Friday 8 April 2016

Heaven is a place on earth

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, For the Record, and Moo Mania and More
Music, I have another A3 mixed media piece. The central piece was put together using various photos - an old photo of the embankment in London taken on a foggy night, and various photos taken here - the spiral staircase from my last apartment, 'my' balcony blackbird and heron, the anchor that's here at the Rhine, and the statue of Mary from the grotto in one of the old houses by the Rhine. The moon was the last blood moon taken here, too. I printed the picture out and pasted it onto the gessoed and sprayed background. This fits to 2 songs that I like - stairway to heaven, from Led Zeppelin and Heaven is a place on earth, from Belinda Carlisle. I added some floral die-cuts as embellishments.

And here Belinda Carlisle's song:

'My' blackbird spent a lot of time on my balcony today. He was trying to eat from the fat balls, and needed quite some time before he understood that he needed to push his beak through the net before opening it to get some food, and I could almost see him scratching his head and wondering what was going wrong....But in the end, he mastered the technique, and as practice makes perfect, he came back time and time again for more.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful photos of 'your' blackbird, and love the beautiful journal page. Heaven is really here on earth, and we each have to make our corner of heaven for ourselves. Hugs, Sarah

  2. A really beautiful page Valerie and I just love your blackbird tale - so glad he got the hang of it in the end.
    Have a great weekend, Fliss xx

  3. I hope Mr Blackbird sings you a nice song in return for his breakfast! Your collage is very atmospheric and Belinda Carlisle is a blast from the 80's. Love the Peter Sarstedt song from yesterday too. Have a lovely weekend. X

  4. Very detailed work, well done indeed.

  5. Great artwork and photos of your black bird! (Interesting that his beak is yellow/orange.)

  6. lovely page and interesting blackbird study today!

  7. I love Mr. Blackbirds bright orange beak. And I love your piece today. I would never have thought of putting those 2 songs together but they work perfect. I love how you used so many photos to create this. Have a great start to your weekend.

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    ja, wenn man dein Bild und deine absolut genialen Fotos sieht, ist haeven tatsächlich on earth... berührend schön.
    Dir wünsche ich ein schönes und sonniges Wochenende.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  9. Stairway to heaven is one of my all time favorite songs. I remember when I encouraged my friend Joseph, who plays steel drums, to play it. It's fantastic on those wonderful drums. I also like Belinda Carlisle's Heaven is a Place on Earth.

    Got a laugh at the blackbird. Really enjoyed seeing that. Couldn't imagine what kind of a ball you were talking about until I finally saw it. Your balcony is certainly showing signs of green! Have a wonderful day, dear friend.

  10. eine wunderschöne seite und tolle lieder,schöne vogelbilder auch.
    ein schönes we dir.

    hugs jenny

  11. Great page - always loved that song. Enjoyed your interpretation! Great shots of Mr. Crow ... he must think he hit the jackpot at your balcony. hugs, Donna

  12. Eine wundervolle Seite Valerie und ich wette Herr Amsel lernt noch den Meisenknödel zu klauen .. er sieht sehr intelligent aus !

    Schönen Samstag!

  13. Wow Valerie, your art piece is just gorgeous! So atmospheric with the foggy London background, and I love the superimposed staircase! Wow!! Your blackbird is beautiful, what a stunning creature! hugs and happy weekend :)

  14. Beautiful and creative. Fabulous page and colours are just beautiful. Lovely image used and love the journey to your part of the world..xx

  15. Valerie, this is one of my favorite songs! I love, LOVE your gorgeous work of art! And I especially loved seeing the photos of your beautiful blackbird!!!

    1. I love this song, too, it is on my loooong list of faves.

  16. Marvellous magical page and thanks for sharing the beautiful bord photos.
    Big hugs Anja

  17. Exceptional journal page today and marvelous collage using a variety of your photos. Mr blackbird loves to visit and it was fun watching his progress to reach the seeds in the sock. It is beautiful here today with tulips and spring blooms everywhere. Enjoy your weekend, they go so fast.

  18. Stunning artwork Valerie! A great collage of images and fabulous colours.
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Hugs, Mar

  19. This piece is VERY intriguing! I really like it Valerie. You make me laugh, you like music groups that I never would have associated with you. Nothing simple about you!!
    I totally agree with the sentiment "heaven is a place on earth" - the more I look at this the more complex it gets. My eye is drawn to Big Ben - time -hmmmmmm. Fantastic!
    sandy xx

  20. Very beautiful photos of your Blackbird Valerie, it seems that your Rosemary is waking up after the winter too. I so love the Heaven is on earth collage, you've merged the photos so well, it has a lovely ethereal and dreamy feeling. Enjoy the weekend my friend.


  21. Awesome page Valerie and those two songs go so well together with the images you used. You must have been smiling with Mr Blackbirds antics today. I am.
    Yvonne xx

  22. A fabulous hybrid page, so cleverly put together. I love the misty London background on this one, stunning and suits the songs very well!

  23. Love the way you have blended all of the photos into one great page ♥ Perfect song for it too. Love all the blackbird photos. It is entertaining to watch the birds figuring out how to eat or get to something. I haven't seen either of the 2 birds that were fighting over the birdhouse so I don't know who won yet.

  24. Beautiful! A mix of two songs? Both very fitting!

  25. A stunning page love it and your pics are great x

  26. a really lovely page Valerie! Love seeing the antics of the crow-great shots.


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