Monday 31 May 2021

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, or for those with a long weekend that you are still enjoying it. Here we have had 2 sunny days, I can hardly believe it! But it's good not to freeze outside!

This evening at 9 pm at Tag Tuesday we will be starting a new challenge, and our lovely and talented  Michele is hosting. Her theme is Faces, so please all show your faces for this challenge! As always you have 2 weeks to link your tags to us, and tags of all formats are welcome. And thanks to  our wonderful Pinky who hosted the last challenge and to all who joined in.

I made a tag using an image from Mischief Circus. Is it a pensive face, or sad? Is it masculine or feminine? I don't know, what do you think?

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies who visit here.

I am sharing a coffee page made in previous times and some more coffee stamps:

The Wednesday Market:

Light breaking through:

Stormy weather:

The castle ruins are greening up:

A cloud in the shape of a goose:

More flowers:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So glad you have had some sunny days! That tag looks like a really sad man to me. We still have tomorrow as a holiday here but it doesn't matter much for me. All days are usually about the same whether it's weekdays, weekends, or holidays. Beautiful photos! Hugs. :)

    1. Thanks Martha, the sun makes everything much friendlier! Yes, when we are at home anyway, weekends are't so important. Have a great week!

  2. I am in awe of that tag. I'm not sure if it's a sad man or a pensive elderly woman. One thing I am sure of. It is thought provoking.

    Wonderful coffee images today and a great journal page, too. I am going to order some of those Espresso stamps before the price increases sometime this summer. Thanks for sharing them, because I had no idea they even existed.

    I think the Castle ruins are looking good. Those are my favorite photos today, dear. Also, please check out the Cat's Meow.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Yes, that image is though provoking. The castle ruins are always a fun place to be, I feel grounded when I see those ancient stones. Off to see the cat.....

  3. Which castle is this VJ? Interesting post

    1. Thanks Ashok. This is the ruin of the imperial castle of the Emperor Barbarossa at Kaiserswerth, I love walking there each day! You can look it up on the net!

    2. It is a fabulous place to visit!

  4. ooh what a stunning tag with that awesome face and loving the amazing photos too. x

  5. Hi Val, good morning! We've got sunshine again - you, too? I hope so! I love the pensive face, it's beautiful. Great coffee page and stamps, too. Have a great week, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Yes, sunshine again! Thanks Sarah, have a great day, hugs to all!

  6. Male or female you ask. The thought springs to mind that it is perhaps hermaphroditic, or transgendered. That's a topic that has received a mountain of attention in recent years, Valerie, so your tag is probably keeping up with the times. And perhaps we don't need to define ourselves in this gendered fashion at all (but don't try telling that to some alarmists!). In any event, the overall impression is quite lovely, and infused with a sense of mysticism and that seems like not a bad way to start a new week. The castle with its fresh green coat is a wonder to behold. It conveys the transience of human endeavour (arrogance some might say) with nature regaining its rightful foothold. The flowers and the countryside all look serene and beautiful. 'Tis the time of year for long walks and ice cream in the park. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Oh yes, transgender is getting very popular these days- I don't quite understand why, but to each his/her own! I love seeing the green and flowers sprouting out of all the cracks in the walls of the castle and other ancient places here. Nature reclaims its own. Today the sun is shining again, three days in a row! I hade a nice walk this morning and will go for a walk - and perhaps an ice - with a friend later this afternoon. I hope you had a good weekend and got out to see lots of birds. And how is little Lily? I've missed her lately! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

    2. We were supposed to go for a walk with Heather and Lily last Friday, but it rained heavily and the temperature was a mere five degrees so we had to postpone it. With any luck we will be able to get out together this coming Friday and we will take lots of pictures of our little darling. She will be a year old on 20 June. I will tell her that Auntie Valerie in Germany says hello!

    3. Thanks for the news! I shall be looking forward to seeing that gorgeous child again! I can hardly believe she will be a year old! Give her a hug from me!

    4. In her case it's older and wiser; in my case older and more befuddled!

  7. It is an older face not a happy expression!

  8. A lovely post. The face does speak and speaks loudly if someone is listening. Love the photos too.

  9. The face really says a lot! Love all the pictures too. Glad you have had a couple days of nice weather. It has been very cold and rainy here for the last three days. It feels like fall instead of "almost summer". Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Jess. We had similar weather Here. Have a great week!

  10. What wonderful art pieces, the face is very evocative. Beautiful castle photos as well!

  11. Wonderful creations, love the tags. Anesha x

  12. What an amazing tag! The face is amazing, full of expression. We've had two days of sunshine too, it's been SO nice. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! What a difference the sun makes! Have a day week!

  13. We've had some wonderful sunny days too, and I think we have some more to come :)

    A lovely tag and wonderful collection of photographs.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  14. Thanks Jan, have a great week!

  15. That is a great tag Valerie. I love the idea of face. I guess I'll be making some tags this week. And those coffee stamps are really cool. I haven't seen them before but they are perfect for T this week. And that is a nice page you reshowed us too. The plants on your railing looks nice too. It is so nice to see flowers again, isn't it? Have a wonderful T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, hope to see your face soon! Flowers are always welcome! Happy T Day!

  16. That face could be either male or female, hard to choose, great coffee stamps.

  17. Hi Valerie, I loved seeing the castle ruins-so cool you can visit these sites near you.
    Love your art, photos-and whose coffee stamps too.
    Happy T wishes hugs Kathy

  18. Face looks older one's face and unhappy! Faces are never say lie. Such an Amazing and great photos you shared in this post. Thanks för providing this site, Greetings from Turkey.

  19. Lovely post and I see a pensive (yes, almost sad) face - it's a bit haunting, in a good way! Very clever design and it's elegant in its simplicity! I love the castle ruins - that was my childhood playground! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kelly. The castle ruins are always special.

  20. Hi Laurie, good to see you around again!

  21. Wunderschönes Posting mit deiner schönen beeindruckende Kunst und die herrlichen Fotos!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  22. Lovely to see the cygnets in your header. And the tag is beautiful. Hmmm could be a woman or a man. I don't think it matters. He or she is looking worried and possibly in pain.
    How wonderful that the sun has come out. The world definitely looks better when the sun shines.
    Your plants on the balcony look beautiful. It must be an absolute delight to sit there when weather permits.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, the sun is shining and I'm sitting on my balcony underneath the sun shade!

  23. Wow - that face if very interesting. Could be masculine or femine, and it looks different as you try to imagine each. Love it. Super coffee page and stamps. Love the goose cloud and all your other wonderful pictures. So much beauty and so many interesting things you see! Happy T-day. Hugz

  24. Sometimes images of elderly faces are, like baby faces, hard to categorize by sex without context like clothing and hairstyle.

    We had glorious sunshine yesterday, but we're back to overcast and chance of rain for the next few days. It's wonderful to see increasing flowers and green,

    Happy T Tuesday!

  25. Very interesting tag. Thanks for delighting me with your photos

    Happy Tuesday Stay Safe

  26. So glad to hear you've been having sunny days! It's actually feeling like summer 😉. Your artwork is fabulous, I think the face definately speaks volumes and the teapot postage stamp is beautiful! Lovely to see those skies and pretty flowers too! Happy June and T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Yes, it's great to feel the sun 🌞 again! Have a great week!

  27. I love the US coffee stamps -- I had the 3¢ stamp, and just bought some of the new coffee stamps. Of course I never write letters, they'll all just go with bill payments. Your other photos are very nice too.

    best... mae at

    1. I have great problems to actually use nice stamps! Have a great week!

  28. Hi Valerie, I think the face is a man who looks sad and worried! Lovely photos and I love the stamps with coffees on them, we’ve had a awful day, it rained so hard I couldn’t get to my craft room, hail stones too, I really thought it was June in Spain!
    HappyT Day

    1. Yes, the face looks sad. Sorry you have Bad weather, Hope it soon improves. Happy T Day!

  29. I love your pics as always it's like being there, but no coffee...wah!

  30. Love your coffee stamps. Love your Faces can speak volumes tag. Thanks for the Tuesday Tag reminder. I will try to do it. :_ Great photos, as always. Happy T Day.

    1. Thanks Sharon, hope to see you ate TT again! Have a great week!

  31. stunning faces Valerie! nd wow, those coffee stamps were made for you! xo

    1. Thanks Michele, they were indeed! Have a great week!

  32. It is a mystery face for sure - and makes a fantastic tag. Time just escapes me at the moment - as you can guess - seeing this a day late!! Love the photos - the greenery around the castle looks great! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Time escapes us all, never enough hours in the day!

  33. I think it is a very worried, even frightened face. I love the castle. How pretty.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, the castle is always beautiful!

  34. Great face! Lots of emotion!!!
    Love the castle and the sky photos!! Love the flowers! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks, a face full of emotions always tells a tale!

  35. That is a wonderful mysterious face! And I love how you’ve put it together artfully on a tag. Terrific background that adds to the mystery of the face.

    1. Thanks Annie, I like this face, too, gives us lots to think about!


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