Saturday 5 August 2017

Rain, snakes and more

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Jo's 'Poetry in motion' theme,
I made a hybrid piece featuring the opening sentences of
Charles Dickens'  'Tale of Two Cities'. These sentences had me 
completely fascinated when I first read the book as a child,
and have remained in my memory every since:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

In my page I have shown some glimpses of Paris and London to
illustrate where it all happened. I am aware that the Eiffel
Tower did not exist at the time of the French Revolution, but I needed
a picture which makes an instant identification possible, so
let's call it 'artistic license' - and if you have never
read the book, please take the time to do so.
I used elements from Serif, Mischief Circus and me.

At Go Tag Thursday the challenge this week is the letter 'S'.
I cut out a snake in the form of this letter, once in black and then 
slightly larger in green card. I sewed them together with a 
snake-like zigzag pattern, and added some dots as well as some 
green gem-stone eyes. The background of the tag was wiped 
with distress inks in gradient colours and stamped. 
The snake was glued on and the top tag 
sewed to  recycled black card.

This week has varied between wet, very wet and extremely
wet. I have been dodging the showers all week. Today was,
however, so wet that I decided to have a crafty day at home,
which I am enjoying. It also means waffles, as you need waffles for
inspiration, they give you instant mojo.

The gulls don't mind the weather:

Wednesday was market day by the Rhine. There weren't many
stalls, I think the weather was not encouraging:

And now to the wonderful stall that sells fresh, crispy, fried fish.  
I was determined not to eat any this week, but as I came out of the
hairdressers after having my hair cut (It's the house directly 
behind the fish pla(i)ce), I sort of felt compelled, my feet just went 
there and I asked for a portion, I really couldn't stop myself - yummy!!!

I saw this sign on a house at the top of the street leading from the
Rhine, well over my head - W.H. means 'Water height'  in the floods.
I hope it stops raining soon!

This is the other market:

Can you see all those peppers?

 Yesterday evening the clouds got darker and darker:

Have a nice day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh yes, A tale of Two Cities is a wonderful book, I love it, too. Your page iS really well made as always. Love the fun tag, that's a typical Valerie idea with the snake. Lot of rain, too, loved your photos. Have a good weekend. Mum's here till tomorrow, she's sleeping just now. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Love how you illustrated your fab AJJ page - well done for remembering that quote. As much as I love CD stories, I have often struggled reading the books...Dave had all the books bound in green leather - notice I said 'had' - so many books and no space - some had to go :(
    Love your tag - the snake and the stitching is brilliant!
    Enjoy your yummy waffles and the rest of your day.
    Gill xx

  3. Waffles are always good inspiration. I agree! Yummy. And I love your poem page-that's such a famous poem but I don't think I'd ever read it all. You did the poem proud. The snake is cute-better than the real one I saw last week. Ugh! And nice photos. You look like you are really having a fun summer Valerie and enjoying the world. I am off to go help the hubby put in a small fence for the dogs. I'm not looking forward to it but it must get done. Happy Saturday-Hugs-Erika

  4. wiedermal wunderschön deine Seite mit Paris und England. der Tag ist mystisch anghaucht mit der Eva Schlange Amore super ausgedacht alles Zwei!
    Die Wolkenbilder sind auch grossartig wie die gross da her schweben wie wenn das grösste Unwetter kommen würde und dnan shcient auhc nicht die Sonne dazwischen. Euer Markt ist auch toll was so alles gibt, ich war auch heute gegangen, bin froh dass ich den habe. Bei mri regnet es nicht nun kalt ist es auch nicht windig eher und die Sonne scheint immer wieder.
    Ich muss leider daheim bleiben da ich mit meinem Fahrrad gestürzt bin wegen dem Müllmann nichts shclimmes nur den Lenker voll auf die Brust gerammt und da muss ich jetzt die Prellungen zurück gehen warten . Blau gelb überall alles voll o man so was blödes auch ich still sitzen oder liegen geht ja nicht.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Oh Elke, das tut mir so leid. Dir eine gute und baldige Besserung, muss sehr weh tun!

  5. It was a wonderful choice of a book to illustrate on your fantastic page, artistic license at its best.
    I'm pleased it was a snake on Tag, I would have been running had it been real, its a great design.
    The photos all looked good , the fish stall would have had me calling as well, I think its the smells of the cooking that draws you to them at first, It would for me.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Beautiful extract from Dickens. Your snake is so cute! Your waffles look perfectly delicious and I don't blame you for having some fish. Enjoyed your market photos today.

  7. Those are spectacular words and you have captured their beauty wonderfully! This page seems to transport you back to another era and the background you created looks so beautiful framed by the grey border. Fantastic tag too, the colour transition is so pretty, like a rainbow 😀. The fish stall would draw me in too and who could resist that smiley waffle - yum! I just wanted to say a big thank you for inviting me to host Art Journal Journey earlier this year, it was very kind of you and I'm enjoying seeing all the wonderful creations that are being linked to the theme. Wishing you a Happy Saturday! J x

  8. Terrific page with the wonderful opening of the book. I did read it but when I was far too young to understand it and now I fear I may be too old to understand it.

    Terrific tag with such imaginative ideas for your wonderful shame.

    The market seems quite lively at the side of ours and the things they sell are quit varied where you are. I love to see the flower shop that spills out onto the cobbles with the amazing flowers in different containers.

    Just back from a day out on trains and buses.

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. The opening sentences are super!
    Happy weekend!

  10. Charles Dickens was a brilliant writer. I agree that the opening lines of A Tale of Two Cities are some of the best ever written. I also love the opening lines of A Christmas Carol. "Marley was dead. As dead as a door-nail. This must be well understood or nothing that follows will seem wonderful."

    Your page is beautiful and your snake is cool.


    1. The opening words of books are for me very important - if they're not good, I don't think the rest will be good either! It's a shame that people don't read much these days.

  11. The first piece is brilliant. What an awesome tribute to a wonderful writer. And the second...the one and only snake I've ever liked:)
    Look at those gorgeous hydrangeas.
    Trying to type with monster kitty on my lap.

  12. Great page and you can't go wrong with a Dickens quote. Love the tag too ... I love snakes so seeing them in art is great. Love all of your photos and the fish wagon would be screaming at me to stop and have a bite too. Love all of those cloud photos.

  13. One of Dickens's best opening lines, and truly memorable! I love the page you created, and the tag with the snake is very clever too! Beautiful photos like always! Happy Sunday! And I for one will always read books (even though nowadays I often do so via the Kindle app on my Ipad)....

  14. Great page and your snail tag is fab. ;O))

  15. Valerie, the hybrid piece is so inspiring with these fantastic opening words. The tag looks fabulous with that super snake! Your waffle made me smile!
    Hugs, Mar

  16. Lovely journal pages but I am really loving that snake tag. I didn't even realize it was a snake aT first glance.

  17. Deine Seite Paris/England sieht super aus und dein S-nake Tag ist einfach genial! Tolle Idee aus dem S ein Schlange zu machen.

    Die Wolkenbilder sind sooo schön, Valerie, ganz besonders gut gefällt mir das erste Bild mit dem hellgrünen Baum und den dunklen Wolken.

    Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende!
    LG Gaby

  18. Two wonderful, yet very different works of art today. The opening lines to Tale of Two Cities has always struck a chord with me, and the snake looked harmless on the tag.

    Really loved the photos of both markets. It's too bad the rain kept both customers and vendors away, but I suspect it's very difficult and costly to set up and tear down these booths each week. Hope your weekend is going better than mine.

  19. Wow,deine seite ist super schön,ich liebe auch regen,sehr romantisch,das schlagentag ist auch klasse und die himmelsbilder sind richtig toll,so mystisch,das mag ich sehr.
    einen schönen sonntag.

    hugs jenny

  20. Fabulous post, mind you I was expecting to see a real snake upon one of your walks.xx [aNNie]

  21. The opening lines to Tale of Two Cities is still pertinent today. Great page. I love the pen. The snake is awesome. A very clever, decorated letter. Your waffle looks delicious. That shape would be inspiring. My waffle baker make plain, boring, square waffles. The cloud and sky pictures are so beautiful with the varying palettes of blue, grey, white, pink. Does the airplane fly that close to your building or did you have a special lens to capture the close-up? Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    1. The airport is a couple of miles away, but I zoom the planes in to 'catch' them

  22. Same type of crazy weather patterns we have been having Valerie!
    Wow- both pieces are excellent- love your digi and Love that tag! You are constantly creative and oh so inspiring my friend!!
    You made me drool thinking about the yummy fish- I wish blogs had "smellavision" heehee
    Hope your Sunday is beautiful my friend!
    Jackie xx

    1. Smellavision and perhaps the possibility to beam things from one computer to another, like fried fish or a nice slice of cake....

  23. Ich glaube “Die Geschichte Zweier Städte“ haben wir vor ein paar Jahren als Mehrteiler oder Mini Serie gesehen und fanden sie sehr schön. Deine Digi-Collage dazu ist auch wieder sehr schön gestaltet. Die Waffel sieht verlockend lecker aus, da Krieg ich jetzt Lust drauf. :)
    Die Abend Himmel-Fotos gefallen mir sehr, fantastische Farben.

  24. Oh ich vergaß, das Schlangen-Tag ist auch klasse gemacht.Die Schlange sieht auch nett und nicht so gefährlich aus. Wunderschöne Schriften im HG

  25. Lovely lovely pieces again Valerie. I'm in agreement with your 'artistic licence', and the snake is fab - the happy waffle doesn't look too shabby either lol xx

  26. A crafty day at home, or a quiet day at home, is sometimes just perfect!
    Really liked all of your pieces today.

    All the best Jan

  27. What a Tag..I love it..such an unusual theme too..
    Thank you for playing in this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday x

  28. I enjoy your posts so much Val!! Love your two pieces of art! They are amazing! I even like the snake one and I don't like snakes! LOL! You made me laugh with the waffles! LOL! We have been getting lots of rain too! It's crazy! Really enjoyed your photos! I hope you liked your fish! Big Hugs!

  29. I love your page and the book that inspired it! My Mum was given a set of Dickens books with the most beautiful covers and I read everyone, some twice - my favourite was Great Expectations! I love your snake tag too! I haven't had home made waffles for years - much better than the bought ones in packets! It was good to see the markets but not the dark clouds! We have had enough rain - fortunately not today but forecast lots for tomorrow! Hugs,Chrisx

  30. The best of times, the worst of times. Isn't that our world today? So much horror and sadness, so much beauty. Very nice piece -- all!

    I'm behind on reading and promise to look at it all but probably not comment on everything because I'm flying between places, home and away, appointments and obligations... but hanging in by a thread!


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