Sunday 13 August 2017

Sunday post

Hi Everybody!

I don't like saying this too loud, but it's stopped raining -
perhaps this will really be a sun day Sunday?

For Jo's 'poetry in motion' theme at Art Journal Journey
I have a digital piece, made using elements from Serif and me.
The quote used is one of my faves:

At Tag Tuesday our theme is 'use your scraps'
I made a tag using a scrap of painted card, backed with other scraps
cut from old calendars/cards. I used my feather stamp to do
a random pattern and added a scrap of lace and some coloured
feathers. I am also linking to Go tag Thursday, anything goes:

 Today I am showing some of the pictures of people working
down at the Rhine - the water services of the fire brigade,
police, and the dredger boat, which keeps the channels
clear for the shipping:

And of course, the ferry, which works tirelessly day by day,
bringing people from one side to the other:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A very beautiful page with so much to look at and see how it all comes together. Yes it does and the quote is one I really think is inspiring. May need that at the moment :)

    Love the tag it looks simple but on closer inspection I see wonderful stamping and beautiful sewing. The quote must mean a little cut through on a nearby industrial estate is heaven as at the moment it is covered with seagull feathers. The ones that 'live' on the rooftops there are moulting.

    Great idea to have a theme for the photographs. It is such a busy river and always something of interest to look at-thank you for sharing it all.

    Happy Sunday

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Another wonderful post. Love you you themed the photos today, great idea. Gorgeous journal page with a wonderful quote, so true. And the tag with the feather is gorgeous. We're off to see Mum today, she's being rather difficult just now! Enjoy your day, hugs, Sarah

  3. great shot of the water brigades and things down there. I love your tag to, and the digital is awsome. you have been busy ;O))

    1. There's always something to see along the Rhine!

  4. Striking journal page, just love that one and the tag is also lovely...sending you sunshine and say goodbye to the rain ,for a while anyway.xx [aNNie]

  5. wundervolles Journalseite mit dem Zitat und der Tag so schön mit den Federn!
    Die Arbeiter von der Feuerwehr auf Wasser und die Fähren, wie sie toll an gemalt sind manche...der Rhein ist doch was schönes...
    Schönen Sonntag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. Love the quote on your journal page and the flurry of feathers on the tag. I enjoy the pictures from your walks and the comings and goings along the river. I hope your day is sunny and warm.

  7. I always find Lao Tzu quotes so enlightening and I love this one too, the words are so simple and yet so valuable! The page sings of Tzu with the references to nature and peaceful contentment and your colour palette follows suit - perfect😁. The feather stamps on your tag are so detailed and look so pretty against the blue green background! Nice to see the Rhine and all the work they do to maintain it 😁. Thanks for another meaningful page for this month's theme and as always it's lovely to see at Art Journal Journey! Happy Sunday dear Valerie! J 😊

  8. Ein wunderbare Journalseite mit so vielen schönen Details. Das Zitat gefällt mir auch sehr! Auch der Anhänger ist wunderschön. Mit Freude betrachte ich wieder deine Foto-Storys. Ich hoffe, dass ich dich nun wieder häufiger besuchen kann!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  9. Happy Sun day I enjoyed viewing all the photos, and you art work is beautiful-loved the stitching on your tag
    hugs Kathy

  10. Fantastic digi page and gorgeous tag, I love the sewing. I hope the sun stayed out for you, enjoy! Shirleyxx

  11. What an awesome post!! I love everything you shared - the tag is really pretty and wow, that digi journal page - I'd love to have your talent at making digital artwork!!!

  12. Love the journal page ♥ Interesting photos of the workforce on the river.

  13. The digital page looks gorgeous. I love the poem too. So inspirational! The TAG with feathers is very pretty. Love the mix of colors. :)

    Wonderful post about the people working on the river. So often people don't think about the job that they do. Thanks for sharing!

  14. There's nothing like a boat with red to really set off a photo! Very nice -- all!

  15. What a fabulous journal page! I love your tag too! I finally got my machine going the other day but fear I have overtaxed it as it keeps jamming now! Great photos of the activity by and on the Rhine! Hugs, Chrisx

  16. Absolutely gorgeous artwork Valerie, love both your creations. Fab pics of the river workers too.
    Hope you've had a beautiful summy day as we have here, Summer again for the day.
    Hugs, Fliss xx
    PS: Sorry for the lack of visits which should be remedied soon as I'm heading for a much needed change in lifestyle in a few weeks.

  17. All so beautiful ! The page - the tag and the photos!
    Happy start of the new week for you and thank you once again for joining AJJ with your always so beautiful art.

  18. It is a beautiful quote indeed and your art is wonderful. I love the colors of the tag, it is lovely. The last photo really captivates me.

  19. Lovely page and quote for AJJ, and beautiful tag. Thanks for today's photos!

  20. Love your mixed digital piece, what a fabulous quote and old car. I love to see your photos too, you lead a much more interesting life than me. We did have sun today so got to do some gardening, mostly weeding !

  21. A super tag for our challenge at Go Tag Thursday..Thank you so much for joining us...
    Wonderful photos in your blog post..x

  22. Your digital piece is so vintage looking. Love that. And your tag has lovely stitching around the edges! Beautiful pieces.

  23. I'm a big Lao Tzu fan - the words are a wonderful feature on your atmospheric page. Love that feathery tag too - and it's always nice to watch other people hard at work!
    Alison x

    1. Hmm, one of my fave occupations, especially watching those big, strong guys!

  24. Beautiful words and images on your page today Valerie! Interesting photos too, of the big strong guys! ;-)
    p.s. feeling much better today, thank you :-)

  25. Ooh, more wondrous pieces. Love them.
    Looks like a glorious day on the water.

  26. Gorgeous pieces Valerie - especially the first one - great quote.
    It's always interesting seeing whats going on, on your river.
    Hope your weather is better now - after 3 weeks non stop rain
    we have our second day of sunshine again :)
    So much for getting back to normal last week - I found more
    stuff to save from Daisytrail and was helping a friend too..
    but that's it now - all closed - I guess you got their short goodbye
    message too.
    Have a great week... Gill xx

  27. Gorgeous digital piece Valerie. I like how you can makes things more or less transparent to really enhance your pages. Nice to see all the river workers too. I can tell the river is a center of your area and its is a fascinating place with so many stories to tell, isn't it? :) Erika

  28. Trying to play catch up here. Sorry I'm so late visiting. I hope I haven't missed too much. I have used that Lao Tzu quote before, but mine never looked as good as yours. I am also impressed with the tag.

    What great photos from the river. I love seeing the mechanics and how they keep the river flowing and going strong. Loved how you documented that, too.

  29. Stunning artwork in your Sunday post Valerie!!
    I swear I thought that pink dragonfly was a tiny faerie who winked at me when I first glanced it!! ")
    I am in love with all things birds, so feathers? right up my alley!

  30. Really like how you've included the Lao Tzu quote in your piece ... fabulous.

    A good selection of photo's from the River too, you certainly fill your days so well.

    All the best Jan

  31. Both pieces are amazing Val! I really love both quotes! I have been seeing a lot of feathers lately! My angels are near by! Great photos!! I really enjoy your photos! Big Hugs!

  32. What a wise quote, and so true!! Beautiful work!

    Peace Giggles


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