Saturday 6 November 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy, relax!

Today I am sharing another Autumn Spirit. I had fun decorating her and adding some feathers and stars. Her 'dress' was collaged and stitched:

My second piece is for the new challenge at More Mixed Media. Our Challenges are always anything mixed media goes, this time with optional black. You have 4 weeks to link to us! I am also linking to Chris' 'all kinds of weather' challenge at AJJ:

Some of the photos were taken two weeks, back, the trees were still full of leaves, and the pics from this week show the trees almost devoid of them. We had some lovely sunrise scenes,  and I love the photo of the Canadian geese flying from the lakes - where they sleep - down to the Rhine:

I visited The geese at the end of our street:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I do like 'Autumn Spirit'

    Lovely photographs especially the one with the Canada Geese flying.

    Have a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I love to see the geese flying overhead! Have a great weekend!

  2. Your autumn spirit is wonderful. The feathers are such a great addition, and since autumn is late in the year, I like how the white makes this lady look like she is a bit older and wiser. ( But NOT old.) I really like this piece. I'm always excited when you make one of your heads, and this one is great. It works perfect for Chris' challenge at AJJ. And I like the quote and the way you made your page. Lovely sunrise colors too, as I also love the geese flying against the sky. Have a wonderful weekend my friend, and enjoy. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like the new pages and the pics. the flying geese are always so beautiful. Have a good and hopefully restful weekend, hugs!

  3. Beautiful photos-you live in a pretty area. and I love your art - especially the first one Happy weekend hugs

  4. Ducks sure look like they are enjoying them self

  5. Beautiful autumn spirit and a lovely mixedx media page and quote. Lovely photos.

  6. I love this, "Even in stormy weather let the sun shine in your heart." Nice art pieces. Love your photos of sunrise and geese. Have a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks Nancy, we always need a good attitude. Hugs!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you enjoyed your day with your friend yesterday, I'm sure you had some good food and a good natter! Love today's beautiful art and photos! Your autumn spirit reminds me of Narnia! Have a great weekend, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah. Thanks, we had a lovely day yesterday, so good to meet up again. We had a lovely walk, too, and caught up on all 'the news'. I will show pictures next week! Hugs to all!

  8. Brilliant projects, STUNNING designs and always look forward to your photos. xxx

    1. Thanks Annie. I was just thinking of you and Bella and your comment popped up! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  9. Those sunsets are gorgeous. One looks like a bird is rising in it. Your mixed media pieces are beautiful.

    1. Thanks Teresa, have a great weekend, take care!

  10. Good morning, Valerie: You have created another fabulous woman, although I have to say that this one looks quite stern. i would not wish to get on the wrong side of her. She is, after all, the Spirit of Autumn and perhaps it is a heavy burden to know that she is tasked with ushering in winter. Possibly she is going to San Francisco; she has feathers in her hair. Speaking of feathers, the shot of the geese in flight is enough to make my heart go pitter-patter! Doubtless they are Canada Geese, the monarchs of the skies, far superior to the pithy Greylag Geese so loved by Konrad Lorenz. I admired his work so much (still do) and it saddened me greatly that he was a Nazi sympathizer. His books are on my shelf, and his research changed the way think about animals. It is the weekend, my dear, and even though that changes little for people like you and me, old habits die hard and the weekend seems like a reward for the rest of the week. At 10 o'clock I will be leading a group of children and their parents to learn the fine art of locating and identifying birds in fall. I am looking forward to it! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! Glad you like this lady, but she really does look strict, doesn't she? No hanky-panky with her! Hmmm, San Francisco wouldn't be bad, I wouldn't mind another visit there either! And OF COURSE they are CANADA geese - would I get up at 5 a.m.for ordinary grey geese? Yes, Conrad Lorenz was really good, but his attitude to other things definitely not! I'm happy it's weekend, and I'm enjoying a rest day today. A friend visited me yesterday and we had a loooong walk, so my knee is very sore again today, but we did go out for a delicious meal so that was something! Have fun with the kids and their parents. Have a wonderful weekend, hugs to you and Miriam!

  11. Beautiful faces and quotes. Gorgeous sunrises. The flying geese are awesome. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ. I always love to see the geese flying over the house! Have a great weekend!

  12. Your autumn spirit is stunning. I like what you did with her hair, that is so clever and truly respresents autumn. I also like the swirls on her neck.
    As usual your photos take me back.. I hope those white geese behave! My favorite is the alley with the old (?) wall at the left side. I miss all those little alleys and crooks - that's why I'm so happy we have the alleys here in the historic district that I love to walk. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks Carola! I think the geese are approaching their last days, the get eaten at Martinsfest! Our little town is filled with old alleys and cobbled streets. Have a great Weekend!

  13. I really love this face. Wonderful photos.

  14. Oooh I love your Autumn lady, the feathers suit her very well! Take care and have a lovely weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, have a great evening and a wonderful Sunday! Hugs!

  15. What a charming lady you gave us. She is really beautiful and you do these so well, Valerie.

    I also love the head you drew for MMM and tied it to Chris's theme at AJJ, too. That was clever and good use of this lovely journal entry, too.

    Loved the boy on the bike with the dog and of course, all those cloud shots, too. Some were very scary and some were quite billowy. Great post today, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I Love watching the ever changing Clouds. Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  16. A great weekend post Valerie! I love your beautiful art and those wonderful skies.
    Happy Saturday!

  17. Fantastic art work Valerie, just beautiful and love all the photos today, those gorgeous skies...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, I Love watching the Sky! Have a great Weekend!

  18. Oh my gosh. Look at the red streaks in the sky. Striking.
    Another fascinating face. Also loved the second piece.
    Hope your weekend is pain free and filled with energy.

    1. The skies have been gorgeous this week! Thanks for the good wishes, hugs!

  19. Another lovely, creative post and your photographs are great. Thank you for the Congratulations. V xx

    1. Thanks Vee, your cards are always so good, the group is lucky to have you! Have a great day, hugs!

  20. Hi Val, Bill here. That's one strong lady you painted, love her. Great photos, too.

  21. Wow, such a gorgeous post - loving all those photos! Your autumnal art is beautiful too 😁. I hope you're having a lovely weekend! Hugs Jo x

  22. Beautiful Autumn Sprite Valerie, love the textures and the gold touches you added! Awesome photos today, the sunrise photo with the birds is gorgeous!
    Take care & hugs.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy!I love that photo with the geese.too. Have a great, new week, hugs!

  23. Fantastic art Valerie, I love your Spirit of Autumn page and the lovely autumnal photos.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Your skies always take my breath away. Gorgeous!

  25. Oh My! I did get lost didn't I? I love the page for my AJJ theme. Your Autumn Spirit portrait is wonderful!
    Loving the sunrise pics especially once again! Hugs, Chrisx


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