Friday 1 April 2016

Alice, a poet and spring

Hi Everybody!

Happy Weekend!
We had a sunny Friday here, wonderful after so many cold and dreary days,
and it was great to get out walking and I even had to take off my coat - perhaps spring is really coming this time!?

For Art Journal Journey, for the record, I have chosen a song from Smokie, taking me back to much younger days,  and it has a naughty word in it...the images I have used for my collage are all from Gecko Galz

And in case you don't know Smokie.....

And for face number 98 in 99 faces  and for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I have another Modigliani knock-off. I painted it last year, and this time I cut out the head, changed the colours a bit and placed it onto a new, rusty background:

Yesterday I had my first session of special knee gymnastics/treatment from a therapist. This is the next stage in my treatment, so for the next couple of months I will be going twice  a week. I learnt some new exercises to stretch the muscles and get them back to normal, and after we were finished I went for a coffee before getting the shopping and taking a walk along the Rhine - I managed over 9000 steps altogether, so I was really proud of myself.

I watched the sun rising and pushing away the mist this morning:

I have made a little spring garden in my living room:

And the trees outside were at last all bursting into bloom - wonderful!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is fun, reminds me of the good/bad old days. Glad the weather is better, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Not the version I remember Valerie but I do love your page - the Cheshire cat enjoyed the song I think! Great Modigliani knock off - Elizabeth is going to loVe that background! Pleased to hear that it is getting warmer! Love your photos! Good luck with the new treatment sessions! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. Beautiful blog today and good news about the new therapy and SPRING. I enjoyed each frame and every photo. Love the blossoms on the trees. Our plum tree is in bloom.

  4. wow, beautiful work!!!!

    I'm glad the exercises are helping,, and it sounds like you really are walking lots,,the indoor spring garden is beautiful, I love spring bulbs and I miss them , the blossoms outside are beautiful as well!!

  5. I am enjoying your Modigliani knock offs, Valerie. The image fits well with that gorgeous background. Glad you are getting to walk along the Rhine again. Your photos are always appreciated.

  6. I had never heard that song, but I found it humorous in a dark kind of way. Anyway, I love your Modigliani, since he's one of my favorites. Blessings for a quick recovery!

  7. Gosh, I've never heard that song before, so I'm glad you shared it with us.

    I adore your Modigliani knock off. Chris is right. I am in love with that background. So glad you shared it for Second on the 2nd.

    Your new spring inside garden is adorable, and a beautiful vignette which proves a garden can be anywhere. And spring has definitely sprung in your area because I really enjoyed the beautiful blooms.

    So glad you have a second round of treatments and that it is going well. Helping you get out and about is what is important right now.

    Thanks again for sharing your Modigliani knock off with us for Second on the 2nd and sharing spring in your home and yard.

  8. ja klar erinnere ich mich an diesen song... wär nur nie auf die Idee gekommen, ihn mit AiW zu verbinden *g*
    schönes frühlingsWE und freut mich, dass es mit deiner Mobilität aufwärts geht!

  9. Liebe Valerie,
    ja genau, an diesen Song erinnere ich mich gut, war lange Zeit ein Ohrwurm ;-), da ist nun ein wundervolles Bild daraus entstanden. Ich liebe deine Modiglianis wahnsinnig, sie sind einfach absolut genial... Es ist wunderschön zu lesen, dass du solche Fortschritte gemacht hast, da darfst du mächtig stolz sein drauf, ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Power, damit es nur noch aufwärts geht. Dein Frühling ist total ausgebrochen, wie wundervoll...
    Ein sonnenschönes Wochenende mit viel Freude wünsche ich dir.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  10. Hi Valerie x Love your Alice the song too.
    Your face is amazing and the colours are so vivid and warm. Great to hear that your weather is improving. We had a great day here on Thursday but yesterday was back to the cold, wind and rain.

    Have a lovely weekend
    Annie x

  11. That was a F***ing great song! Your Modigliani is great - and enjoyed your walk today. The spring blossoms are beautiful. hugs, Donna

  12. Fabulous creations and gorgeous colour combo. Loving that image too.xx

  13. Fun page! Love your spring at home :-)

  14. Wow- I forgot all about that song. It was great to listen to it again- and I love your take on it. And I love your little spring garden-those African statues are great- did you get them in Africa? Enjoyed your blossoms-and your second on the second. One more to go for face-you're almost there. Awesome achievement. Have a great rest of your weekend! Hugs-Erika

    1. The statues were from neighbours who travelled to Africa while I looked after their cats and dogs at home!

  15. A loved that song and your page is brilliant, especially the title. Make me smile.

  16. OMGosh. I won't be right for weeks after listening to that song. It's hilarious.

  17. Brilliant... typisch Valerie... sucht sich eine kleine Spezialversion zum Lied!!! Der Modgliani knock off sieht toll aus auf dem Hintergrund!

    Wunderschöne Fotos!!!

    oxo Susi

  18. Heheheh-love the song and the artwork-heheheheh!!! Speaking of Alice - you are just quite the 'card' Valerie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Delightful. And love your second project too. Of course, love the colors and that rusty background.

    Your indoor garden is fun. You made me laugh again because it looked like your plants fingers were clothing your "body"!!!!!!! Guess I just needed the giggles today for some reason!!! What gorgeous buds on your trees - wow.

    Glad you are onto the next phase of your healing. Just praying it will be easier than the last two phases - whew. I have no idea HOW IN THE WORLD you did 9000 steps dear girl. Be kind to yourself :) XXj.

    1. Glad it made you giggle - it's a funny song! For 9000 steps you just need determination and then keep putting one foot in front of the other!

  19. Wonderful artworks and gorgeous photos too! I love the Alice art especially and congrats on so many steps.

  20. wonderful work for the challenges and wow for the spring photos! Great progress on the knee, you are doing all thing right things.

  21. Love the page with Alice and thanks for reminding us of the song. An awesome altered painting as well. Well done on the number of steps you did on the walk. Hope the new therapy will get you fully recovered. Beautiful photos and I particularly like your home spring tribute.
    Yvonne xx

  22. OH my! I haven't heard that song in forever and it really brought a smile! Love the art you shared today too and the beautiful Spring flowers. It's a bit warmer here today with winds that are blowing things everywhere.. I mean airborne cars type winds that it's difficult to stand up in. Ah Spring in the Prairie :)

  23. I'd never heard that before. Great pages. Looks like you had lots of beauty to keep you walking! 9000 steps is awesome!

  24. Just love your Alice page and the painting. Thanks for including the song, haven't heard that for years. Hope your knee improves asap
    Wendy x

  25. Haha fun to hear this song again and your Alice piece is fab. I really like your Modigliani piece, and it great to see Spring both indoors and out. Good luck with your therapy, hope your knee feels better quickly xx

  26. Your page is great fun Valerie love the song and it is ages since I last heard your version LOL. Great pic's as well. Hope you are recovering well. xx

  27. OMG!! You had me laughing over my coffee!! I had completely forgotten about that song! heehee Great page to go with!
    As always, I am a fan of your Modigliani's!
    And you should be proud with 9000 steps- keep on Valerie- well done!! sending hugs,Jackie

  28. This was the best - the bestest post ever. Love the journal page and more than that - I loved that video!!!!! I am going to have to keep this post right here and listen to that song again. I loved it - made me quite happy and your journal page made made me laugh right out loud. Naughty word indeed - sometimes it just happens to be the most appropriate word to get a point across as in your post! Oh Valerie, you would be so much fun to know and have a coffee with -- I just know that I would laugh and laugh. You are talented, you are extremely smart and I know a good cook. OH and you have a good sense of humor. Can you tell I enjoyed this post!!!!!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sweetie! You are right that that word is sometimes the best and only comment. Two people wrote and told me that they could not comment because they can't condone bad language! What the f***!

    2. You make me laugh - it is sad to be so uptight!!!! I love that song and your journal page -- perfect - absolutely perfect!!

  29. Klar kenne ich den Song. Ist aber schon paar Tage her! Witzig umgesetzt! Überhaupt wieder eine schöne Seite!


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