Saturday 19 August 2017

Fritz Cola and a crocodile at the kiosk....

Hi Everybody!

It seems to be another grey and cloudy day here. I went for a quick
walk, and now the rest of the day can be spent playing!
And this afternoon I will bake some muffins, yummy!

For Jo's theme of 'poetry in motion' at AJJ I have
a hybrid piece using family photos:

For Tag Tuesday, our 'use your scraps' challenge, I have a tag made
 with a leftover piece of a master board made many years back, with
lots of stamping and colouring with distress inks. I added a
die-cut, sent to me by a friend some time back, which was
also waiting in a box to be used. The stamps used here are from 
LaBlanche and Paper Artsy.

And now to continue with my walk along the other side of the Rhine:

We discovered this kiosk selling food and drink near the camping place,
and although it looked a bit ramshackle from outside,
it was clean, the owner was friendly, the service good,
and the food freshly cooked. To top it all, it was not expensive,
and we were able to sit outside and watch the goings on on the
river. I will go there again!

And I told you we met a crocodile, in the kiosk -
here it is:

 Don't worry, the teeth are sharp, but it seemed to be harmless....

But it evidently liked my ice - frozen yogurt with forest berries, yummy!

And I had a sugar-free cola. This is a much better one than some of the 
more famous brands, I like it!

G had sausage and chips, and it looked good, too:

This Harley was parked next to the road. The owner, an aged
and tired looking cowboy, was sitting under a tree
having a break:

Look who's peering over the wall:

Yesterday we had lots of dark clouds, but also a wonderful rainbow, 
which was visible for good 10 minutes:

I will show the last of the photos in another post!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, just got your mail. Love the tag, and the gorgeous photos. We're all off to the zoo today, with umbrellas and wellies! P's off out tomorrow, so will call you then. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great post and fab photos, x
    Have a lovely weekend.♥

  3. Amazing hybrid piece - Thanks a lot for all the support for Jo's August theme so far! The tag is beautiful and fantastic photos!I found a bottlecap recently from this beverage company and didn't know what kind of beverages they produce- - I used it on a page . Now I know this was a cola - never saw this brand before - have to watch it out.
    Happy Saturday!

  4. What a beautiful page to remember your family and the quote is so full of wisdom - perfect! The way you have layered all the family photos is amazing with the images of pretty flowers, papers and script 😁. I love the colours on your wonderful tag too and I enjoyed looking for all the eyes you included on it 😉. You saw some beautiful flowers on your walk down the Rhine and what a fantastic place to eat, the food looks yummy and the crocodile made me smile with your frozen yogurt in its mouth ... lol 😁. Thanks for joining in the fun at Art Journal Jounrey again and wishing you a very Happy Saturday! J 😊

  5. ahhh ist das schön die Familienfotos im Journal sind grossartig, nostalgie pur mit dem Layout und Zitat!
    Dein Tag *wow* ist das wunderschön ich liebe es und deine tollen Fotos mit dem Kiosk lustig und der Regenbogen. Bei mir ist es bis trocken und die Sonne shceint geht nur der Wind und die Wolken immer wieder daher.Heute morgen am Strand gewesen um 7 Uhr und es war herrlich der Wind war mehr still wie jetzt.
    Nah dann wünsche ich dir gutes gelingen und ess für mich eins mit *zwinker*
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. Beautiful art and photos. I love the rainbow...haven't seen one myself for a while.

  7. Beautiful art and wonderful photos as usual Valerie! I love the croc!
    Have a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  8. Lovely family page and quote. Beautiful tag from scraps. Thanks for today's tour, that's my kind of food kiosk.

  9. What a sweet homage to your family.Love the way you can make your scraps work together in the tag. The crocodile's smile got bigger when you shared your froyo with him. Maybe he enjoyed the rainbow, too.

  10. The first piece is a wonderful homage to your family. Richard Bach, definitely a wise man.
    The eyes have it!
    What a fun stroll! I love the figure coming over the wall:) And you got to see a rainbow. Puts the stamp of wonder on your day.

  11. I really enjoyed all of this post Valerie-thank you for sharing your day especially it looked like a lot of fun.

    Wonderful family page and great that you could use your own photographs--it is a marvellous idea and now I want to do something with some of mine.

    What a fantastic tag as well with the bold images and colours edged with perfect stitching.

    Hope today is going well for you-very windy here and much cooler.

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Sounds like your day out with G was a great time... love the photos ♥ Your art today is really great . Love the old photos in the first one and the tag is great too. Love the eye in it :) Thanks for sharing it all with us and now I have to go find some frozen yogurt to eat ♥

  13. WONDERFUL ART to day, enjoyed your post very much.

  14. So much to look at! I just love your digital collection of family photos. Put together beautifully with so many vintage touches. I also love your scraps collection for tag tuesday. The eye right next to the tiger is so eye catching! and the chipboard flower has such a elegant shape. Pretty!

  15. oh your art in this post is so very gorgeous! i hope your muffins turned out well! happy weekend. xo

  16. Its a lovely family page, you are lucky to have these older photos.
    I spent ages looking at it all the additions are fantastic.
    It is a great tag as well. The photos from the walk were super, I'm glad the crocodile didn't eat that ice cream of yours.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Looks like a grand day out, and splendid photos I must say. Warm greetings to you.

  18. I love seeing the vintage family photos. I can see the family resemblance. :) Its great to have old photos, isn't it? I also love the eye looking right at that leopard. What a cool piece. I like seeing this other side of the Rhine too. :) Hugs_Erika

  19. Our 7y/o is named Fritz - he is pumped that there is Fritz-Kola out there;-)!

    1. Great! Tell him it's the best cola there is!

  20. I really enjoyed the beautiful AJJ entry. Lots and lots of lovely layers. I also really enjoyed the tag. It is fabulous.

    The trip to the other side of the river was fun to see. LOVED the sunflowers, the crocodile, and the yogurt. You found a great way to photograph it! I've never heard of that type soda before, so that was a fun thing to see, too. Of course, the rainbow was fabulous. I've NEVER been able to capture one, not even when I had a DSL that was far superior to my digital camera.

  21. moin valerie,

    deine family seite ist klasse und deine bilder sind ja toll,das crocodil trinkt bestimmt auch cola *LOL*
    schön finde ich natürlich den tollen regenbogen und die himmelsbilder,bei uns kommt auch der herbst,es hat gestern sogar ganz dolle gehagelt.
    deine currywurst mit pommes macht mir appetit,und fritz cola trinke ich am liebsten,aber mit zucker.
    die fähren und schiffchen sind auch toll.
    einen schönen sonntag dir.

    hugs jenny

  22. Your family page and the quote is jus wonderful! I love the scraps tag too - it's been a fun challenge! The crocodile made me smile! The place you found to eat looks really interesting too! Great photos once again! Hugs, Chrisx

  23. You are fortunate to have so many family photos! I like the way you incorporate them into your art. The walk seem idyllic and nice to fine a welcoming place to stop.
    ~~ Irene

  24. A wonderful family page.
    Looks a brilliant walk, so many nice photo's to see ... it's always good to see a rainbow.

    All the best Jan

  25. Gorgeous family piece Valerie, I wish I had photographs like these of my family (and that I paid attention of who was who when I was younger) Fab photo's too, it's not everyday you meet a crocodile! xx

  26. I love your posts so much Val! I always have to spend a few minutes! LOL! First, I love your first piece of art! Great quote too! The second one is brilliant! I love it!! Love the eyes! Amazing photos on your walk! Love the crocodile! LOL! That bike was cool too! Love the rainbow! Big Hugs!

  27. What a fun trip to the camping grounds!!
    Valerie, I absolutely love your digital piece and that quote is so close to my heart, I have copied it down for use in my journal! I really love the pieces you create using your vintage photos of relatives- these are truly artful memories!
    hugs my friend

  28. I've been trying to see a rainbow all summer. Lucky, lucky you!

    you know I love all your work but the ones you do using your family photos really speak to me in a very powerful way. The souls of the people whose images you use seem to leap from the page. It's warm, it's loving, it's poignant, it's beautiful.


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