Friday 14 October 2016

More autumn feelings

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Indian summer and for Paint Party Friday
I have a mixed media piece today. The background was brayered with leftover paints. The flowers were stenciled with a gorgeous 1€ stencil from the Euro shop, and the dragonflies were also rather messily stenciled with some left over paint. The lady was painted using a home made template, then doodled with a gold pen, with which I also outlined the flowers. The leaves were cut from painted paper.

 This morning I was up early and was rewarded with a wonderful sunrise, but perhaps I should take time to put something over my pyjamas when it's so cold outside!

And this was serendipity pure - a flock of wild geese flew by on their
way down to the Rhine:

The sheep are grazing on the meadows near the Rhine again. It's good to pause and just watch them:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks  a lot for coming by!


  1. Just had a little catch up loving all your gorgeous autumn landscapes. The morning sky especially with the flock of birds are breath taking. XOXO

  2. Wonderful art and photos, and the morning sky really is breathtaking as Zoe said. Love your autumn maid dancing through nature, I think it's you! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Fantastic AJJ page Valerie, love that you doodled some nature into her dancing soul.

  4. Your journal page is beautiful, Valerie. I love all the stencil work and am most impressed with your handmade dancing girl stencil. And of course, the photos are A+ gorgeous!

  5. Eine fantastische Seite... gefällt mir sehr gut die Idee vom Tanz durch die Natur ..und die herrlichen Fotos dazu ! Perfekt!
    Schönen Freitag Abend wünsch ich Dir!
    oxo Susi

  6. dancing to nature's rhythm-love it Valerie!!! I'm actually finishing up a page using a silhouette too:) Gorgeous photographs and the sheep and lambs-awe.... happy PPF!

  7. Terrific page Valerie with a great mix of colours and design. Always love how you make your own stencils.

    What an amazing sunrise. Enough to make anyone forget to get dressed properly for sure. We can't see the sunset or sunrise from any of our windows and I really think thatwould be wonderful. Thank you for sharing yours with me.

    Well lambs in October. I have never seen any here at this time of year. They are so cute

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. A golden goddess in full power! Beautiful mixed media. The photos are serene and peaceful. I noticed that you spelled 'pyjamas'. This how Indians do it too. Here in the US, it is 'pajamas.

    1. Thanks! Yes, for me it's pyjamas, the English spelling!

  9. A lovely post Valerie, the sunset with the geese is stunning and those floppy eared sheep always make me smile. Very rainy here today and the leaves are getting blown off the trees. Enjoy your weekend and keep cosy! Xx

  10. A great journal page and such wonderful photos of the sunrise, stunning one with the geese. Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  11. Beautiful art and beautiful photos. I just love those sheep. They made me smile.

    Tori :-)

  12. Love your dragonfly, they are hard to do. Beautiful photos, so inspiring.

  13. Fabulous journal page Valerie and love the photos. The black lamb is so cute.
    We have a definite nip in the air here too, very cold first thing.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  14. What a fun art piece, I love the dragonflies. Gorgeous shot of the birds flying and the sheep look very sweet too.

  15. Love the stencil work on your fabulous page, the silhouette woman dancing looks awesome. Great morning photos especially the geese flying over, good that you were awake as I think they can be quite noisy.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Wonderful work with a very autumnal feel about it!

  17. Lovely art piece! Your gold pen doodling is so beautiful - I love the leaf images you have adorned your autumn disco goddess in :-). Such a wonderful sunrise too and seeing those geese would have made me heart soar - amazing! Wishing you a happy weekend! J :-)

  18. Whole life is a dance and I love to dance too, so I also love your fantastic new page dear Valerie. WOW! The sundown photos are amazing, very good shots. Very nice also the sheep photos, watching sheeps make the soul peaceful.
    Dear Greetings

  19. Fabulous page...has a vintage 60's feel yet modern...Excellent piece! I could see it in a magazine ad!!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. Love the art today!!!! That dancing figure is one of my favorites. :) Spectacular photos today too and I can so relate to the "JAMMIES" not being warm enough these days. My morning walks with Mini are requiring heavier clothing these days.

  21. Your page reminds me of a rust coloured jump suit I used to have in the 70s. That era was very much about autumn shades. It was clever of you to pick up on that with your art page.

  22. Once again, a great autumn page, Valerie. You are never at a loss for ideas. Photos are tremendous. The geese flying across the sunrise is spectacular. The sheep - ah the sheep! Absolutely mesmerizing -- my favorite is the little black and white one. I could take him home with me. Hugs, Donna

  23. You go disco girl. This is awesome I love it. Wonderful photos too.

  24. oh wow,deine tanzseite ist großartig,die lämmchen sind soooo süss.
    ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  25. Pretty cool for a young the colours and LOVE that sky in your photos.xx{aNNie}

  26. Fabulous autumnal piece, - love the energy and movement. The colours in the first lot of photos are incredible, wow!
    Happy weekend!

  27. Einfach toll mit den vielen Details! Besonders gefällt mir das Doodling mit dem Goldpen, und der sagenhafte 1€-Blütenstempel, und die ausgeschnittenen Blätter - und einfach alles!
    LG Rike
    (Schluchz - mein Bild für AJJ ist nicht in der Gallery)

  28. I love that 1970s inspired autumn page, the photos of the geese in the sky and the gorgeous sheep...have a great weekend

  29. I love the homemade stencil. What a gem. Lovely colors, too.

    Those sheep are simply adorable. I just want to run my hand over their wool. They look so adorable! Hope your weekend is off to a great start. Mine is a bit off. I feel like I'm in a time warp.

  30. Forgot to mention how much I like that new blog banner. It's adorable.

  31. Wow- catching the flying geese in the sunrise sure made a spectacular photo. That was worth a little chill and early rising to see. Its just beautiful. Those sheep are also great. I love farm animals. There is something about being near a farm that connects you back to the earth. I don't what what or why that is for me. Loving the new banner too! Also finally, your journal page today is wonderful. There's something fun about this dancing lady. Maybe she has some Druid or other tribal soul that is making her connect with nature too. Anyhow, this post has made me think about that connection. Have a great start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  32. Two things always make my heart sing -- sunsets and sheep. I love your sheep photos -- they have such a beautiful, sweet countenance. The close-ups are just fabulous. And the sunsets -- oh my! How lucky you were to catch the geese in flight -- and against that terrific sky.

    Is that a new banner? I like it very, very much!

  33. a dancing queen and beautiful skies :)

  34. Wow gorgeous piece, very 70's lol. You are having amazing sun rises,and those grazing sheep look very happy xx

  35. Oh My! This is fabulous Valerie - dancing through Autumn sounds good to me! I love your photos - so lucky to get those geese in shot! The sheep seem to be having their lambs very late! I hope it doesn't turn too cold just yet! Hugs Chrisx


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