Thursday 31 August 2017

Paint pouring and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well. It's pouring here, so I have
decided to stay home and have a pyjama and play day. If the
weather clears up I can go out this afternoon.
My Tuesday postcard giveaway was won by Chris Bedford
and Linda Kunsman. Chris, your card is on its way, but I need
Linda's snail-mail addy, so please get in touch with me!
Recently at art group I did some paint pouring, and there were
some small amounts of colour left over, so I made this
small, 7 x 9" canvas. When it was dry I painted the edges black,
and then we sat around and thought about  what it could be.
After turning it in all directions
, we decided on this one, as we could see a face on the right hand
side, with hair streaming out behind it. So the final title is
'Blue water nymph swimming'
I am linking to Paint Party Friday.

I recently managed to scald my arm with steam, and unfortunately, for
some reason, it formed a huge blister which turned septic. I had to get
medical treatment, BIG ouch!  but in the meantime it is healing nicely,
I just have a dent in my arm:

And some out and about photos from this week:

This shop window at the bike shop has not changed in the 11 years
 I have been living here!

The streets are often deserted:

The park in the old moat:

I often meet this charming red cat, who always likes
being stroked:

The castle walls:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. OMGosh, Valerie. And here you have been worried about ME!! Your arm looks horrible. If you say it's on the mend, I'll try to believe you, but it still looks really, really bad from my computer screen.

    I simply adore your pour. I love the colors you chose and the way you swirled it. The black background made the cool colors POP!

    Since it is raining, I think you should stay in and heal. Hope your day turns out great and you get lots of art finished.

    Love the cat. It is certainly gentle and allows you to take photos. Too bad my two won't do that,

    1. Well, it looked much, MUCH worse before, not to talk about how the wound stank, yuck! And I did go to the doc's! It will leave a big scar, but that's okay.

  2. LOVE your art, great colours and very pretty to look at. Lovely photos as always, except for our arm, it looks a lot worse than I had thought! Look after it! The kids are at school, the baby is sleeping, I'm happy! Hugs, Sarah

  3. OUCH that burn looks nasty, it should heal well and then yu'll be right.
    Fabulous paint pouring canvas, I have wanted to try this but all the paint one needs to use, great result though..x [aNNie]

  4. That is the perfect title for that pour paint piece. It came out great and I do think it looks like there is some kind of oceany nymph in it. Ouch. That burn looks nasty and I bet it was painful! Glad it is healing and the infection didn't spread. That little orange kitty looks like a cat I had named Leo. He was very very friendly, and so I was both happy and sad to see those photos. Seeing I really miss that cat since I lost him a couple of years ago. Enjoy your PJ day. It sounds fantastic to me! Hugs-Erika

  5. The canvas looks funny but your blister doesn't look like it is fun...
    hope it heals soon !

  6. You said: "It's pouring here, so I have decided to stay home and have a pyjama and play day. If the weather clears up I can go out this afternoon."

    Now, that sounds a good plan!

    Your arm looks quite nasty, do hope it heals soon.

    As always loved looking at your photographs ...

    All the best Jan

  7. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the orange cat. How it reminded me of my Gypsy.

    I love the PJ Play Day idea! And your canvase and that fabulous black and blue. Super wow.

    Hope the arm heals quickly. That doesn't look fun at all. I'm glad you got treatment before the infection got too serious.

  8. ojee das aber eine riesen Blase gewesen gut zu lesen dass sie am heilen ist!

    dein Leinwandbild oja ich sehe sie die Nixe mit ihren Haaren die so dahin schwimmt toll gestaltet so was ganz anderes.
    Die Burg wie toll du sie fotografiert hast ich mag diesen Ausschnitt hinaus auf den Rhein! Süss die Katze und es hat sich vieles auch vor 4 Jahren nichts verändert ich kenne so viele Winkel und Ecken immer noch.
    Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung für dienen Arm und einen schönen Nachmittag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  9. Ooh! A bundle of mixed emotions with this post! First of all happy to be a postcard winner! Then jealous of your making a paint pour - this really is fabulous and much better than some I have seen! Oh!next it was a mixture of sympathy and horror! I'm glad you got treatment because that looks like it really hurts! Finally, relaxed, as I look through your photos I can imagine strolling around your town! Strangely we had a bike shop nearby our old house that didn't change its windows either! Too busy out cycling I suppose! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Ooh! A bundle of mixed emotions with this post! First of all happy to be a postcard winner! Then jealous of your making a paint pour - this really is fabulous and much better than some I have seen! Oh!next it was a mixture of sympathy and horror! I'm glad you got treatment because that looks like it really hurts! Finally, relaxed, as I look through your photos I can imagine strolling around your town! Strangely we had a bike shop nearby our old house that didn't change its windows either! Too busy out cycling I suppose! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Ouch! Your arm looks painful Valerie! Hope it heals quickly.
    Lots of people seem to be pouring paint lately. Your canvas is wonderful, I can see the nymph.
    Wishing you a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  12. Super dein kleiner Canvas mit den schönen Schlieren in Blautönen. Aber dein Arm sieht dagegen garnicht gut aus und muß ziehmlich weh tun. Aloe Vera Gel kann da helfen damit es schnell und narbenfrei heilt. Gute Besserung für deinen Arm. Schöne Fotos hast du wieder gemacht, die rote Mieze gefällt mir sehr.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox

  13. Hope your arm is better soon, looks quite painful. Love your color choice on your paint piece. Your photos are great, I love the cobblestone streets and the last a glimpse into another world. Have a happy dya!


  14. your poor arm, steam is deadly! Love the paint pouring art and thanks for today's photos!

  15. That painting turned out really cool. I really must try paint pouring sometime. Ouch. That burn looks terrible. I hope your healing is quick. Hugs, Teresa

  16. My last comment got lost! I like the turquoise colour in your art as it reminds me of the sea. I am sorry you scalded your arm _=3=£3and hope it heals soon. Love the photos of local places

  17. Ouch, I can feel the pain you must have with your arm, I hope it is healing well.
    I loved the paint pouring canvas, the turquoise is a gorgeous colour and yes I can easily see the face.
    Super photos, the old bicycle shop looked good. My lads would love it as they say these older style shops are much better for getting parts etc. than the big modern all singing and dancing cycle stores.
    Look after the poorly arm Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  18. First, ouchies! Glad your arm is doing better. Love the paint pour and the colors. Was fun to find the face of the water nymph. Such a peaceful town. I like the contrast of the very modern bridge with the old town. The purple flowers look like stars dotting the castle wall. And of course, I love the kitty.Ink didn't really like having his picture taken. I'd get everything framed and he'd turn his head at the last minute. :-D

  19. AUtsch!oje,dein arm sieht gar nicht gut aus,und ich kann mir vorstellen,wie weh so eine riesenblase tut.aloea vera kann da gut helfen,gute besserung.
    dein kunstwerk sieht toll aus,so schöne farben und texturen.
    schöne bilder hast du wider gemacht,die schmalen gassen sind ja toll,und die katze ist so hübsch.
    einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  20. First I am sorry about your arm. It look painful. Paint pouring is quite popular and yours resulted in a very unique face. Love the photos too.

  21. That turquoise and blue looks amazing! Sorry about your arm (ouch) hope it heals soon!! Happy September and PPF!

  22. Hope your arm heals quickly! I love the turquoise/green mix of Colors. Like waves in the ocean. And beautiful photos, especially the ones from the castle. Happy PPF!

  23. Hi, Valerie. My word your arm looks sore. I hope it heals quickly. Sorry I haven't been around for a while, but things happen. Great artwork and wonderful photos. I really like that ginger cat.

  24. Oh dear Valerie!!Your arm looks so sore!! I must say I made noise out loud when I saw it!!I can imagine what you said when it happened! please be careful,my friend and I am sending hugs and healing wishes your way!

    As for you acrylic pour, it is just gorgeous! And I saw right away your nymph! Even if you had not mentioned her, I saw her- well done!
    hugs,Jackie xx

  25. Your paint-poured water nymph is completely stunning - what a glorious result from what looks like a very exciting technique. I really hope your arm is on the way to being better - ouch!
    Alison x

  26. That pouring technique looks like fun. I have yet to try it. Big OUCH!!! Your poor thing, that must have been pretty painful.Wonderful out and about photos. I especially LOVE the last one! And thanks so much for picking my name for a postcard! I sent you an email and hope you received it:) Happy PPF!

  27. Lovely creation ~ colors and the free flowing nymph is lovely ~ Great photos too ~ ^_^

    (A ShutterBug Explores)

  28. I love, love, love poured paint! This is beautiful (but your arm is NOT. Hope it heals quickly). Happy PPF

  29. Love the paint pouring. It looks delicious. Sadly the blister does not. Yikes!

  30. The paint pouring is like an ocean's very dramatic with lots of movement and color! So sorry about your blister...double ouch!!! My poor grandmother owned a dry cleaners and when I was growing up I have seen a big angry burn on her arm from the steam press! Has to be really painful! Loved your street scenes...beautiful photos! Thanks so much for your comment on my post!

  31. Love the colors and the texture o the painting! :) Great photos! Very enjoyable.

  32. Great texture and colours on the paint pouring canvas and lovely photos.

  33. ouch! omg I hope your arm fully recovers. That looks like it hurts so much. Yikes! Sending you positive energy. Your photos are lovely. The painting is stunning! Love the effect of the drip painting. Amazing and take good care of your self and your arm. May you have a fast recovery.

  34. Magnificent presentation of your photos. Happy PPF. Luv the drips of paint tooo

    much love...

  35. I am so sorry about your arm Valerie!! Please take care of yourself!! Must be so painful!!!
    I love your paint pouring piece! Very creative and cool!! Very funky!!
    I love where you live!! Gorgeous photos! Funny about the bike shop!
    Big Hugs!

  36. Oh I love this piece of art! Such great texture and swirls. I think the Blue Nymph swimming is the perfect title. So sorry about your arm - glad it is getting better! Beautiful photos - impressive bridge and the architecture is so interesting. Hope you have a great week!!


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