Monday 10 May 2021

T sTands for a brave woman

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend. Here it actually warmed up on Sunday, hard to believe. It was warmer outside than inside. Wonders never cease!

 Elizabeth's  T Stands for Tuesday link party will begin this evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

Today I have a vintage coca cola screen to share:

But my drink is, of course, still coffee:

Sunday, May 9th,  was the 100th birthday of a very brave woman, Sophie Scholl, who together with her brother and some friends formed a non-violent resistance group, the White Rose, during the national socialist regime. You can read more about her here.
Sophie and her friends were caught, imprisoned and put on trial on February 22nd, 1943.  She was just 22 years old. They were all found guilty and executed by guillotine a few hours later. To honour her and her group I made a journal page, which I am linking to Elle's language challenge at AJJ. The postage stamp has been issued by the German Post to commemorate her 100th birthday:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. It has been a cool spring here too. Sophie Scholl was on the news here too. Lovely art.

  2. Beautiful art Valerie, and thank you for your post about Sophie Scholl as I was not familiar with her-after checking online to learn more she reminds me of what is going on in my country right now-those of us standing up for our country now are being censored, taken down online, and some falsely raided--freedom is never free. she gives me courage to stand up

    1. Thanks Kathy, she was a very courageous woman indeed. Have a great week!

  3. Hi Val, good morning. Great that you have written about Sophie Scholl today, a wonderfully brave woman who stood up to terror and hatred during that awful time. Have wonderful week, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, she was indeed very brave, and a great example to us all. Hvae a good week, hugs to you all!

  4. Thank you. I had not heard of her, or the movement, but what a sad ending. Redolent of things going on across the world today. It's a mess, and we never seem to learn.

    1. This is so true, Deb! We never learn. Have a great week!

  5. This is such a timely post about Sophie. It goes well with my Erase Hate post I wrote today. Five young people stood up to Hitler and his vicious hatred, and even though they were executed, their legacy lived on. What a perfect way to honor language, especially free speech. Thanks for sharing this brave woman with us at AJJ using Elle's theme.

    I really LOVE the Coke screen. Very vintage indeed. I wonder if they were still adding cocaine to Coke at that time. It's certainly beautiful. Thanks for sharing this beautiful screen and your coffee, my drink of choice too, with us for T this week.

    1. Sophie and her brave Friends were shining lights in a very dark time.

  6. BRILLIANT, just love this and the whole concept and design. Fabulous...x

  7. You know, Valerie, when one contemplates the injustice, the terror, the atrocities, and finally the massacres, it becomes especially sickening to watch what is going on around the world now with the resurgence of fascism and right-wing nationalism, to say nothing of a renewal of antisemitism in countries where large segments of the population were complicit with the Nazis, and gleefully turned in their Jewish neighbours. I hope that this generation has its Sophie Scholls. I am truly dismayed at what I see around me, sometimes. My father was Jewish and since Jewish descent is matrilineal I am not Jewish, but it does not escape me that with two Jewish grandparents, I would nevertheless have been dispatched to the gas chambers. Can we, will we, never learn from the past? Are we always deemed to repeat it? Does the base nature of humanity always gain the upper hand? Since the cries of "Never again" we have stood idly by and watched the events unfold in Rwanda, Cambodia, Bosnia, and so on. It truly is depressing and when I see the trends in some of the world's important democracies, downright frightening. Fascism, intolerance, right-wing ideologies and nativism are increasing, often supported and encouraged by religious extremism. It is so sad. Perhaps after that you will need hugs and kisses so I am sending extras! David

    1. Thanks David, your words reflect my observations, fears and feelings when I see what is happening in the world today. It is really scary. The world is full of hatred, and people seem to have lost all inhibitions when it comes to verbal and physical attacks on people who think differently, or have a different race, colour or religion. Sad indeed. I find all forms of extremism and fanaticism abhorrent, and it disturbs me very much. Where will it end? Thanks for the hugs and kisses, just the thing today - and everyday! Hugs to you both!

  8. Love this page Valerie, I had not heard of Sophie Scholl but I am interested in reading more about her and will go and look her up. Shocking that they were still guillotining people in the 1940s! Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle. I think Sophie Scholl is an example to us all to stand up against terror and discrimination. Hve a great week!

  9. Stirring tribute and lovely pages.

  10. Wow, Sophie was an amazing woman. Brave is an understatement. Standing up for what you believe is so important and so hard to do too at times. After reading Kathy's comment, I was thinking of others who are afraid to say what they speak for fear of being beat up or worse. Perhaps that self-censorship is worse than actual censorship. And David's comment was true and touching. Somewhere back in my family tree this some Askenazi Judism also. When I learned that I also thought about how I am sure there are distant relatives who no longer are here because of that time in history. And onto T this week, the vintage Coco-cola triptych is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing this meaningful piece of art for AJJ. I love how it makes me think. Happy new week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, Sophie was so brave. And so many things in the world are still not right. Have a great week!

  11. I did not know of Sophie but will go to find out more later. Your page in honour of her is lovely - what a gorgeous background sky you have made - very clever - I like all the colours you have put in to it.
    Also your screen, what a lovely piece of art that is with. the women appearing to come from behind a torn section - it makes it look textural.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. Thanks Neet, Sophie was a very special person. That Screen is fun, better than the modern ads.

  13. It takes courage to do what she did and wisdom to see the parallels today. May we take her example as we embrace our own anti-fascist movement! Thank you for lifting her up.

    1. Indeed. And we have so many parallels today. Sophie was really a great example!

  14. Your artwork is beautiful and thank you for the link about this courageous young woman.

  15. Your art is always brilliant. The story of Sophie and the White Rose group. All I can say is They were all so brave. When the establishment won't accept change they kill us off.

    1. Thanks Nicole. It Takes great Courage to speak out against a corrupt and evil system.

  16. i adore those Sophie art:) such a great woman:)

    1. Thanks Kathy, she was a great Woman indeed.

  17. What fabulous artwork Valerie, I especially love your piece on Sophie, it's both beautiful and inspirational - what a very brave group of people. Take care and have a wonderful week, Sue xx


  18. It was also very warm here on Sunday. Sophie Scholl was a wonderful woman. Have a nice week:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, she was indeed a wonderful Person.

  19. Wonderful journal page. Have a great week. Anesha

  20. So many brave and very young victims tried to fight the Nazi regime but lost their own lives. One of my other heroes was active in Paris in the early part of the war, named France Bloch-Sérazin (1913-1943). I wrote about her here: and

    Today in America we have had a few such martyrs, and I hope we get over needing them.

    best...mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. I will read about your heroes later. It's saddening hat we still need people to stand up for what is right in this day and age.

  21. Gorgeous artwork Valerie, love the piece on Sophie. I did not know of her either, what a wonderful, brave young women.
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

  22. Wow, she was brave! Definitely someone we need to remember, and I love that you have her in your post. I learned something new - great way to start the day. Great coke images too. Lovely post, Valerie! Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Nancy, she was brave indeed. Happy T Day!

  23. Wow, such a moving and poignant post! Your page is such a lovely tribute to Sophie, a lovely way to raise awareness and remember her by ❤️. Beautiful images too! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. We need to remember people like her and her friends who gave their lives for our freedom! Have a great day!

  24. I never heard of Sophie Scholl before so thank you for this especially. That quote is so powerful and she must have been a powerhouse of a young woman as well. Lovely, every photo here.

  25. What a brave woman Sophie was, such commitment too! We have so much turmoil in the World at the moment and I'm sure there must be many like Sophie trying to find a non violent way to highlight these wrongs. Her brave words on the day of her execution showed her strength to the end.
    I love the screen with those Coca Cola girls but it's still mainly coffee for me! Happy T Day. Hugs,Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris, we need more people like her. And Coffee stays at the top of the list!

  26. Beautiful art, and that's such a tragic story! I can't believe they used a guillotine still at that time, so barbaric!
    Hope you have a good evening Valerie.
    Alison xx

  27. Lovely post about Sophie.I didn´t know there was a stamp of her. I was going to feature Sophie in my post today but it was already quite full, so I´m so glad you did.
    I love the Coca-Cola screen!
    Happy T-Day,

  28. Thanks Lisca. The stamp is a new issue. Have a great week.

  29. Loved your art and tribute. I am going to look her up and read more on her.
    Happy Tea Day,

  30. Another moving, and powerful post! Thank you my friend! Big Hugs!

  31. I was certain I'd left a note here. Its a fabulous page Valerie a tribute to the women who are prepared to stand out and speak for others.
    Yvonne xx


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