Saturday 27 November 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I am sharing a piece inspired by a lesson from Effy Wild. I had fun with this one, made for my friend Harry,  and a second one with slightly different colours and a different quote for me, which I will show another day!

And some photos mostly of sunrise and sunset:

A thinky:

And a photo taken by mistake, but I liked it!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like rug. It so colorful and cheery.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, I love colourful things! Have a great weekend, hugs!

    2. And I hope your son is doing well!

  2. I like your art and enjoyed your photographs, especially the photograph taken by mistake, I do like that rug it's so colourful.

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, that was indeed a happy mistake! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  3. Lovely work of art and pics, your words of anxiety are appreciated. xx

    1. Thanks Annie! Have a great weekend, hugs!

    2. Anxiety is hard to conquer and affects so many people!

  4. Lovely blues in your art piece today and I like your mistake!

  5. Is it a fabric piece, Valerie? In any case it is lovely I love the colours and layers. Thank you for the photographs. V xx

    1. No, it's just painted on paper, Vee. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  6. Interesting Art Vj..your sun clicks are gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Ashok, I am fascinated by the sun, moon and skies. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are doing well. How are your fingers? Love your beautiful Buddha, your friend will Love it. Fabulous photos and Love your mistake! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, some mistakes are good! Have a great weekend, hugs to you all!

  8. Good morning Valerie: I hadn't realized what long legs you have. They stretch on forever! As for the last shot, I love it! Your slippers are almost as funky as your shoes and they look like they will keep your feet (at the end of those long legs) toasty and warm. You always have these interesting messages to add the finishing touch to your pieces and I am waiting for one to deal with birds, perhaps even the esoterica of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. No one is better equipped to make that commentary than you. I will be leading a bird walk this morning, but I doubt that exotic creatures such as you experience will join us. The weather looks good though. Minus one with sun and cloud, which on a late November day in Ontario is pretty nice. This is the second of two walks to Hillside Park, the first having occurred on Wednesday, so a blog post will be coming soon. All my outings have been well attended and I appreciate the interest that people have. Enjoy the weekend. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David. I am staying home today as I have a cold with sore throat and cough. I did a Corona Test, but I'm happy to say it was negative. Have fun with your bird walk, and make a post, I always look forward to your adventures and the pictures. Especially if Lily is there! My slippers are really toasty warm, and I have some in various sizes for my visitors. It's really good that people gather together and walk and learn about nature first hand. I once joined in shore walk, where we walked along the Rhine and were shown lots of interesting things. I really enjoyed it except for getting wet feet! Have a lovely weekend, hugs!

  9. Awesome art Valerie, and I really enjoyed all of the photos-great sky photos Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  10. I love your cosy slippers and colourful rug Valerie! Also beautiful art and wonderful sunrises.
    Have a good weekend,

  11. Hi Val, Bill here! Fantastic Art and photos! Have a great Weekend!

  12. Süss dein Foto, ich finds toll die Hausschuhen!
    Wunderschön deine Seite,fasziniert lese ich und bewundere es so gerneso wie deine schönen Fotos.
    Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung und bin froh dass du dich nicht angesteckt hast mit dem Virus!
    Schönen 1.Advent ganz herzliche Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke, eine Erkältung ist unangenehm, wird aber bald vorbei gehen. Dir einen schönen Abend und eine besinnliche Adventszeit. Alles Liebe, Valerie

  13. I'm a bit late but we had no power this AM and then we spent the afternoon getting hay bales to finish winterizing the bees. I also like your photo taken by mistake. Cute cute slippers. And I do like your blue piece today. The white pen work really lifted it up-nice details. I hope you're having a great weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, its always good to see your comments! I hope you take some photos of how you winterize the bees. I love that you look after them so well! Glad you lik my slippers, they are really cozy! And I'm glad you liked Harry's piece. Im having a restful weekend, and enjoying being lazy!

  14. Great photos;) Have a nice day ;)

  15. Beautiful art Valerie, I love the colors and white detailing! Great photos, your slippers look so comfy! Have a great week ahead.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving! Ha, my Slippers are famous!

  16. I'm very late because I have been busy with my friend Scott and other friends this holiday weekend. I have found when I am not on the computer, time seems to fly. Too many parties, too much food.

    I love your blue Buddha. This is beautiful. You did a lot of doodling that shows up beautifully.

    Your sunrises/sunsets are stunning. And I love the horses, too. That is great advice on anxiety. Believe me, I know it to be true. Hope your weekend is going better than mine. I'm in catch up mode.

    1. Thanks E! We all have issues with anxiety and it can be soul destroying. Time always seems to fly these days. My weekend has been spent at home because I have a cold, but it seems to be getting better - I hope!

  17. Forgot to mention I love your happy slipper and rug accident. REALLY colorful.

    1. Yes, my slippers are now famous, and I love my rug!

  18. Love the colour combo here and the doodling looks awesome..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, have a great, new week. Hugs!

  19. Thanks Nas, have a great new week!

  20. Ahh, the horses. And I love that last photo. So cozy.
    Your piece is fun, The indigo just pops.
    I hope you are doing well and your body is behaving itself.

    1. Thanks so much, Sandra. Hope you are enjoying your Long weekend! Hugs!

  21. This is a beautiful post. You always share such beauty.

  22. I love this Valerie, beautiful blues, and the white pen really makes it shine! Take care, Sue xx

  23. Looking at this piece inspires my body to stretch upwards :) Beautiful colors, too!


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