Wednesday 5 May 2021

New challenge at More Mixed media Challenge Blog

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media. As always, our challenges run for 4 weeks, and anything mixed media goes, with an optional colour challenge - pink. Hope to see YOU there!

I made an A4 mixed media piece. I used pieces from a deconstructed tag to make the tag in the middle. The background is recycled cardboard from an Amazon envelope. I added some vintage tissue paper with maps, and an image stamped onto a coffee pod paper. I sewed round the edges with pink and added some flowers. The sentiment was hand written. I am also linking to Elle's language challenge at AJJ:

Some photos taken with my phone on my Monday walk:

Walking through the park in the old moat:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You and the art crew constantly amaze me with your ability to take the mundane and turn it into something of beauty. Thanks for letting us tag along on the walk.
    Hope you are feeling well.

  2. Love your mixed media piece Valerie and beautiful photos as always. I hope you are healing up well. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, I'm doing well! Have a great day!

  3. Your mixed media entry is beautiful, Valerie. I am so impressed because there is SO much going on with this beautiful piece. And, even though I'm not a fan of pink, this was very tastefully done. Thanks for sharing this with us using Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Beautiful flowers in the meadow. Love the horses and the tree lined pathway, too. Great shots from your phone, dear. Hope you are healing well.

    1. Thanks E! I tried to tone the pink down with the brown background.... The horses always looks so happy, I love watching them!. Have a great day!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well! Love your art today, so pretty. It's still bad weather here, hope it's not as bad where you are. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah!. Cold, wet and windy here, too. Hope you are all well and fit. Hugs to all!

  5. Lovely mixed media with a touch of pink and fabulous photos as always. ♥

    1. Thanks Annie! Love the new avatar with Bella!

  6. Love the vintage lady and all your fun supporting and framing elements including the flowers. A fab look! Lovely pictures from your walk too - glad you are walking again!!! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, it was good to be outside again. Enjoy your day!

  7. A lot of different steps go into this piece, Valerie, and the result is a lovely mixed media tableau, with pink as required. For this I award you ten out of ten! The walk around the moat looks quite wonderful and I am hearing bird song in my head. That would be a very agreeable little perambulation, finished off no doubt by a coffee at a sidewalk café. Life can be so pleasant at times. Now, if only we could get COVID to go where defeated viruses go to, the world would be very grateful. Yesterday it rained on and off here but I was outside nonetheless and watched an industrious pair of House Wrens building their nest. A pair of Tree Swallows were challenging them for the same nest box, but the wrens seemed to have gained the upper beak! It is mid week already. I hope the rest of it is good to you. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, many steps indeed, but I still don't like it! The walk through the most was really filled with birdsong, I love sitting there for a rest. But still no coffees, everything is closed here except essential shops. Here it's cold, set and stormy, but yesterday evening we had a wonderful rainbow 🌈. Glad to hear that the little arena got the upper beak in next building. Have a good week, take care! Hugs to you both!

  8. This is a beautiful page Valerie. I like the touch of pink you used. It really stands out beautifully on the brown. And such wonderful spring photos too. I love seeing all the green. Ours is coming, and especially might after today's rain. But we need the rain so no complaints. Have a great middle of your week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I love seeing everything greening up in spring!

  9. I love all the delicious texture on this piece. I’m planning to do some mixed media play today so this is good inspiration for me. Hugs, Teresa

  10. Cardboard adds such fabulous texture to your piece! Love your wildflowers, I am even trying to appreciate the pesky dandelions in the lawns now.

    1. Thanks Christine, glad you are appreciating dandelions these days!

  11. Spring flowers and lovely spring scenes. The perfect outing.

  12. Loved the flowers in your mixed media piece. Nice pastoral scenes in your environment.

  13. This is such a pretty piece Valerie. Your walk looks so peaceful. Have a very nice day. Hope you are better now.

  14. in your city the spring is so visible;)

  15. A gorgeous page, and beautiful photos Valerie! xx

  16. Wonderful mixed media piece. I love the flashes of pink. Have a lovely week. Hugs Anesha

  17. Hi Valerie, Bill here. Like your Art, have a nice day.

  18. This is fabulous Valerie - love all those useful bits and pieces starring here too! The Old Moat walk looks wonderful. I bet the folk in that house on the hill have great views! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. It's a fun place to Walk and Just 10 minutes from Here.

  19. I love your mixed media art piece! So pretty! Your photos are gorgeous!!! I love seeing the green and the blossoms! Big Hugs!

  20. This will be a fun challenge! Spring has certainly come to your home! It's all so lovely!

  21. Love seeing the horses:)
    Take special care.

  22. Fantastic project and love all the detail! Corrugated is one of my favorite looks! Wonderful walk about photos and those horses are just super! I love your new blog header, too!

    1. Thanks Kelly, I love using these paper sorts, too!

  23. Das gefällt mir wieder so gut, aus was du es gemacht hast und wie ist fantastisch!
    Wunderschönes Journalseite!
    Dein Spaziergang war wieder so schön mit den Pferden und den aufblühenden Bäumen!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Der Frühling ist eine gute Zeit, obwohl es momentan so kalt ist! Bleib gesund!

  24. A beautiful page Valerie, I love the pops of pink and all the detail. Super sprintime photos, I hope you are recovering from your fall.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Love, love, love this mixed media piece. I have a thing for corrugated cardboard too, I don't know what it is but I just adore it. I also love all your photos thank you for sharing them!!

    1. Thanks so much! Corrugated cardboard is always good. Glad you like the photos! Have a great day!

  26. Wow, such a beautiful page! I love the pop of bright pink from those flowers - gorgeous 😀. I hope you are feeling much better, the views and greenery look so pretty on your photos. Take care and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I feel fine now. Have a great day!

  27. Beautiful page Valerie, I love the pink and the lady (Davinci?) and of course the recycled amazon box! They can be so useful can't they. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

  28. I so enjoyed my walk with you this morning, and I enjoyed your lovely mixed media piece as well. Such a lovely image in the centre and so much texture surrounding her with just the right amount of pink making a pop on the page.
    Hope that you are feeling better following your fall.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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