Saturday 22 May 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody! 

It's weekend - enjoy!

On Thursday I had to travel by tram to the other side of town. I was happy that the trams were not full, everybody has to wear a medical mask, and all the ventilation flaps on the windows have to stay open all the time. I had to collect my new 'Ausweis' - identity card. It took a long time to get it because of Covid, but now I have a new one with biometric functions, and look like I could be on a wanted poster! How people manage to make these official photos so horrible, I don't know!

I read something in the paper that cheered me up this week. It was that animal protection groups are working with drones which have heat active cameras so that they can scan fields before the farmer ploughs them, and rescue young animals or birds from being mangled by the machines. A great idea that volunteers help to save lives this way.

I have a digital journal page for Elle's language challenge at AJJ - this time it's about the language of chocolate:

The ducks, geese and gulls are all back at the Rhine now:

And I have more pictures from the wild-life park taken at another visit. I'm pleased to say they are now opening up again, but you have to order a ticket in advance to keep control of the number of visitors:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am not a chocolate fan but I do like your art work. We too have to wear masks on public transport. Nice to see the ducks and geese back. Good to hear things are slowly opening up again.

    1. Thanks Sue, It's sensible to wear masks, and I'm glad it's necessary here. But we still have to be very careful, even if things are getting better. Have a great weekend!

  2. The photo of chocolate drew me in. I was sure I was going to be offered a piece. Just as I was coming to a decision on which piece I would choose, I see you are keeping it all for yourself! Can’t say as I blame you. Chocolate speaks to me all the time, so I totally understand your page.

    1. Well, as it's you, help yourself! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  3. I want to go feed the animals! Such precious pictures, thank you!
    Now, I want some chocolate! LOL!
    That is so cool, to use drones, to rescue animals!
    Big Hugs!

    1. It is indeed a great idea to use modern technic to save the lives of those animals and birds! Have a great weekend!

  4. I'm glad to hear mask mandates are still in place there. It's crazy here, they have been lifted in most places. I love your chocolate art lol! Your photos are great, I especially like the sweet deer. Have a great weekend Valerie. Hugs!

    1. Here you have to wear your masks in public transport, all public buildings, stations, stores etc, and that's good! Have a great weekend!

  5. Yum, the chocolates look so good! Adorable pictures, the speckled fawns are so cute! I hope you have a nice and safe weekend, Valerie!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Chocolate and pretty fawns, nice ideas for the weekend! Have a great one!

  6. Glad you got your important card. The chocolate art is yummy. Beautiful animal photos. So interesting about the heat active cameras, good tech for a change!

    1. Thanks Christine, it's good to see technic being used for a good cause!

  7. Adorable post, lovely gorgeous photos, chocolate, mmmm don't like it myself. xx

    1. Thanks Annie. I have a neighbour who always gives me chocolate which she often gets as presents, and she doesn't like it! Good for me!

  8. Die Schokolade spricht einen wirklich an lach tolles Journal. Ich finde das auch toll mit der Drohne zu schützen die Tiere.
    Tolle Fotos von all den Tieren, ich liebe es die Tiere zu beobachten! Ich bin froh dass ich kein Bus oder Zug fahren muss.
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich fahre momentan Bus und Bahn nur wenn es nötig ist, aber sie tun wirklich viel um uns sicher zu halten. Dir ein schönes Wochenende!

  9. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good and restful sleep! Oh yes, chocolate speaks to us. Great idea for a journal page. Lovely photos from the wild life park, glad it's opening again. Have a great weekend, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, hope you all have a good weekend, mit genug Schokolade für Deine Schleckermäulchen! Hugs to all!

  10. I agree, eat the chocolate! I am dreading going on a bus again, but it is what it is now. Lovely photos of all the animals and birds. Have a great w/end! Hugs, Deb

    1. thanks Deb! I try to avoid public transport as much as possible, but sometimes it's necessary, and they really are doing their best to keep people safe here. Have a great weekend!

  11. Fun journal page-and I love that you have a wildlife park nearby-I would enjoy that. beautiful photos-we are enjoying the ducks and geese here but it's been raining so much we aren't seeing them as much now as usual Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Kathy, bad weather here, too, rain, wind and storm! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Chocolate food of the Gods! My mother worked in a chocolate factory when she was a teen. She learned how to read the swirls on the chocolate and knew what fillings were inside. The wildlife park looks wonderful. The photo of the people taking pictures of the deer with the deer behind them made me laugh. It looked like the deer were taking pictures of the humans taking pictures. 😺 Maybe it's too early and I need another cup of tea. Have a good weekend!

    1. Food of the gods,indeed! I often wonder what the animals think when they see us, perhaps we are just sort of 2-legged food machines for them? Perhaps they have a natter about the humans, too!

  13. Very fine photos 😊 have a nice weekend 😊

  14. Good morning Valerie: I do not profess to know much about "Ausweiss" cards, but are they not a form of ID for German citizens and are you not a British citizen? I am quite sure that you told us about the hassle and the length of time involved to have your British passport renewed. But perhaps you have dual citizenship? Those chocolates look deeeelicious. Certainly enough there for a mid morning snack! Some might claim it's only the decadent who would do such a thing, but I lean towards the enlightened! I am thrilled to see that the CANADA Geese (cue the national anthem, please) have regained their position of dominance long the Rhine, and that you had the good sense to take multiple pictures of them! Bravo! And they go where they want without an Ausweiss card. Such is the influence of Canada! The wildlife park was a delightful visit, and fawns match anything for cuteness. Well, maybe not you! On that sycophantic note, I will end my discourse for today. Hugs and kisses for the whole weekend. David

    1. Ah David, Germany, and many other lands, love bureaucracy. I still have my British citizenship, but have to have an identity card which states that I have a life-long residence permit here. Because of Covid it has taken over a year to get them both done, and has cost a lot of money to boot! Everyone here must carry identification at all times! Decadent or not, q nice piece of chocolate or three is always a good thing! And I get lots of chocolate from a neighbour who often gets presented with chocolate that she never eats. I am always ready to relieve her of her burdens! I thought the Canada geese would make you happy, I got woken up by their loud honking noises this morning as they flew to the Rhine. The fawns and deer at the park are not shy, they come and give you a nudge is you don't feed them quickly enough. And you are only allowed to feed the fodder you buy there at an extravagant price! Have a great weekend, I'm having a feet-up-and-read afternoon today! Hugs to you both!

  15. Great page. I love the sentiment. Haha.
    It’s lovely that people are helping out the wildlife there. I hadn’t considered that some birds (killdeer) might build their nests in farmers fields.

    1. Thanks Teresa. There are lots of birds which buid their nests in the grass, and deer often 'hide' their young in the long grass while they are out looking for food. Have a great weekend!

  16. I know what you mean about those official cards. They made me take my glasses off for my photo and open my eyes wide so it doesn't even look like me. Loving the chocolate page. Those chocolates looks delicious. And wonderful walk photos too, both from now and before covid. And I love that drone idea. My husband has stopped cutting down some trees we need to still cut because the birds might have nests in them. They need a chance too. Hope all is well with you this weekend. Enjoy. hugs-Erika

    1. Exactly. I had to open my eyes wide, c lose my mouth, no smile and stare directly at the green spot on the screen. And my passport is even worse, I look like the wild witch of the west! Chocolate speaks a language of its own! I'm glad more people are caring for birds and animals these days. Have a great weekend, take care!


  17. It's true that the photos in the ID cards are nasty, I always can't recognize myself on them;)) A great initiative for animals. Have a nice weekend:)

    1. This seems to be a world wide phenomenon! I wonder why? Yes, it's good that more people are caring for animals these days. Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe!

  18. That's fascinating about the drone scans -- and a wonderful idea. I'm glad you have your new card. Lines and waits are awful but it's such a good job to have over and done! And nice about the precautions on the tram.

    1. Thanks, it is indeed a great Idea. I'm happy the long wait is over. Hugs!

  19. Glad that you have a new ID card, and my driver's license photo was not that great either. Haha. Beautiful captures of the birds and wildlife.

    1. This really does seem to be a universal happening with bad photos!

  20. When I got my new driver's license, I had my choice of a "normal" one or one known as a "Real ID." I must have a real one if I ever want to get on an airplane, and lots of other things here in the states. I had to show lots of information, documents, etc. to get the Real ID, but it was worth it to me. For my photo, I was also told to remove my mask, not smile, and open my eyes wide. I'm glad you got your paperwork finished. I'm sure it was worth it. In addition to my driver's license, once I got my Covid release form, I was told to keep it with me at all times, in case I was asked to prove I had been vaccinated.

    Punctuation is VERY important, and I love, love, love your take on chocolate. This is a really great entry for Elle's theme. It's actually quite funny and fun.

    Great photos of the birds and fawns. I can't believe how tame they are around humans. I just hope they never get out, because they are so tame, they wouldn't make it around hunters.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, it seems to be a universal conspiracy to make us all look scary on ID cards! The deer we're all very tame, and they can't leave the park. And chocolate is always good....

  21. I agree on the photos for ID. Great chocolate joke. I love all the photos too.

  22. I love your chocolate page Valerie, the quote made me smile! Gorgeous photos of the birds and animals too.
    Alison xx

  23. They've dropped our local mask mandate and most stores are no longer requiring them. I'll continue to wear mine. I'm impressed by the idea of scanning for animals before farm work starts. I always love your bird photos. I enjoyed the virtual visit to the wildlife park. That'd be fun to do in person :)

    1. Masks are still mandatory at most places here, and that's fine with me. Have a great Sunday!

  24. Yes, things here in the UK are opening up more and more. Masks still have to be worn in most places.

    Great pictures.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Glad things are opening up, but take care!

  25. My driver's license looks the same.
    Happy pictures;)
    Take special care.

    1. I'm sure it does! It seems to be an international action to make us all look bad!

  26. I'm hoping that we can avoid public transport for a while, yes masks are the law here on public transport - I think they will be for a while too!
    Love that chocolate page - clever!!
    Good new about the drones and such lovely photos of the wildlife park again! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. I don't have a car so I need public transport if it's too far to walk! I'm happy to wear my mask on the tram!

  27. That's a great way to use the drones, so many little lives will be saved by scanning those fields. Thumbs up to that amended chocolate sentiment I couldn't do without it at the moment.
    Here for a very quick visit as i've not been online, my Mother in Law has been very ill and i've been her live in nurse since she returned home from hospital. So sorry i've not been around, hope things will return back to as normal as they can very soon.
    Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Don't worry about visiting, stay safe and hope that your MiL will soon be feeling better! Hugs!

  28. I love that idea with the drones and I so agree with you with the chocolate, beautiful image too. The deer photos are so very sweet too.

    1. Thanks Lisa, it's good to protect the animals. Have a great week!

  29. Oh Valerie, I need to lose some of this pandemic weight I have gained but your page is tempting me to eat chocolate. Luckily we are not yet venturing into shops so maybe I can keep away from luscious ones like you have portrayed.
    Loved reading about the drones - hope this idea increases worldwide.
    Just read this morning that they have trained dogs, in London, to sniff out Covid in people. Apparently it only takes seconds. Imagine if that were to happen all over.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Yes, Covid is to blame for lots of Kilos! Covid sniffer dogs are a good Idea! Have a great week!

  30. I don't think I resemble me in any way on my driving card and bus pass photo as they had to be taken without my spectacles on, now I have worn these since I was 3 years old so you can imagine how I feel about these mug shots. Loved the animal photos and that wonderful tempting page with the chocolate.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I think it would be better if we were allowed to have photos where we can recognize ourselves! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  31. haha be careful of those punctuation mistakes, don't want to end up with no chocolate for a month lol. Chocolate is truly a universal language too don't you think? Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx


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