Sunday 9 October 2016

Ancient and modern

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you all a good start in the new week!

For Art Journal Journey, Indian summer, I have a hybrid piece using one of my photos, taken last year in Kettwig, a little town not far from here, as the focal image.

These are the rest of the photos I took last week in town. The real reason for my outing was to see if a little lane, called 'Reichs Gasse', was still as I remembered it, or if it had been knocked down and 'modernised'. Much to my relief I found that this little lane, tucked between high-rise buildings, banks and insurances, was still intact. The farm buildings there date back to the 17th century, and I am happy to say that the family who owns them is intent on keeping them as they are:

After my journey back in time I made my way to the tram station, past
many large buildings:

That's all for today.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a fantastic post - wow - loved all the carvings etc... wonderful - many thanks. enjoy your week

  2. Another wonderful post, Valerie, your journal pages are always fantastic and the photos superb. So glAd that little Gasse survived. You have a great week, too. Hugs Sarah

  3. I love the autumn color scheme of your art, it's so warm and wonderful. I'm glad your little lane was still there, so much changes...

  4. How nice that there are people who care about preserving history and not tearing things down to build new. The photo with the Hollyhocks gone to seed in front of that lovely white wall is a beauty as are all of your pix liebe Valerie. Funny to get around town with you ♥ Thank you very much!
    The piece you created is full of the moodiness of shorter days and Autumn glow. "Take time to pause, play and enjoy AND swing your axe" *gg*. It is super.

  5. FUN to get around town with you it should have said.

  6. I love how you used one of your photos to make your page. I think the photo feels like fall, even though its not all about colored leaves or another fall view. I think the sky and the light has its own fall feel. And I think the old farm is very cool, especially with all the modern art. Makes a nice antithesis. Hope it was a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

  7. Once again, your lovely art has been at the forefront of autumn's beauty. Add to that the beauty of the gorgeous area that refuses to be dismantled, and I was in heaven. I was especially drawn to the flower boxes that seem to be everywhere. This was a really fun visit.

  8. I see where you got your inspiration for this piece. Brilliant. Your are so fortunate to live in an area with a variety of art from old to modern for inspiration. I know through your photos I am inspired.

  9. Great post today...always...I am always amazed at the different photos you show us and love each of them..xx{aNNie}

  10. Lovely page and enjoyed your photos today, the old buildings are so well preserved.

  11. Wonderful page Valerie and always great when you use your own photos.

    So pleased your little lane was still there and amazing to see all the wonderful works of art you you encountered along the way--love the bright coloured ones.

    Have a great day

    Chrissie xx

  12. How wonderful that the modern world is not taking everything over, the lane looks like a fantastic place to visit. Love the weather vane in the picture used on your journal page. What do you do with all these pages when they are complete is each month bound into books?

  13. Das ist ein tolles Layout Valerie und so viele schöne Fotos! Toll sind die verschiedenen Skulpturen - danke für's Zeigen!
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsch ich Dir!

  14. I've been here some time enjoying your art and lovely photos. It would be great to see more window shopping this weekend!
    I really like that 'dog' type art. That kind of art makes me smile...Thanks for a smile today!
    Have a colorful week!

  15. Wow- how cool!! I really do love the mix of modern and old together- I think they pair beautifully!! Jackie ")

  16. What a fascinating little street and so clean. Love the old and new in the architecture.
    Your piece is great with those wonderful fall colors.

  17. OH MY!!! The colors in your art today are so rich!!! Fall is my favorite color theme :)
    SO glad to see the little lane is still in tact and love to mix of old and new ♥ Some great art shown today ♥

  18. So schön hast du die alte Dorfansicht in Herbstfarben getaucht und dekoriert. Gefällt mir sehr. Aber auch der schöne alte Hof, den du wieder so gekonnt von allen Seiten fotografiert hast, ist ein Augenschmaus mit all den kleinen Kunstwerken drumherum. Freut mich sehr, daß er nicht zerstört wurde und man die alte Optik pflegt.
    Liebe Grüße und schönen Abend

  19. Love the beautiful contrasts of the old and new in your wonderful journal page Valerie.
    Today's photos are great, the old farm looks lovely. you have shown us so many interesting aspects of your visit today. Love the stone work sculptures.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Nice warm colours and vintage feel on your fab AJJ piece.
    Fascinating mix of photos today which I thoroughly enjoyed looking at, thanks for sharing.
    Gill xx

  21. I love the colors of your AJJ page very much. So rich and warm. And the art you shared with us today is beautiful -- quite a variety of classic sculpture and modern. I especially loved the ones on the walls.

  22. Hi Valerie, love your art and the quote is something we all need to try and do in our daily lives. The colors are so warm and gorgeous for fall. Lovely town pics and isn't it great when we find a beautiful spot left untouched and original. Love the sculpture art too. Have a great week. xo

  23. I love your piece today Valerie, Summer has definitely been and gone here! Lovely photographs too, everything is so clean and well looked after where you live xx

  24. Oh My Valerie, this post is such a treat in every way! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Gorgeous page, so highly textured. I love the leaves. hugs, Teresa


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