Sunday 23 October 2016

Season of mists....

Hi Everybody!

We had a cold night here, and the morning started off with
an icy mist, but it was wonderful to watch the sun rising though
it, and later to see the wisps of mist blowing across the Rhine.

For Art Journal Journey, Indian summer, I have a quick and simple spread in my 2nd New journal, with a painted background and stamps from Seven Gypsies and unknown.

It's strange looking out of the window and seeing that the world has
been swallowed by the mist:

The sun rose up though the mist, it looked rather spooky:

Down at the Rhine the wisps of mist were dancing over the water:

This seagull was making  a noise about something:

The people I spoke to were all delighted with the strange and misty

I watched the leaves spiraling slowly down from the trees:

I am happy I was able to take photos of the lovely morning!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am loving that owl and the colors you've combined it with, it is a lovely piece! Your photos are wonderful too, the mist is so atmospheric...

  2. Fantastic journal pages, and not so simple - just simply gorgeous! Wonderful photos, I am sure you had great fun being out and about and soaking up all that beauty. Have a good week, hugs, Sarah

  3. I forgot to mention yesterday I am loving the latest blog header. And your weather looks like ours did Friday and yesterday. Love those sun behind the mist clouds photos. They are impressive. Also liking the journal spread. I don't know why I can't get enough owls lately. So I am especially loving that owl image. Hope it was a good weekend and the weeks starts off great. Hugs-Erika

  4. Lovely photos and a beautiful page today!

  5. I love these two pages Valerie - I have my owl stamps out at the moment - I think I have to make an Autumn page with them! I love morning mists - as long as they lift by around eleven o'clock! Your photos are stunning! Hugs, Chrisx

  6. Hallo Valerie,
    Fotos und deine Seite (ich bin ja ein Eulenfreund )gefallen mir sehr, sehr gut.
    Diese mystischen Nebelbilder lassen meiner Fantasie immer
    freien Lauf, da könnte ich mir die tollsten Geschichten
    dazu ausdenken. ;-)
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Wochenstart.
    Lg Sadie

  7. Very beautiful pages and great use of the stamps Valerie.

    The mist adds a different slant to everything I think.It looks very strange behind the ship on the water. We have a sunny bright day but very cold at the same time.

    Enjoy your day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Sure looks like a misty and frosty day going by your photos...that's winter hey. Love your beautiful page again.xx

  9. Deine Doppelseite ist wunderschön und der Nebel macht sich einfach gut.. es ist die Allerheiligenstimmung pur- auch schön - passend zur Jahreszeit zumindest!
    Du lässt DIch sowieso nicht aufhalten jedes Wetter zu genießen ! Vollkommen richtig!
    Eine wunderschöne neue Woche

  10. Love your owl. Beautiful misty photos. hugs, Donna

  11. LOVE the sunrise photos ♥♥♥ Rather eerie for sure , Great art page too. Fall is definitely in full swing here too with colder nights and mornings and leaves falling everywhere. Have a Great week!!!

  12. Love the golden colours of your Autumn pages Valerie and today's misty sunrise photos are fabulous.
    Avril xx

  13. Beautiful! The sun photos look amazing, as does your autumn owl page!

  14. What a fun piece.
    Those misty pictures could inspire a story.....

  15. I love seeing these photographs of the mist, it's also great to see it lifting, gradually then suddenly.
    Your AJJ piece is lovely, I like the owl and the leaves, and always like to see washi tape being used as I'm never sure what to do with it.

  16. another wonderful piece for AJJ- I just love the fall colors!To me there is something beautiful about mist and fog-super photos!

  17. I have always found fog and mist very difficult to capture through my lens. You seem to have no problem, because these photos are so atmospheric.

    Of course, your owl is simply adorable.

  18. Looks amazing, thanks for sharing.

  19. Schon wieder so sein süßes Eulchen, sehen schön aus deine Seiten. Aber deine Nebelbilder sind magisch. Besonder finde ich das vorletzte, wo dieses leuchtend rote Blatt links im Bild fliegt, toller Kontrast zum neblig verwaschenen des Bildes.
    Liebe Grüße und schönen Abend.
    Hugs Sabine

  20. The mist is amazing. So moody. I really like the photos of the sun through the mist and the one of the people walking in the distance. Very beautiful.

  21. I could imagine the warm autumn sun when I saw the beautiful journal spread. Then change the weather and find some warmer clothes, when looking at the misty atmospheric photos They were awesome.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Hi Valerie, Your art page is beautiful. Love the colors and warmth. You captured some great shots of the misty weather you had. It is beautiful and cozy. Have a great week. Happy creating! xo

  23. i love owls and autumn leaves and your journal pages use these elements to great effect, just beautiful! i love all your photos but the ones of the sun are really extra special -- well done -- that is quite hard to capture in a photo! have a lovely week. xo

  24. Beautiful page today. Love your pics, misty days are my favourite thing about the autumn season! hugs :)

  25. Great mist shots to complement your pages....Fall is firmly here too! Cold and windy and lots of rain last weekend. Hats, gloves and bigger jackets necessary. xox

  26. Valerie, I really love that you have been using these owls in your pages- I love them and lately at night the hooty owl has been talking up a storm here! ")

  27. Fabulous journal pages Val, and those atmospheric sunrise pictures are wonderful xx

  28. Gorgeous artwork Valerie - love the owl especially :)
    Fab photos - the mist makes everywhere look so different and very atmospheric.
    Gill xx


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