Friday 25 August 2017

Butterfly child in orbit

Hi Everybody!

Another week is racing by, and it's Friday already.
So, I'll ask again, 'Where does the time go?'
My head is still spinning from my wonderful museum day
this week, and the adventure in Tomas Saraceno's
'Orbit' installation. I think I need to go there again!

The winners of my Tuesday postcard this week are CJ and Chrissie,
so please send me your contact details! Congratulations!

I have an A5 mixed media piece, using a turpentine/lazertran
decal over some printed DP.  These decals are transparent so you 
can see the paper underneath. As usual, I sewed it all together.
The baby is me at about 1 year old.
I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin

And I made a hybrid version with a little verse so it fits to Jo's 'poetry in 
motion' at Art Journal Journey:

And now I have more pics from Saraceno's wonderful 
installation. Some people asked yesterday if the people are real -
yes, they are the visitors. If you ant to get into the net you
queue up, have to lock all your bits and bobs in a locker,
and then put on an overall and hiking boots, so you have a good grip.
If you wear glasses you get a binder which prevents them from falling 
off. There are cushions in the net, so you can laze around or
walk about as you like. No more than 10 are allowed in at
a time. I so want to go there again. You have to leave your telephone
and camera outside in the locker, too! I just loved the feeling of light, 
and dimension and movement, as well as the great reflections.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great piece, love that you have made yourself into a butterfly child! We's off out today, so I'm glad you're mail caught me before we leave. LOVE the photos again, would love to see the installation. Hugs, Sarah

  2. I am so thrilled to have been chosen to receive one of your wonderful postcards--thank you.

    A very beautiful project with you as a baby and all made with a technique that sounds like an amazing way to add images.

    The installation is a show stopper and I am sure you can't wait to revisit that and maybe have a go on the high wire??!!

    The best way to beat this time thing is to forget what hour and day it is I find. Most days, for me, it doesn't seem to matter. I am finding 'time' really difficult at the moment as I am on antibiotics with the time to take them and not to take them making 'time' seem to have risen to the top of the list for my day. Very boring!

    Have a great day-off now to send you an email

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. wunderschön das Schmetterlingskind valerie wie goldig der Spruch dazu wild und frei .. herrlich!
    Was für Fotos von diese Saracenos *wow* nah da kann ich dich verstehen dass du da nochmal hin willst das ist grossartig dort mitten hinein selbst zu sein!!!!!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  4. Your mixed media piece is a beauty and the verse fits beautifully with the image you created! The transparent decal is a wonderful way to keep everything in place, I love how you have layered the photo, butterfly and pretty flowers then sewn them all together - perfect! The Orbit installation is so amazing, I can see why you are so taken with it and want to go back, the reflections and feeling of light are stunning 😁. Thanks for joining me again for this month's theme at Art Journal Journey, I'm not sure where this month has gone either! Wishing you a very Happy Friday! J 😊

  5. That is COOL. Today's photos were great! I would like to see that exhibit too as it's so cool. And you did some great layering in your art today. I ordered a used copy of that transfer book you talked about the other day. It looks really cool and I want to try some of those techniques. :) Thanks for the recommendation. Happy Friday. Hugs-Erika

    1. I'm sure you will love the book, lots to read and learn there! Have fun!

  6. Thanks for the Butterfly Child ~ lovely ~ ^_^


  7. The technique you used on your mixed media piece sounds very interesting. I love how it turned out.

  8. Beautiful art with the translucent layers! And again, this museum installation must have been so amazing to see in person. Wonderful photos!

  9. Ein zauberhaftes Schmetterlingskind! Eine wunderbare Komposition! Deine Fotos sind sehr beeindruckend ... toll fotografiert!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  10. I love your artwork Valerie, it's a wonderful composition!
    Great photos too, the installation looks amazing!
    Happy PPF!

  11. Your butterfly child piece is so beautiful. It makes it a really special piece of art having your own childhood photo in it. The Saraceno installation is really a completely different concept to me. I'm not sure I'd do it, but I am sure my sister would.

    1. I was scared stiff at first, but I was just determined to have a walk up there - and I did!

  12. Lovely mixed media piece for PPF! Congrats to the postcard winners. Fantastic installation.

  13. Fabolus Mixed Media piece and hybrid version for AJJ! Thank you! Great photos!
    Happy weekend!

  14. With my fear oh heights I'm not sure I could venture out there, but fun to watch. Love the transparent decals!

  15. Wow deine Karte ist ein Traum,so schön die durchscheinenden und sich überschneidenden Motive plus Näheffekte. Gefällt mir sehr gut,auch die Worte,die du dazu gewählt hast.
    Deine Fotos von der fantastischen Ausstellung sind meisterlich geworden und verlocken zum Besuch dieses Kunstwerks. Vielleicht gehen wir das nochmal zusammen anschauen?
    Liebe Grüße und schönes Wochenende.
    Liebe Grüße

  16. Great work, the butterfly child.

  17. Its a gorgeous page and a lovely way to share with us a special photo.
    I think I would pass on walking in the spheres, I am no use at heights, but what an experience if you are brave enough to give it a go.
    Yvonne xx

  18. What a fabulous mixed media piece and I love the results of the digital journal page too! The installation certainly looks and sounds interesting! Is entry timed? Hugs, Chrisx

    1. WE were there in the morning and there were not too many people, so we were not timed. If a lot of people are queuing up they limit you too 10 minutes in the net. I was in there for about a quarter of an hour and my legs felt like jelly afterwards - but it was worth it!

  19. Woo Hoo, CJ and Chrissie.
    Love the delicacy and layered affect of this piece.
    The museum looks like such an amazing experience. Definitely bucket list worthy. Hope you get to go back.

  20. Your piece is so unique. I love how you used a photo of yourself! And the transparency gives it fabulous dimension. Love this!

  21. Love how you've used your baby photo.
    This museum is such an amazing place, great photo's again.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  22. The transparency of the transfers provide such interesting effects. Beautiful. Saraceno's installation is... WOW! Just Wow!!

  23. What a beautiful sweet child you were! I so love your transparent art you have been making- truly gorgeous works Valerie!!

    Wow and WOW I totally would go in that "atmosphere" so cool
    again thanks for sharing your adventures!
    Happy weekend!

  24. LOVE your butterfly girl ♥♥ You were an adorable baby :) Love the Orbit display too... of course I would want to walk about up there in it too. Have a good weekend !

  25. Your art is just stunning. There is no other words for it. Thank you again for sharing the photos.

  26. What adventures you have had! I love this watercolor--so sweet.

  27. I am so wild about that installation, you could post the same photos day after day and I wouldn't tire of them. I hope you return -- and show more, even if they are much the same!

  28. I love the art! I have a thing for butterflies- so I could stare at it for hours. :)

    How awesome that you went inside for such a long time. Looks fascinating. I can't imagine being in there. What an experience! :)

  29. You look so adorable in your art piece! It's truly beautiful!! I love that museum! I want to go walk in the net! Big Hugs!

  30. I am truly in love with that baby picture of you behind the butterfly. I simply adored it.

    Your time inside the installation must have been quite invigorating. I appreciated how you explained the safety measures and precautions they took in order to ensure you had a safe and fun experience.

  31. Hello! What an interesting process. Do you print the decal? You must have had fun participating in the installation. Love the photos of the process!
    ~~ Irene


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