Saturday 29 May 2021


Hi Everybody!

I have a last piece to share for Elle's language challenge at AJJ. This is an A3 mixed media page. The background was painted with acrylics, and I used some left over painted strips, cut into squares, to form a random pattern. This was fun to make, it's relaxing to just push the pieces around and see what effects they create. It has no words on it, but when I look at it, lots of words come to my mind - squares, spirals, cogs, stars, spots, colours, wavy lines, and movement. The pictures speak their own language and tell their own story. Perhaps you can think of more words:

 Some more pictures from the Zoo in Krefeld. Blogger changed the photos round, so they're not in the order I wanted:

This huge tortoise shell caused lots of laughs when people crawled into it to play tortoise - here a friend who did not want to be named:

The kangaroos were hard to photographs as they didn't want to keep still:

Self service:

Another beautiful sculpture:

Just chilling:

In the tropical house:

And the baboons:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Very creative art glad you had fun with it. The photos are lovely.

  2. Language doesn't have to be words, does it? I love the blue and the pops of those royal colors. It works together so well. It was fun to see all your various language takes this month. And of course, who doesn't love the zoo? Those baboons almost look a bit scary. And what a funny photo in the tortoise shell. I bet it was a moment to smile. Have a great weekend Valerie. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Baboons always look a bit scary, and very thoughtful. That tortoise shell was funny! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. First that art speaks volumes. The photos of the zoo are fun and exciting. Now, I clicked on the link from PPF and got this Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to because this website requires a secure connection.

    What can you do about it? has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that Firefox can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site.

    The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.
    I even tried a different browser. When I went to my blog page and clicked onto your link in my sidebar everything was fine. So I am not sure what that was all about just thought I would pass it on to you. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I checked the settings, everything is secure. probably a Blogger glitch.

    2. That has happened to me several times when I have visited David's blog. I just click I accept the risk and proceed, but the first time it happened, I didn't realize I could click through at my own risk, which for me is NO risk. I'm not sure if it's a blogger glitch or a Firefox glitch, since Nicole and I apparently use the same web provider.

    3. If in doubt, let's blame Blogger! There were lots of glitches this week!

    4. Our blog had the same problem two weeks ago. It finally resolved itself. Glitches for sure! :)

  4. Valerie, as far as what DVArtist said, go to my friend Sandra's post here...

    I just changed mine this morning.

    Your art is gorgeous and the photos are beautiful. Baboons are some crazy looking creatures! Have a happy weekend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, I checked the settings, and it was already done, everything secure. Thanks for the link! The baboons were really scary, wouldn't like them as neighbours!

  5. Your art makes me think of a mosaic, love the colours. Great photos from the zoo, kangaroos are often not good at posing unless you have food and they are semi tame.

    1. Thanks Sue! It was not allowed to feed the animals!

  6. Really like piece. There ae great textures and colours. Great photos from the zoo. Have a great weekend. Anesha x

  7. Sprachlos passt wundervoll zu deinen Stück, mir gefällt es mit den Farben und die Formen, richtig goldig, klasse gemacht!
    Deine Fotos aus dem Zoo sind so toll.
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende und es wird wärmer!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, Die sonne scheint heute! Dir ein schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well! And I hope the sun is shining for you as it is for us! Love the beautiful art, glorious colours, and the zoo pics are fascinating, little S is entranced! Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, good morning! Yes, the sun is shining here, too, wow! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs to you all!

  9. The artwork is fantastic, I LOVE it so much. It makes me think a bit of Twinchies. I think a lot of us had Blogger issues this week, and I have finally been able to add a missing photo of an Orange Tip butterfly to my last entry. The sculpture of the rhino is amazing, it sort of sums up the rock solid physiology of the animal in my mind. Have a great weekend, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. It was fun to make, just playing with disparate pieces till it clicked! Yes, Blogger has been bothersome again, but I suppose we just have o put up with it! Glad you were able to add our last photo! The rhino is really fabulous, I stood and admired it for a long time. Enjoy your long weekend, hugs!

  10. As a person who often doesn't use words in my art, this art journal page spoke VOLUMES to me. It's the first post I can remember where you didn't add words. I guess that's why I like it so much. Of course, I also love the the colors and the gold texture you used, too. It's a great entry for Elle's theme at AJJ, too.

    I think the turtle shell is my favorite today, but the birds came in second. I felt sorry for the poor elephant. Not a lot of room to roam.

    BTW, I couldn't leave comments yesterday on any blog and I got an error when I tried to load photos. Gotta LOVE blogger (NOT).

  11. Thanks Elizabeth. It's a challenge for me not to use words, but it was fun to make. I had big problems loading the Photos yesterday. Have a great weekend!

  12. Well, Valerie, i think there is a certain value in omitting words from these pieces, because it gives one free rein to inject one's own impressions, and the words that spring to mind in doing so. Space and mystery would be two that I would think of immediately, and weightlessness as in objects floating around in a spacecraft. These items are very striking too, bold and colourful. I am glad that during your trip to the zoo you took the time to accord full coverage to the birds there. I would have had to fly to Germany immediately to spank you had you not done so. When you visit the zoo again all your readers will be looking forward to a full sequence of photographs as you squeeze yourself into the turtle shell. We will accept no excuses for non compliance! The weekend is upon us. Don't crawl into your shell, but get out and enjoy it. Until Monday, hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! You have found some good words, I like them. Of course I would never forget the birds, although the thought of you flying over to spank me is rather tempting!😋 I might be able to wiggle into that shell, but I'm not sure if I could get out again, and would perhaps become a permanent attraction at the zoo! The sun is shining today, t enjoyed a pleasant walk along the Rhine without being blown away or soaked.Have a great weekend, take care! Hugs to you both!

  13. I love the colors and your page makes me think of weather. Raining stars and the cogs like snowflakes. Looks like a fun day at the zoo even if Blogger mixed up your story. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks CJ! I like the idea of raining stars! Blogger is being difficult just now! Have a lovely weekend!

  14. Good morning Valerie, beautiful journal page and loved the interpretation of the theme Language fun photos at the zoo-climbing into the tortoise shell had me laughing lol felt sorry for the chained elephant.
    Happy Friday and weekend hugs Kathy

    1. looking at the elephant photos again thinking now it was Not chained up? hoping so

    2. Thanks Kathy, the elephant was not chained up, but it's quarters were rather small! Have great weekend!

  15. Ooo, those pretty little squares! They look fun to make.

    I love a zoo outing :) Elephants need more space. I know the ones here at our zoo would be happier in one of the sanctuaries where they could move around so much more. I'd miss seeing them, though.

    1. Thanks. Those elephants really need more space.

  16. What wonderful rich colours you have used in your journal for us to enjoy. Some time please tell me what paints you use as they are amazing. I just love the richness of them. A fabulous page with all those colours and shapes and. symbols - perfect for language.
    Love the animals, if I had got inside that tortoise I think they would have had to surgically remove me - or get a team of volunteers to drag me out. What was the green and yellow looking furry animal (5th animal photo down) please. I must say I always think the baboons look as if they need some cream on a certain part. (or maybe a nappy to cover them up)
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. I know what you mean about the baboons! I didn't risk climbing Info that shell either! I buy my paints from Lidl when they have them in offer. Cheap and good.

  17. Hi Valerie,
    I loved the royal blue background and all your creativity. Beautiful and creative work of art.
    Excellent photo report of the Zoo, I especially liked the photos of the elephants.
    Have a peaceful and great weekend.

    1. Thanks Maria!! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  18. Super gorgeous photos of nature at it's best. Vibrant blue you used is a stunner. xxx

  19. Those art squares look cute. I love your Zoo, so much better than the one we have here in Hawaii.

  20. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely post, hope you are well.

  21. Loved your art much of colors and vibrancy in your post. Loved the zoo!

    1. Thanks Ashok! I hope to visit the zoo again soon!

  22. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love the gold embossing paste with all of the blue, so pretty! Awesome photos of the zoo, it's looks like a wonderful place to visit, the birds roaming the grounds are beautiful. Take care and have a wonderful week ahead.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. It's a great Zoo. Have a wonderful week.

  23. Love this page Valerie, beautiful colours and symbols. Maybe you have discovered a secret language using only these images and symbols?

    There was a problem with blogger the other day, I noticed I was getting error messages when uploading photos but drag and drop was working fine, then I saw that they (google) had changed something, but of course they don't tell you! Now it looks like they have changed it back again lol. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle, Blogger is Always good for surprises! Have a great, new week!

  24. Oh and I forgot to say, I love that giant turtle shell, that's amazing. Butterflies are gorgeous, that poor elephant needs more room, wonder what the ball and chain are for? and the baboons are scary! Elle xx

    1. The Ball was on the Chain so that it always came back to the elephants.

  25. Wow Valerie! Absolutely wonderful colours - no words required this says it ALL! Stunning!!! Love the zoo pics - blogger is so good at reversing the order of photos!! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Yes, Blogger is always good for new tricks!

  26. stunning artwork, wow! so full of texture! and lovely photos as always! xo

  27. Love your artsy and elegant squares and they do have a language all their own. Lovely colors. Great zoo pictures too. All your animals and butterflies are wonderfully photographed. I tried to capture some fun stuff around my area this week - hopefully I can post some soon. I thought of you when I took them! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. It's fun taking photos and seeing those from others, so I'm looking forward to seeing yours. Have a great week!

  28. A great page Valerie for the AJJ theme. I would often sit with kids at school who couldn't read and ask them to tell me the story of the pictures they could see.
    Stay safe, hope you are having a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, have a great week! Kids love telling stories!

  29. Love the colors, symbols and layout of the art. Beautiful way to tell a story. :)

  30. I do like that blue such a wonderful shade ...
    Great to see all of your zoo photographs, no matter what the order they were all good to see.

    All the best Jan

  31. I love your art piece! I was thinking of peace and happiness, when I was looking at it! Great photos of the zoo! If I got into that shell, I wouldn't be able to get out of it! LOL! Big Hugs!


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