Saturday 8 May 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy weekend! The weather is still very cold, wet and plain nasty, but we have been promised that from Sunday on we will be enjoying warm and sunny days - I hope they're right!

For Elle's 'language' challenge at AJJ I have another piece using an altered photo:

I love this knotty and knobbly tree - can you see faces and animals hidden there?

Today's walk was cold and wet, but the sun came out for a few minutes, so that was something. I don't mind the rain, but it's not conducive to taking photos. These were once again taken with my phone:

Puddle pictures:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Beautiful artwork and I'm so glad to hear you are in for some nice weather, it's about time! Thanks for sharing all the photos in between the rain. Hope you are feeling well Valerie. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Martha, we are all looking forward to some god weather here, it's been sooooo cold and miserable! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  2. Hi Valerie, love your art, and I loved the photos too-the puddle pictures-so cool. our weather has not been too bad, although quite cool at night we are suppose to get rain over the weekend. Happy weekend-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy. No rain yet today here, so hope it stays that way! Stay safe, hugs!

  3. Lovely art and photos today Valerie!

  4. Really amazing journal entry, Valerie. I love how you represented language which made it perfect for an art journal page and for Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I can see where it rained in your world. It's been quite dry here, but we are expected to get rain this weekend if we're lucky. Great photos, and your phone takes great shots.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you like this page. Have a great weekend, take care!

    2. Sorry I missed the previous post. I have no idea how I missed it because it should have shown up on my blog sidebar AND at AJJ as soon as it went live.

    3. It did show up! Never mind!

  5. Adorably designed journal with brilliant colours. xx

  6. Ich bin begeistert von diesem wundervollen Kunstwerk, das berührt mich bis tief ins Herz!
    Das Wetter, nah ja heute ist noch ziemlich kalt bei mir mal schauen wie es ist morgen aussieht!
    Schöne Fotos auch wenn es mit Regen verbunden sind...
    Schönes Wochenende wüsnche ich dir und hoffentlich mit Sonnenstrahlen die Wärme bringen!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich hoffe ihr kriegt bald schönes Wetter dort im Norden! Bleib gesund!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Woohoo, it's not raining yet today! Love your beautiful piece, such wonderful colours and words. Lovely pics, too. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great weekend, too. Hugs to you all, stay safe!

  8. Great post VJ. I have missed your posts in the past few weeks. Need to catch up

    1. Thanks Ashok, good to see you around again!

  9. Beautiful art page. I especially like the first, purply one. I like your puddle art photo too. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. I like puddle pictures, too! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Beauty, art and nature speak a universal language indeed! Good morning, Valerie. I am sorry to hear that the weather has not been kind where you are. Like you, I don't mind rain, but when it is combined with cold, blustery condition it is not pleasant at all. It remains cool here, although for the most part it has been sunny, so that makes it easier to deal with. The water droplets on the flowers give them the appearance of being bedecked with tiny jewels. Many is the time I have seen birds drinking from water that has beaded on plants. I hope the weekend will be kind to you in every respect and that you will feel refreshed and reinvigorated at the end of it. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, good morning to you! The weather has not been nice, but tomorrow we should have warm and sunny weather. From frostbite to sunburn in one weekend! I love flowers and plants sparkling with raindrops, always so beautiful. Nature is the best artist. I am sure you have some bidding activities planned for the weekend. And how is sweet Lily? Have a great time, stay safe, hugs to you both!🐣🐤🐥🐦

  11. Such lovely artwork, and what a great theme for the challenge. I love that puddle photo too, we have that kind of weather here today too! Take care and have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, the challenge theme is really good! At the moment it's dry here, I had better be quiet! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. The post edited photo is phenomenal indeed. Glad you're getting out again, with care, of course? I love taking photos in the rain. Stay safe, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, and yes, I am really being careful, I don't need to call over again! Rain photos are always beautiful. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  13. That is an amazing altered photo. I think you should frame that one. The bright sun spot and the bee and the flower all have a wonderful summery quality to them without being too bold. I also like those rainy photos. There is something for color standing out when the sky is grey. Wishing you a wonderful weekend Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I was pleased how it turned out, too. Have a fantastic weekend, hugs!

  14. I think it's cold all over the world these days! Let's hope for a warming trend soon!


  15. Beautiful work and photos. Of course I can see the face of a man with long hair and a beard and two little hippos. Have a great day :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. I can See many Figures, too! Have a great Weekend!

  16. Beautiful photos and art Valerie! I could see those faces and figures in the gnarly tree :-)
    Let's hope the weather cheers up tomorrow.
    A happy weekend to you,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! I love that tree! Have a great weekend!

  17. Beautiful altered art, great colours. Great pictures too and the tree is certainly interesting. The tree stumps at the back of my garden have lots of mould growing of the bark and love the look of the canopys of mould that form from them. Wet and windy here too . Have a good rest of the weekend. Michelle

    1. Hi Michelle. I love these oddities of nature. Let's hope it soon gets warmer. Enjoy your weekend!

  18. Happy weekend to you. This piece of art is gorgeous. I too like the knotty tree. So much character to it.

  19. WOW what a stunning and colorful project Valerie, love how you altered one of your photos! Awesome pictures, the knotty tree looks so cool! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I love that knotty tree, too. Have a great Sunday, Valerie

  20. I just adore your spread! It is gorgeous! I love the colours and the textures, beautiful. And I love all your nature photos!!

    1. Tanks Michelle, much appreciated, have a great day!

  21. Beautiful art work Valerie, love that lumpy bumpy tree.

  22. Ooh I love your altered photo and your quote. The effect in the photo reminds me of sky in Van Gogh's starry night, the same kind of movement. Thanks for joining us for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

  23. Beautiful photos. I enjoyed your walk.

    best... mae

  24. We're having rain and thunderstorms today, but it's predicted to clear up tomorrow. That'll be nice. That tree trunk is eye-catching! Those flowers are lovely and that tree-lined walk so inviting.

    1. And here it's sunny and warm!Have a great week!

  25. I must mention that you have very beautiful handwriting. I wish I could say the same about myself. Nice photos!

  26. Oooh I love your altered photo piece, it is so beautiful! Your photos are also lovely.

  27. As you can no doubt gather I am once more playing catch up. I do hope you have recovered from your fall. My nieces little boy fell and had to be taken home from school and next day he said he did not want to go back because they would "all laugh at him". When I saw a photo of the big bandage on his head I knew what he meant. Poor little soldier.
    Well, it is forecast for rain here for the next two weeks more or less so hope you get your better days over there. Give a thought for the wet north of England though, please.
    Love your altered photo and all the photos that followed - I did see animals in the knobbly tree - a hippo leapt out at me straight away.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I've been catching up on sorting bills etc today, not my fave occupation. It's wet and windy again here too. Stay safe and well!

  28. What a beautiful page Valerie, glorious colours! I love those 'after the rain' photos. There's plenty of opportunity here for those, we have had showers very day for over week now - and more to come. It has warmed up a little and we are having sunshine between the showers but...this afternoon... a thunderstorm!

    1. Thanks Chris, we have also had ample opportunities for rain pics, what a strange spring we have had!

  29. Your art piece is so beautiful! I love it! I love that tree too! So cool! Gorgeous photos! Thank you! Big Hugs!

  30. Very pretty artwork and the words are very true. I love the texture.

    The tree is fabulous and it is fun to see different shapes in it.

    Great pictures.

    Hope your weather is prettier now and that you are staying safe!


    1. Thanks Nancy. It's warm and sunny today, I enjoyed my walk!


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