Wednesday 13 April 2016

A tag story

Hi Everybody!

Today I am showing the tags I made for Tag Tuesday this week, where
our theme is Medieval.
I was not happy with the theme, although I live in a town which was founded in the middle ages, so I made some tags using various bits and bobs I had to hand and wrote a little story to go with them:

Boris-the-Very-Bad, an evil magician who has captured the fair princess
and is holding her in a secret tower guarded by all manner of nasty creatures, and even worse, a magical zone where neither cell-phones nor GPS function

The fair princess, Winona, sad because her beloved can't reach her:

The brave and noble Knight Dancealot, who is determined to overcome all obstacles and find his way to his lady:

Boris is convinced that nobody can rescue the princess, but Dancealot has found his way in spite of all difficulties. Tonight he will rescue his princess, they will ride away, and hopefully live happy ever after.
And Boris-the-Very-Bad? He has failed in his job, but like so many other top managers, he will still be eligible for a huge bonus, and then he will scarper, and will soon be trying his tricks somewhere else. Perhaps as a politician?

And some photos from my little town today:

I have been trying to take photos of the magpie all week, he always turns his back. Here he saw me watching, and turned his head away quickly:

He kept himself busy cleaning his feathers:

But I caught him in the end:

Mrs Blackbird likes fat balls, too:

And last but not least, my living room spring garden:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a fun story and great tags, I am sure Boris will have a BIG career waiting for him! Lovely photos , too. Good night, hugs, Sarah

  2. I love the story! Jumping up and down...well at least in my mind:)
    And the pictures are wondrous.

  3. I love the little story to go with these tags - so pleased Dancealot rescued the fair maiden.
    Great photos and your living room garden looks lovely.
    Avril xx

  4. I love the little story to go with these tags - so pleased Dancealot rescued the fair maiden.
    Great photos and your living room garden looks lovely.
    Avril xx

  5. such a great story to go along with the tags!!!!
    Beautiful photos as well!

  6. Loved your tags! Our city is at the most a hundred years old I think - what a difference. Beautiful photos of birds and flowers

  7. HA-HA-HA! I love the little story. And maybe Boris the Bad morphed into Donald Trump. Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm sure someone (who knows maybe even you) will scowl at me. Tags are great and you picked the perfect photos to complement them. Happy Thursday! Hugs-Erika

    1. Good one! Could be, but I think DT is a lot scarier!

  8. love your bowl of tulips! Beautiful work on the medieval tags!

  9. I loved your tale of medieval heroism and greed. Pitting good versus evil always plays well, doesn't it? And the hoof thing about the story is Dancealot ended up with his beloved Princess. Maybe Boris the Bad will end up with his just rewards, too.

    The photos of the magpie remind me of Squiggles, who runs every time he sees my camera. Bleubeard hides when I have it in my hand, so I can relate to your numerous photos you must have taken in order to get that final GREAT one.

    Your living room garden is very, very impressive. Such beauty and it took very little to class up the garden area. Really lovely.

    1. Yes, it's funny how animals and birds just hide when they see a camera. Sometimes I need to click 20+ times to get one decent photo!

  10. ha ha -- gave me a good laugh, especially regarding the lack of technology. Great story and love the work. Photos are gorgeous again today -- looks sunny and perhaps 'warm'? I'll be over to snaffle your African carving collection. :o) hugs, Donna

  11. A wonderful story for your Tag Tuesday project Valerie. Hope to join in again next week.

    The star for me today are the magpie photographs with the wonderful plumage on show. The close up flower shots are wonderful and also your collection of artifacts.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Your tag looks beautiful. Cute looking bird with bright color. Your room looks beautiful because of that yellow flower!

  13. Fabelhafte Tags zusammen mit Deiner Geschichte Valerie und tolle Fotos , besonders von Deinen Balkongästen! Deine Mörzenbecher / Narzissen sind schön in der runden, bauchigen Vase..sieht toll aus!

    GLG Susi

  14. Valerie, your tags and story should be published. I laughed so hard because it is true how those who error still seem to return unscathed and the common folk pay the cost. Love your in-house garden with the bright yellow daffodils and the birds continue to enjoy breakfast with you each morning.
    More rain for us.

  15. Schick doch mal deine Elster mit den schönen blauen Flügeln auch zu mir!! LG Ulrike

  16. Wonderful pictures and fabulous tags -- Now he doesn't look so evil to me - are you sure you got the right wizard and by all means she looks more than capable of taking care of herself. You have enter my world Valerie!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. She was totally helpless without her iPhone, the poor girl!

    2. And I am totally helpless with one!

  17. Well, I love your little medieval tags a lot, Valerie. So glad you toughed it out and followed through even though you were not thrilled with the theme. A little imagination does take us anywhere! lolol

  18. Oh Valerie, I so enjoyed this post and the wonderful story to go with the fantastic tags, I had to smile as I read it. Beautiful photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Really gorgeous tags and lovely photos too. hugs, Teresa

  20. Wonderful Medieval pieces Valerie, but the show stopper for me today is definitely your Magpie photos! Wow, how gorgeous is he!! hugs :)

  21. So glad I didn't miss your brilliant story and gorgeous tags Valerie - the story made me smile and I sympathise with poor Winona as the phone and TV signals where I live are awful too.
    Wonderful post and I loved your living room spring garden especially.
    Gill xx

  22. WHAT?? Such an INCREDIBLE story... Wow. ONE of my FAVORITE POSTS ever Valerie. I ADORE those tags and the story that goes with them. ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS. Wow. Boris the Very Bad has a truly MARVELOUS tag - wow. And heheheheheh - love Knight Dancealot - hehehehe. And your Princess is so lovely. I am SMILING BIG as I type.... just SPLENDID. YOU have delighted me TWICE today sweet Valerie. Thanks bunches and bunches. Hugs. j.

  23. Haha, your piece really made me laugh. I'm sure Boris the Very Bad has a very bright future ahead of him! Your photo's of the Magpie are wonderful, what gorgeous coloured feathers he has xx

  24. Val,
    These tags are so wonderful and your story is a riot!
    Love that Magpie!!


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