Thursday 13 May 2021

Thursday - Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope this week has been kind to you up till now!

Today I have another journal page for Elle's language challenge at AJJ. I used a background painted with my fave colours. The photo in the frame shows my mother and brothers and sisters in 1943, 3 years before I was born:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday:

Some photos from past weeks:

Strange fungi:

The starling enjoys feeding on my balcony:

Canada geese:

The neighbour's cat came up the stairs and  meowed till I opened the door: 

The jay also likes visiting here:

More flowers:

This looks like a stag beetle:

The neighbour's roses:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. As always, great photos. What a cute visitor;)
    Loved the piece. What a purrfect way to showcase your family.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Fun to get a visitor on 4 paws!

  2. Lovely art and beautiful photos today Valerie!

  3. Great art and photos as always Valerie. I hope you are feeling well and hope it's warming up a bit there. Hugs! :)

    1. Thanks Martha. It has warmed up a bit, so I'm staying hopewul!

  4. Brilliant design and those colours are stunning, love this. Your photos always inspire me with the nature of life.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. Nature is always the best artist!

  5. Guten Morgen liebe Valerie,
    dein Journalseite mit diesem süssen Bild von deiner Familie ist wunderschön eingerahmt.Die Farbe und die Details sind fantastisch... ich liebe es!!!
    Die Fotos sind klasse und was ich alles sehen kann von Tieren und Blumen, die Pilze deiner Umgebung!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Feiertag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Guten Morgen, liebe Elke! Vielen Dank, ich liebe das Foto. Es gibt immer viel unterwegs zu shen. Dir einen schönen Tag, ich hoffe die Sonne scheint für dich!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! I hope you slept well and feel good. The sun is shining here, I hope for you, too. Love how you have used the photo of your family, beautiful colours, too. Have a great day, stay safe, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Yes, the sun is shining, makes a nice change. Have a great day, hugs to all!

  7. Your journal page is stunning. You have a beautiful family. I love the vintage feel to it and how the sentiment is perfect for Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Lovely photos but you know my favorite is of that adorable cat. Nice to have a visitor you don't have to clean up after.

    1. Thanks! That Kitty came in, inspected everything and then had a sleep in my bed before I took her back to her own apartment.

  8. The cat has a cheeky face that makes him/her look so cute. How nice to have a four legged visitor of the feline kind.
    So enjoyed your photos today especially. You have shown so many things that I love - like that fungi which reminds me of some I saw on an old felled trunk - not the same really but similar in shape. Then the jay because I love seeing them in my garden, such striking birds.
    Better stop chatting and just tell you how much I like your journal page today. Those colours are terrific that you have used for the background. So striking and encompassing some of my favourites too. That is a lovely photo and I like the way you have framed it with the flowers, butterfly and the snippets of newspaper.
    Guess what else I found out - there is two years between us in age.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, she's a cheeky cat, but very sweet! The jays are often here, and always hungry. So we are both 'vintage' ladies! Have a great day, take care!

  9. Good morning Esteemed and Lovely Queen Valerie of Balconia, Defender of the Ducks, Gawker at the Geese, Wonderwoman of the Water. Your family picture, as one might expect, shows both beauty and strength of character. I bet all of your siblings went on to achieve great things. After a long absence (or so it seems) I am delighted to see that Canada Geese have found their way into your blog once again. Your posts are always characterized by elegance and style, sophistication and erudition, witticisms and bon mots, but the presence of Canada Geese elevates it all, of course! You have a wonderful selection here today, in fact, with fungi and flowers, and felines and foliage. The jay is very special, not always the easiest bird to photograph. The weekend will soon be upon us, but for those of us who are retired it makes little difference does it? Take care, stay safe, walk sprightly, drink coffee - and make sure you know where the nearest bathroom is! With many hugs and kisses from your ornithologically inclined friend in Ontario. David.

    1. Good morning David, king of the birds! Well, I'm wondering how I'm ever going to live up to all those accolades! The Canad Geese all disappear to the lakes when it's nesting time, they're just starting to reappear at the Rhine. The lakes are all nature reserves so they are undisturbed there. I still look forward to the weekend, atavistic feelings from my previous life before I retired. The jays are nesting in the tree opposite, and visit frequently just now to get food, as do the pigeons, tits and crows. Unfortunately they do tend to leave their 'residues'
      on my balcony, so I need to clean it again! Just came back from my morning walk, it's warm and sunny and smells of spring blossoms, just lovely! Have a great day, my clever friend, take care! Hugs to you both.

  10. And I forgot to mention that I am three years older than you, but certainly not three years wiser!

  11. What a beautiful page today Valerie. I love the details you added like the flowers and butterfly. It is full of love, and a nice way to frame your family on paper. And wow, you certainly have a lot of beautiful flowers in bloom. Does your neighbor's cat come to visit often? Have a great end of the "work" week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I bought ready grown plants in pots, I cheated! The cat 'escapes' now and then, and comes up here. She stays for an hour, and I always inform her carer that she's with me. Sometimes she's stayed with me when my neighbour was ill. Have a great day!

  12. Good morning Valerie, wow such gorgeous photos-and your Jay is so beautiful I don't think we have this species here or at least I have not seen one.
    lovely journal page too. Happy Friday and weekend

    1. Hi Kathy! The jay is lovely, there are blue jays in the States, they look a bit different. Have a great weekend, take cate, hugs!

  13. Beautiful page with a wonderful photo. Gorgeous nature shots too. I can almost smell those peonies. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks. The flowers everywhere we're wonderful today.

  14. I was born in 1946, too. Love those roses. Beautiful.

  15. The jay's wings are gorgeous. As is the blue in your piece.
    Take special care.

  16. Ducks are fun to watch. I can see the texture of the fungi. Great photos! I enjoyed all the nature close-ups :)

  17. great journal page and lovely photos of bugs, kats and nature

  18. Yes, family does matter. This is a beautiful piece. Great shots too. Have a nice day.

  19. so great art:) and what a fantastic flowers staff:)

  20. Love your scrapbook page, love the sweet image. Great photos but your kitty neighbour is just the best. Have a great weekend. Anesha x

  21. What an amazing page Valerie, the background you've created for your family photo is just beautiful! I would have let the cat in too lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  22. That is a very nice family photograph.
    A very nice collection of photographs too, the flowers are all so colourful.

    Have a good end of week, I don't know where the days go to!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, time flies by so quickly! Have a good weekend!

  23. I love your page Valerie, I also share the same favourite colours, just beautiful. How nice it is to have kitty visitors isn't it, I love that they want to interact with us so I always say hello to them should they drop by. Your neighbours pink roses are just gorgeous! Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle, those colours just sing for me. I love visitors, two legged and those on 4 velvet paws! HAVE A GREAT DAY!

  24. Beautiful design on your journal page and such lovely colours! How wonderful to have such a lovely visitor.


  25. Beautiful design on your journal page and such lovely colours! How wonderful to have such a lovely visitor.


  26. Wonderful photos Valerie, I love the Jay!
    A gorgeous page too!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, I love watching the jays! Take care!

  27. Just love your page, I didn't know you're from such a large family. Fab photos, those are very strange fungi. Your flowers are well in advance of ours, certainly no sign of roses, petunias or lavender.
    Hugs Wendy

  28. Love your journal page. Beautiful flower photos.

  29. What a gorgeous, colorful page Valerie, love the family photo and the newsprint embellishments! Beautiful photos and I love that cute cat, it has great markings.
    Enjoy your weekend and take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

  30. Wonderful mixed media artwork ~ love your colors and awesome 'critter' and floral photos ~ awesome ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. Lovely family photo and page it is on. Good to see spring is happening.

  32. Beautiful love the rich colours and gorgeous photo's. Bella's keeping me on my toes so don't always get to comment each day. xxxx

    1. Thanks Annie, little pups are a lot of work. I remember when my dog had 8 puppies, I had to work day and night to look after them!

  33. What a gorgeous page Valerie, beautiful colours and love that framed photo. Love the photos - love the jay, we haven't seen the one that's been around here every year. That fungus is fascinating. Take care, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. The Jays are around a lot Just now while they're feeding the little Ines.

  34. Your art piece is so special!! I love it and I love the colour too! Great photos! Love the ducks and birds! I have to say, the cat stole my heart! So precious! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy. She's a sweet and friendly kitty!

  35. Your neighbor's cat is really cute (and friendly!) and your jays -- they are gorgeous and not at all like ours!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. The Eurasian jays are less colourful than the American ones.

  36. A lovely page Valerie, and a beautiful way to frame the picture of your family. Lovely photos, the blooms are way ahead of ours - we've had such cold weather this last month.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, the flowers here are doing well. Have a great week!

  37. A lovely family photo on your journal page Valerie, its good to have them to use and recall memories. All the photos looked beautiful as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx


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