Tuesday 18 May 2021

This and that and a laughing cat

Hi everybody!

It's another grey, wet and cold Monday, but at least it's good for the vegetation, everything looks wonderful!

Today I have a fun piece. The background is a paper bag printed with panties I got in a bookshop many moons ago, and I couldn't throw it away! It's an advert for a book about dieting. I added the silhouette and snarky quote from Holliewood. The cat, the beaded lines and the red sentiment were added digitally. I am linking to Elle's language challenge at AJJ, and to  the Sisterhood of snarky stampers, whose challenge is  A is for Animal. I saw the lovely piece made by my teamie Helen, which inspired me to join in:

The photos were taken on this day three years ago at Harik See, a beautiful area with lakes and rivers:

The coots build their nests in the middle of the lakes:

There are holiday chalets here, too:

Hope you enjoyed the photos!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Happy Tuesday Wishes.
    Lovely fun art and great photographs.

    All the best Jan

  2. Fun art...panties! Lovely photos.

    1. Thanks Christine, something different now and then....

  3. That's a great funny page for AJJ and Snarky Sisterhood. I think you were smart to save that bag. It is such fun. And nice photos too. It looks a beautiful walk and lots to see. Have a great Tuesday Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I still have the other side of the bag so can use that sometime, too. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Fun art today and love the photos from the archives. I can only imagine how pretty things will look after a bit of rainy weather. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, it was all so dry last year, we really need the rain! Have a great day!

  5. Lovely art design, beautiful phots too.... Bella is keeping me busy, good exercise. x

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. LOVE your fun page, thanks for the smiles. Wonderful photos, too! Glad you never lose your humour! All is well here. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like it! The photos were from a wonderful day trip. Have a great day, hugs to all!

  7. but we did eat all the doughnuts, didn't we? 😂

    1. How do you know??? I didn't think anyone was watching!

  8. Oh my this made me laugh this morning!!! lol Just love it. Have a wonderful day. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, laughing is always good! Have a great day!

  9. What a fun post. I really like the sentiment. And of course, I LOVE that background of undies. Very clever entry and another great addition to Elle's theme.

    You probably know I'm going to tell you my favorite photos today are the black swans. Love them a lot.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I was determined to use that paper bag one day!

  10. Good morning Valerie: The bag made me snicker! That's pretty poor, I know, but it's the best I can do! It can only improve from here! It's good that you saved the bag in any event, so that you could use it in exactly this fashion one day. There are no doubt many items that I have thrown out that you would have viewed with a different eye, knowing that it would be useful one day. It's fun to see the tiger taking the lady for a walk. Maybe she will be lunch! Harik See looks like a charming place to visit and I hope you will be able to return there one day soon. The geese and the swans are delightful, of course, but I especially appreciate the coot's nest, first of all for knowing what it was and second for taking the picture. Enjoy the week ahead. I will be eagerly looking forward to your next creation. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Good morning David, glad I got you snickering! I often save things which might come in useful one day, which explains why all drawers and cupboards are overfull! Harik See is a lovely place to visit, I would be happy to visit there again. Today I was out with my neighbour, he drove us to various stores so we could go shopping, and they were all relatively empty, which made it even better. And after shopping we had fried fish from the Dutch fish stall, and it was very delicious, eaten with garlic sauce, yummy! And Wolfgang paid for my portion, which made it taste even better! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  11. Hi Valerie, fun and inspired art.
    Wonderful pictures. I especially loved the duckling families.
    Thanks for sharing
    Have a great day

  12. Oh Valerie this is brilliant! I wish we had paper bags like this 'cos I would have been sure to save it too. You can't beat a bit of quirkiness, and the quote is just perfect. Just think, those duckling will be all grown up now, and wondering where all the people went. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, in these times we all need a bit of fun! I can never resist saving nice things like this! Have a great week, hugs!

  13. Your page made me laugh. Very Hollywood. Love your archive photos. Sending you some sunshine.

  14. I can see why you hung on to that paper bag. Love the quote. Perfect for this very fun page. Thanks so much for getting snarky with us at the Sisterhood!

  15. That is a really amusing printed wrapping paper. I saw a display of bikini underwear in a shop window that looked like masks -- that's how one's mind gets twisted, isn't it?

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks Mae. Masks as underwear? Hmmm, Not for me!

    2. You have a way finding the humor and fun in life in a very creative way. Love your use of the paper bag. Brought an immediate smile. Clever. Photography is a natural for you. Very thoughtful and special.

      Hugs and Blessings,

    3. Thanks Jim. Glad it made you smile! And I love taking photos!

  16. Nice photos of the wildlife in your area! Summer is almost here.

    1. Thanks. Summer should be here but is having problems here!

  17. Cold, wet and dark here today too. Love the art as always but the photos are amazing. Have a great day.

  18. hahaha you made me laugh with "who ate all the doughnuts" Valerie, thanks for that. That is a beautiful place with all the water, and that rooster looks like he is strutting his stuff. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle, glad it made you laugh! The roosters were busy chasing the hens!

  19. this place with lake is so adorable...

  20. I love your fun page Valerie, and your photos are beautiful! I'm looking forward to seeing the coots and their chicks on my river walk tomorrow :-)
    Have a good evening,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. I Love the coot Chicks with their big fest!

  21. Beautiful art work Valerie, love the saying. As always I enjoy your out and about photos.

  22. Your card is hilarious! And thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. Thanks for joining the fun at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  23. I love seeing your goslings and the coot on its eggs is a wonderful sighting. I hope you see the babies! Loved the art piece, too!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I love coot babies, they look so sweet with their big, red feet!

  24. LOVE this one Valerie! That background, that cat, that dancing lady ... I so can relate to your sentiment!! Thanks so much for joining us at Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!!! Helen xx

  25. Haha! What a fun page and funny sentiment. hugs, Teresa

  26. The bird nest is fascinating! I've never seen anything like it, and it'd be fun to watch the comings and goings in the spring. From one of those holiday chalets, for example ;)

  27. What a fun page Valerie, love the cute paper bag background! Gorgeous photos as always, I would love to stay in one of the waterfront chalets!
    Take care,
    Tammy x

  28. It doesn't matter how long we keep something that might come in handy - it always does! I love how you used your paper bag Valerie, such a fun page. Harik See looks so beautiful - all those beautiful birds too! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. You're certainly right there! You would enjoy Harik See, too!

  29. I ate the donuts! LOL! Great art pieces!!!
    Excellent photos! All so beautiful! Big Hugs!

  30. You were meant to save the bag to help create this fantastic page. Its a super quote you used as well, it has the grin factor for sure.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, there always seem to come a time which is just right for using a long saved piece! have a great weekend, stay well!

  31. Harik See looks like a lovely place to visit. Thank you for all the photographs, especially the one showing the coot's nest. I did not know they always built them like that.
    Love that bag you got - what a fun bag it was and how handy. Definitely the kind of thing to save - and it certainly paid off as the back cloth for your presentation today.
    A great fun page - love that cat!
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. The coots are clever, they try to keep their nests safe from predators. I still have the other half of the bag to use for another piece!


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