Friday 21 October 2016

This and that for the weekend

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, Indian summer, I have 2 pieces today.
The first is a hybrid piece, using a painted, stamped and dripped background,one of 'my' faces and some digital elements:

The second piece was made using leftovers in my 2nd 'new' journal. I die cut leaves from a sheet of painted and stamped paper, and found the pieces which remained too good to throw away, so added some doodling and stamping and made them into this simple spread:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Last weekend I visited Duisburg, a neighbouring town again.
This sculpture is called 'Hommage à Mercator' and was made by Friedrich Werthmann:

I discovered lots more fragments of the mediaeval walls and towers:

This sculpture is in a fountain, which wasn't working because of street works:

This seems to be another piece connected to Mercator:


I loved this statue- 
looks like someone very tired after a long day out shopping:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Both pieces are lovely, I love them both equally well. Wonderful photos, you certinly found some great stuff in Duisburg! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  2. I LOVE your first painting! I have inks I have never used - and you make me want to pull them out! The sculpture is magnificent! Happy PPF :)

  3. I LOVE your first painting! I have inks I have never used - and you make me want to pull them out! The sculpture is magnificent! Happy PPF :)

  4. I also love the first painting, full of wonderful images and textures. Your leaves are beautiful as well. And as always your photographs are interesting. Have a great weekend, xx

  5. Love the art !!!!! YOu have really captured the feeling of fall in both ♥ Great sculptures today. The first one really caught my eye but they are all beautiful. Thanks for sharing ♥♥♥

  6. Zwei tolle Arbeiten sind das! Das Herbstgesicht find ich ganz besonders schön und toll was für Duisburger Schätze Du aufgetan hast!
    Happy Friday!
    oxo Susi

  7. I love the face with the heart for an eye. The little mouse adds a bit of whimsy. There is nothing that says autumn like falling leaves. These are wonderful.

    And of course, the trip to Duisburg had me gripped from beginning to end. Wonderful sculptures and art everywhere! Have a super Friday and weekend, too.

  8. Love your new pieces. What fantastic sculptures!

  9. love all the autumn colours and your peaceful page and the sculptures are superb

  10. The artwork is fantastic on your pages Valerie. No wonder you are inspired with all the wonders you encounter along the way. What fantastic metal pieces on display.

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Lovely pieces for AJJ, I love the yellows on the first one. Thanks for this interesting tour today. Medieval walls and towers put you back in time, I am sure life wasn't that glamourous then as we imagine.

  12. Two gorgeous pages, with the added bonus of some more of your lovely photos.

  13. Wunderschöne Werke wieder und sooo tolle Fotos, Du hast ein Auge für Perspektiven.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

  14. Your Autumn pages are gorgeous and golden. Your town visits inspiring, another interesting and clever post. XOXO

  15. Lovely art pages. Those are some amazing sculptures. The lady looks like she didn't buy much, for all that shopping. hugs, Teresa

  16. Great artwork with gorgeous autumn colours, I especially like the leaves with the nice quotes ( I'm so happy when you show close ups so I can easily read things - thanks Valerie x )
    Great photos - lots of intriguing sculptures and did you notice that on the last photo of the mediaeval tower with the fab shadow - it looks like a face on the brickwork?

    Have a lovely weekend..... Gill xx

  17. I really admire the technique you use with your hybrid backgrounds. Very nice and this color palette is so warm and beautiful. I'm loving the classic buildings and sculptures in your photos -- not so much the modern ones!

    Happy weekend!

  18. Gorgeous pages both of them with those warm autumnal colours!

  19. I love those warm colors in your pages. I liked the leaf pages especially. Your photographs are also a joy to see!

  20. Beautiful journal pages Valerie, I was a bit slow seeing the face in the first one, but as it came to me I thought, "how clever is this" aspect of the page.
    Fabulous photos and I like the thinking lady as well.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Stunning pages and glorious color, Bravo on your creations!!! And, as usual I loved your photos, especially the lady! Have a great wonderful weekend!!!

  22. Zwei sehr schöne neue Herbstwerke, die bedruckten Blätter gefallen mir. Tolle Fotos, diese riesige Kugel und die Mädchenskulptur finde ich super.
    Schönes Wochenende

  23. I wonder why all the Mercator references? I enjoy your little journeys. I also love your pages today. The leave spread is my favorite. The simplicity of the leaves on that great background makes it feel very rich. Hope your weekend is starting off well. Hugs-Erika

    1. He was a Professor at the Univerity in Duisburg.

  24. Loving your masterpiece today and the awesome photos, wow they are amazing.xx

  25. eine schöne seite und tolle farben,auch die seiten davor sind großartig.
    die modernen fragmente sind nicht so meins,dafür aber das alte ruinen castle.
    hab ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  26. Beautiful pieces today Valerie, I love those glowing Autumn colours. The tired shopper lady is lovely, she needs to wrap up though in this weather lol. Have a fun weekend xx

  27. Beautiful art and photos today Valerie. Happy weekend. hugs :)

  28. Great artwork as usual Valerie, the autumnal colours and textures are gorgeous.
    Fantastic sculptures and ruins... it's great to take these little trips about with you.
    Thanks for sharing and for popping over to my place. Happy PPF to you

  29. Two beautiful pieces Valerie and great photos, I love the sculptures.
    xxx Hazel.

  30. Great pieces. Subtle face. Enjoyable walk:)

  31. Yes that sweet girl looks lost in rest or dreaming!
    Great piece you made with your face rich in details it draws me in. You also used your leaf cutouts in such a creative way with your stamping too.
    The medieval ruins you shared with us sure are nice and a nice yin and yang with the newer sculptures. The first one is very cool and the pedestal for it really caught my eye too.

  32. Hi Valerie-Jael! Do you like to be called by your hyphenated name or just Valerie. I've been wondering that for a long time. That girl sculpture looked like me yesterday late afternoon when I finally got home. That is why I am visiting today! I love being back at PPF and seeing everyone.

    I LOVE your mixed media piece. The little mouse is so cute with the Autumn leaves. The sculptures are beautiful. The first one looks like it's made from a bunch of books. My favorite is the tower/wall ruins. That is why it is so fun visiting you. There are such great places around where you live that are so old, and then the sculptures which seem pretty new. As always, Thank you for sharing!

  33. Love you art. Your photos are simply amazing. The inspiration of where you live and places you visit is so diverse. Thank you again for showing us.

  34. I really love your art!!! And, your photos, WOW!!! Thankyou for sharing! Big Hugs!

  35. I love the two Autumn pages you have made! The depth in the first one is fabulous and I love how you have used your leftovers to make the second one! Duisburg looks so interesting - such contrasts, so pleased to see parts have been preserved! Hugs, Chrisx

  36. I'm late as always...
    Your bright colors are like sunshine what I miss right now - it's grey, grey here...
    That statue has been in good hands - so many touches that part of her is shining like a mirror :)
    Have a good rest of the week!

  37. Love your autumnal artworks.
    That metal sculpture is simply spectacular!


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