Sunday 30 October 2016

The last day of Indian Summer

Hi Everybody!

Here we had a Sunday which  honoured its name with 
cool, crisp air and hours of sunshine. Days like this really are a gift
of nature.

At Art Journal Journey our challenge, 'Indian Summer', is
drawing to a close and on Tuesday we are starting
a new theme - be sure to come by and learn all about it!

I have made a collage of all of my pages again:

And this is the last page which I didn't get round to showing yet. It is a hybrid page with a painted, stamped  and dripped background and a photo of one of the lakes here:

And here some more impressions of the autumn landscape taken in the past couple of days:

The sheep and horses were grazing peacefully in the field:

I wonder why the heron was there alongside them?

The geese were waddling about looking for food:

 The leaves get less and less on the trees - winter will soon be here:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your last page of Autumn. I think your collage is the best one yet - the colours are outstanding. Beautiful photos -- love the brown sheep relaxing in the field. hugs, Donna

  2. What a lovely collage and I especially loved your last collage. I feel like I could get lost in your tree photographs quite happily...

  3. Wonderful collage and last page, you can tell how much fun you had this month. Loved the photos, too, with those curly horned sheep. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Its a wonderful collage of all your pages Valerie.
    Like today's beautiful page they have been all so inspiring, I have really loved this challenge theme.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Love your last page and your collage of all your month's pieces. Its hard to believe the month is about over. It was a wonderful theme Valerie; I really enjoyed it. Lucky you to enjoy some beautiful weather and to have a such a beautiful path to walk along. Happy new week and happy Halloween. Hugs-erika

  6. What a great collage, Valerie! Your Indian Summer pages are wonderful and so creative as always!
    Hugs, Mar

  7. Even if you had NO idea what the theme of this montage is, you would be overwhelmed by the beautiful colors of it. Your pages truly lived up to the beautiful colors of Indian Summer and Autumn. As always, I love the end of the month recap in photos.

    OK, I feel like a fool, since yesterday I thought those were ducks, not geese. Goes to show I need a lesson in aviary studies.

  8. Just enlarged your collage and awesome awesome

  9. Liebe Valerie
    deine Herbstfotos sind toll, diese bunte Stimmung, genau wie ich mir
    den Herbst vorstelle.
    Die Collage ist eine "AUGENWEIDE"; wenngleich mir deine
    letzte Seite ebenso gefällt.( vor allem dieser Touch von Klimt) Einfach "FABELHAFT"
    Lg und eine sonnige Woche.

  10. Eine wunderbare Seite und eine beeindruckende Collage Deiner Oktober Kunstwerke! Der Spruch auf der Seite hat mich jetzt lächeln lassen... never hustled ... leider haben die meisten Pensionisten nur Stress und leider nie Zeit -lol- sie haben immer sooo viel vor!
    Tolle herbstliche Impressionen auf den schönen Fotos - und die Tiere machen nie den Eindruck als seien sie gestresst!
    Obwohl... der Rüde hier im WZ hat grad Stress mir beizubringen, dass er unbedingt spazieren gehen will, weil die Sonne zu sehen ist draußen!
    Schönen Montag - Happy Halloween!

  11. Hi there, I've just come over from Sandra's Blog and wanted to say how beautiful your photographs and images are.

  12. Lovely weather here too.

    I love the way your collage makes the transition from multi-pages to the single page to the live trees - seamless blend or rich vibrant colours.

    Have a good week!

  13. You Autumn collage of work is the best yet and truly amazing. Love the extra page you have done for today and always great when you do mix media work and very inspiring. I have really enjoyed the theme Valerie

    What terrific photographs of the wonders you see on a daily basis.Best one for me today the horses against the coloured trees--beautiful.

    Forgotten what sun is though it is mentioned on the forecast for tomorrow --yipee.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Beautiful page and collage! Enjoyed your photos today, we are well into fall now.

  15. Terrific end to your colourful month. Todays page is beautiful, the collage is everything I'd expected a riot of autumn orange glory. XOXO

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Glorious page Valerie - loved the quote and the beautiful colours and scene.
    Thoroughly enjoyed your theme this month, but sorry not joined in so much lately.
    Oh I would have loved to have been on your autumnal walk with you seeing the fabulous trees and birds, looks a lovely peaceful place :)
    Happy Halloween... Gill xx

  18. You last AJJ page, for autumn is beautiful! I really enjoyed your theme for October and had fun joining the challenges when I could.

    Photos of your walk are showing how fast the season is changing in your part of the world. Our temperatures has fallen quite a bit, especially at night, so our tress will soon start to change color too.

    It is Halloween morning here, but not too early to wish you a Happy Halloween.

  19. Love your last page for the challenge and it's always great to see your collage for the month :) Great fall photos today too. Maybe the heron is trying to barter some wool out of the sheep so he can stay warm for the winter :)

  20. Love the piece and the collage.
    Another great walk.

  21. Hi Valerie! What a beautiful Autumn post. I love seeing all of your pages into a collage. They all are beautiful and filled with wonderful colors of the season. And also, as always, I love the tour of your homeland.That path looked so inviting! The horses are beautiful and that first goose looked like it had already eaten a lot for the day...just a little more plump than the others. Happy Monday and big hugs, Rasz

  22. Hi Valerie, what a wonderful way to say goodbye to October. Your collage of work over the month is incredible. I love that everything you design blend so well together.
    Lovely fall tour of your town too. I just marvel at the beauty you see each day.
    Thanks for sharing and always inspiring me when I visit! Have a great week. xo

  23. Ganz wunderbar sieht deine Collage der Herbstseiten aus. Die Fotos sind auch so schön stimmig mit den gefärbten Bäumen, etwas Nebel und den Tieren dazu.
    Liebe Grüße

  24. Beautiful piece. Love your autumn shots, the geese are so different from ours, love them! :)

  25. Valerie, I have to say that your collection of Indian Summer art is one of my favorites. The colors, the feeling, everything. And the photos just seem to match. You have some magnificent ducks, different from what we see here. I'm in awe of your photo talent.

  26. I do love seeing your end of month collages and this final page is a great finish to a great theme! I wonder what Mr Heron found! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Stunning as always Valerie, I always love your collages, and your photographs are wonderful xx

  28. Such a beautiful post! I love your collage!!! Hugs!


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