    I hope your hands are not so painful today.
    Yvonne xx

  30. Your artwork is just amazing Valerie!! Hope it has lifted your spirits. Sending positive vibes your way. Hugs

  31. Nice tags. Luv the ziggy lines.
    Happy Tuesday


  32. Thanks Gillena, have a great week, stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  33. Super Tags..loving your art recently Valerie, fabulous work.xx


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