Sunday 27 August 2017

Art and Freedom

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing a little  (A4) quilt I made using photos of my Mum
and me transferred using Lazertran decals and liquid polymer. This
doesn't render the photos as transparent as using turpentine,
but also gives a very good result with less odour. After fixing the
pictures onto some recycled floral material I sewed it onto canvas.
I added some 'party hats' made of lace. I am planing on making
more with other family photos.

And I have another tag for Michele's theme 'back to school' at

And this tag is meant for Go Tag Thursday, clocks:

I have some more photos from my visit with my cousins
last week:

Loved these stairs at the Main Station:

There's always lots going on there:

We then headed to the K20 (Art of the 20th century)  museum to 
see the normal collection,which is superb, and the special
Rupture, War and Surrealism 
in Egypt (1938 – 1948)

This is the official introductory text issued by the museum:

This is the first comprehensive museum exhibition about the largely forgotten Cairo based group Art et Liberté ("art and liberty", "jama’at al-fann wa al-hurriyyah"). The exhibition presents more than 200 works from around 50 collections in 12 different countries, including paintings, works on paper, prints, photographs, films, books, and archival documents. At the dawn of World War II and during Egypt's colonial rule by the British Empire the surrealist collective of artists and writers was engaged in its defiance of Fascism, Nationalism and Colonialism.
Through their works, artists such as Hassan El-Telmisani, Inji Efflatoun, Fouad Kamel, Amy Nimr, Samir Rafi, and Ramses Younane amongst others, gave voice to the group's political, aesthetic and social commitment. The collective's main driving force was the Cairo-based poet and literary critic Georges Henein, the son of a diplomat and a cosmopolitan personality who had been closely associated with the Parisian Surrealists grouped around  André Breton from as early as 1933. Surrealism, with its often provocative, always poetic, subversive, anarchic, and intimate amalgamation of poetry and painting, resonated very strongly in Cairo where it stood firmly in its fight against political repression and for the ideal of human freedom.
This exhibition features a direct link to the  Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen: the Cairo-based artists' collective explicitly declared solidarity with many of the classical modernist artists who were persecuted by Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco. Some of these artists are represented today in the permanent collection. Alluding to the defamatory and propagandistic National Socialist exhibition devoted to "Entartete Kunst," the Art et Liberté group headed its founding manifesto of December 1938 with the words "Long Live Degenerate Art!" and demanded: "Together, Let us overcome the Middle Ages that emerges from the heart of the Occident."

Here a selection of the photos and paintings. There were also newsreel 
films being shown:

This was my fave piece:

My cousins loved the exhibition rooms of modern art, too, here they are 
standing in front of a wonderful Bonnard painting:

Everyone gets a bracelet to make him an official visitor:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good Morning Val! You were up bright and early again! I'm enjoying a quiet cuppa on the patio before the kids wake up. Love that quilt, so beautiful, what a wonderful idea. Great photos of the exhibition, too, looks very interesting. Nice to see photos of your cousins, it's easy to see the family resemblance. Will ring later when P goes out. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Very interesting walk through the museum and your gorgeous creations with the lacey hats on.xx [aNNie]

  3. Hallo Valerie
    was für eine geniale Idee mit diesem prächtigen
    Kopfschmuck ;-) gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Ich wünsche dir einen gemütlichen Sonntag.
    Lg Sadie
    PS: die Fotos von der Ausstellung sind auch super.

  4. Love your clock with the butterfly. And the shadows in the glass tunnel. Some really interesting art too!

  5. As always love your photos. I think the lace on your photo looks like a tiara. Another little princess :-) The stairs in the subway too cool. Come into the jungle. Love the pun about seeing the musical or traveling the urban jungle. Very cool lettering at Ida and Frida. I like the shadows made by the arches at the museum. Interesting artwork. The bird picture was my favorite, too.

    1. I think the ad-men who created that jungle decoration did a fantastic job.

  6. was du dir ausdenkst das Tag mit der Uhr ist super schön und zwei süssen Mädchen mit Krönchen!
    Was für eine Kunstausstellung von diesen Bildern, manchmal frage ich mich wie die so drauf kommen so was zu malen... lach, da würde ich auch so aussehen wie die Zwei so fraglich staunend!!!!
    Tolle Fotos sind das alle!
    Schönen Sonntag!
    Lieben gruss Elke

    1. Wer Weiss woran sie gedacht haben? Ich nicht, aber es war sehr interessant.

  7. As always your artwork amazes me. I love the clock piece because it is so true and just jumps out at me. ;)

    The museum looks so interesting. So many pieces to stop and think about. So happy you and your cousins went and enjoyed it together. :)

  8. Your artwork is of course wonderful, your little quilt especially! I am not so sure about the exhibition though! The bird was lovely but as for the rest I am not a fan! Enjoy what is left of Sunday! Chrisxx

    1. The exhibition w as interesting, and unusual, but not always pretty- and I only showed the nicest pieces!

  9. I love everything in this post. Your quilt is exquisite and that clock tag -- wow! That exhibit looks well worth the time -- lots of fascinating history there. Very nice.

  10. So pretty! Your fabric piece is a work of art! I love the transfers and your ingenious use of lace for crowns. Lovely!

  11. How clever you are to make that quilt piece. The tags are great. I really like the clock. Sorry I haven't been around much. There have been some major changes in my life, including a long road trip that was not planned.

  12. The quilt is amazing, you have great ideas and show us fabulous creative projects.
    Super photos, your cousins looked so absorbed in the art, especially the last photo you shared.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Beautiful page with you and your mom. The tags are creative and lovely. Thanks for the modern art tour and glad your cousins enjoyed.

  14. As always your artwork looks great.

    The museum looks very interesting, and so nice that you were able to enjoy it with your cousins.

    All the best Jan

  15. Wow, what a full post. I love the lacy crowns on your first piece. I have played with Lazertran many moons ago, and it does do a nice job even if it's not transparent. You id a beautiful job with your mini art quilt. I'm with being nice to your teacher for sure! And cool to make a clock shaped tag for a clock challenge!!!! Plus it looks like you had a great time with your cousins, and so nice to see a photo of them. :) Hope you have a great week ahead. Hugs-Erika

  16. I loved all the photos from the museum, and your tags are truly stunning. Thank you for sharing them with us all. I always feel as if I’ve been on a lovely visit to somewhere special when I come over to see you. Hugs.

  17. Wonderful museum it seems judging by the photos. Your tag is lovely to include photos of family. Greetings to you.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Wow, Val! That little quilt is precious. You and your mom looked so alike. I'm sure you'll treasure it always.

  20. great media piece, and love your food and the gallery museum ;O)

  21. Lazertran brought back memories of when my friend Kathy and I created pieces we adhered to polymer clay. Your piece is wonderful and I had totally forgotten about Lazertran until you shared your gorgeous entry.

    LOVED the clock tag. Really clever.

    I was taken by the arches outside the tram leading to the museum. They are fabulous. My favorite piece in the traveling collection is the one directly above the one you like so much. It reminded me of ones I saw from the camps at Auschwitz. So glad you and your cousins enjoyed your time together.

  22. I love the art piece of you and your mother! Priceless! And, the teacher tag and clock tag, are wonderful!! Love your photos! That art exhibit is amazing! Wow! I love you favourite too! Glad you had a great time with your cousins! Big Hugs!

  23. I just love the piece of you and your Mom Valerie- so very special and so very precious! The lace party hats are too sweet! ")
    Great museum photos-some of the art clearly looks influenced by both Picasso and Dali- very cool indeed!
    Handsome cousins you have there- glad they could koin you for your excursion!

  24. Brilliant pieces again Valerie, there really is nothing you can't do! I love the little party hats you've given you and your Mum xx

  25. An awesome Tag as always that its round and the sentiment is great..and very true.
    Thank you so much for joining in with this fortnights challenge at Go Tag Thursday...x


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