Thursday 31 March 2016

Tulips from Amsterdam

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey -
For The Record.

Linda is our hostess, and will be accompanying us through the month.
Linda wants us to create journal pages round a song title or words. Please make it clear on your journal page which song you have chosen, by incorporating the title or some words from the song.
I chose 'tulips from Amsterdam'. The background has been made with brushos sprayed with water. The tulips were drawn with black ink and painted with Gelatos and water colours, then fussy cut, and mounted on the background.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, and
Moo Mania and More,  'spring'.

For 99 faces I have another doodle face, these are getting rather addictive....
(Number 97)

Mr Blackbird was waiting very impatiently for breakfast this morning....

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What an awesome new theme at AJJ. I look forward to reading what others have chosen this month, because I know there will be some unique songs I'll be singing all day long.

    Your tulips are far more beautiful than the ones in my yard. I love how you've wrapped them up all ready to be given to a favorite friend or lover.

    Your doodle girl not only has stars in her eyes, but also in her hair. This is lovely.

    You're as bad as me feeding my two "boys." Waiting impatiently , indeed!! Love it.

  2. Fun new challenge. Hmmm. I don't think of song words unless the music is playing so I guess that means I will need to keep the music going. Love your page. The tulips are gorgeous. I wonder why your lady has stars in her eyes? Is she in love? Embarking upon some new adventure? Whatever way she is great. And be sure Mr. Blackbird has his breakfast. Reminds me of a cat, just waiting for their food and not letting you forget they are there. Happy FRiday.

  3. Love your tulips today! Your doodles are amazing, and it is nice the birds know where to come for meals.

  4. I don't quite know what it is about the tulip painting but I am so drawn to it. Very nice indeed. Your doodle face is awesome love her eyes.
    Happy PPF and April 1.

  5. I adore your tulips!!! Thanks again for your photos, I always enjoy!

  6. Beautiful tulip page, I always love them, I think they are my fave spring flowers. Your doodle page is fantastic, too. Hugs, Sarah

  7. What a lovely page of Tulips they are delightful. I did some of those doodle girls last year they are quite addictive and lots of fun to do. Yours is fabulous.
    Happy PPF
    Vicki-Ann :)

  8. Super piece to start of a new challenge. A lovely spring theme. LOVE your face today ... they just get better and better. Enjoyed our walk as well. hugs, Donna

  9. Oh, how fun, that song just came on the radio yesterday, it was sung in German and the only words I understood were "Tulpen aus Amsterdam", but it must have been the same :) Blackbirds have started singing here, gives the spring feeling, though we still have snow and our only flowers are snowdrops so far!

  10. The journal page pops with color and spring!!! I enjoy your Zentangles which you call doodles on the woman's face/hair. And the bird is springtime for sure. Enjoy!

  11. Deine Tuplen aus Amsterdam sind WUNDERSCHÖN!!!
    Ich hab meinen Strauß, den ich mir vor Ostern gekauft hab - grad entsorgen müssen - verblüht!
    Eine tolle Frisur hat sie.. Du bist echt ein Geduldsengel mit all diesen vielen schönen Mustern und Schnörkeln! Ihre Augen sind ja auch spitze!
    Du musst schon etwas mehr Service bieten in Deinem Balkonienrestaurant! Lass den armen Herrn Amsel nicht so lang warten ... immerhin hat er einen Frack an - also benühe Dich bitte mehr!!!
    Einen schönen AJJ Start - Moo Mania & More Tag etc!
    Muss weiter Nachosterputz machen ---- der Dreck ruft mich!!

  12. Oh I love your journal piece with those beautiful tulips from Amsterdam, one of my favourite places. I can feel Spring just looking at this and it reminds me of my week-end trips away. Your face is another stunning piece, quite a favourite this one, beautiful work!

  13. Wow, great journal page with the tulips, thanks for sharing!

  14. I love the tulip paintings... they look wonderful

  15. Great theme for journaling - I use song lyrics a lot in the titles of my paintings! The tulips are wonderful - my favourite flower!

  16. Liebe Valerie,
    wie wundervoll doch deine Tulpen aus Amsterdam geworden sind, liebevolle Details traumschön vereint. Und dein Gesicht... es fasziniert mich ungemein und immer wieder wie toll deine Doodles sind. Deine Amsel sieht sehr vorwurfsvoll aus *lächel... bei mir ist es ein dicker, kleiner Spatz, Möckli, der schon auch mal ans Fenster klopft, wenn es ihm nicht schnell genug geht... pass auf, dass dir das nicht passiert :-).
    Einen wunderschönen und sonnigen Tag wünsche ich dir.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  17. Beautiful tulips and an awesome background for them, its a great theme. The doodle lady is again wonderful, you are nearly at the end of the 99 I wonder what you will be challenging yourselves to next.
    Yvonne xx

  18. What a fabulous the tulips from Amsterdam, the wonderful face with zentangles, and those amazing photos!! Love the little birdies!! Such a great subject matter for journal pages!!

    Hugs Giggles

  19. Oh, now that song is going to ring in mye ears all day long!

    Your tulips are just perfect red!!

  20. Hi Valerie! Thank you for your wonderful visit to my blog! HUGS! I absolutely love the art journal page you made with the lyrics from that great song! It's so gorgeous and creative. And your face is simply amazing, too! I loved seeing your adorable blackbird! What a lovely visitor!!!!

  21. Beautiful pieces today, love those tulips!! I've never seen a blackbird before, what a gorgeous creature! hugs :)

  22. gorgeous tulip painting for AJJ theme Valerie! I'll have to see if I can find that song-it sounds like it would be lovely. Loving your doodle faces too-love her starry eyes. Fascinating to watch the birds isn't it? Have a great day, and thanks for having me as hostess for AJJ this month.

  23. What an intriguing theme. Your tulip art is wistful and nostalgic. Happy Friday

  24. Love the journal page!!! It should be a good month for journaling :) Can;t wait to see everyone's work. Your doodle faces just keep getting better and better. ♥ An adorable visitor to your balcony today .

  25. Snap. Snap. You're going to have to get moving and get breakfast out there. grin.
    I like the google girl:) and the Tulips piece:) Very nice.

    1. I have now refilled the feeders twice today, they have spring appetites....

  26. I love your Tulips From Amsterdam, I'll be singing it for the rest of the day and your doodled face is fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  27. Wonderful tulips from Amsterdam :-)

  28. Red tulips are stunning in your journal page! They pop with the other colors! I like the sentiment also! Your girl is wonderful with all her detail, too!

  29. "als de lente komt dan breng ik jou tulpen uit Amsterdam" every time when I hear or when I sing the song myself, I get a little homesick, even after thirty years in la douce France. your tulips are gorgeous!

    1. I know that feeling, I still miss my hometown of London.

  30. So schöne rote Tulpen aus Amsterdam, aber hier wird's jetzt auch wärmer und sie sprießen bald auch bei uns. Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  31. Klasse Interpretation des Schlagers, alles hast du toll kombiniert und die Faben sind auch richtig schön frühlingshaft.
    LG Anja

  32. Not a clue where my comment went to this morning but I did write one saying how very beautiful your tulip page is and the face is another cracker for this collection of recent artwork.

    Love the bird photographs and how clear and near they are. Thank you for sharing your feathered friends

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  33. Oh Valerie this song reminds me of my Mum! She used to love Max Bygraves! I love how you made this page! Your doodle face is gorgeous once again…and so is Mr Blackbird! Have a great weekend! Chrisx

  34. Oh I really like this Valerie, and what a fun choice of theme. Your face is amazing, choc full of lovely details. Have a fun weekend, Sue xx

  35. PERFECT page for spring! Our tulips are just poking through the ground and will bloom soon. I used to say you were the queen of tags. That has been replaced with The Queen of Drawn Faces. It no doubt is Sunday for you. Rest your knee and feed the birds; they love it!

  36. A splendid share, luv the Spring promise

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  37. Love your post! I have always wanted to visits the tulips in Amsterdam. Your journal page is vibrant and beautiful.
    ~~ Irene

  38. Beautiful art page and I love the doodled hair of your face. Hugs, Teresa

  39. Spring has sprung in a beautiful way. Love your tulips and your girl is wonderful. Very nice work Valerie. Love that you can walk by the Rhine.

  40. Valerie, I am in love with your tulips. They would make an awesome stamp! And beautifully watercolored. I found myself making a card with my Twinks the other day and now I'm cutting up wc paper into card bases to wc backgrounds and also stamping images to wc. Guess that is gonna be my phase for awhile, lol. So many wc mediums, so many techniques. I could get lost in the maze. Mr. Blackbird's beak is the most gorgeous orange. xoxo

  41. I love your entry for this month at AJJ and remember Max Bygraves singing it on TV. Your artwork is very delicate and I love your face sketch.

  42. Beautiful tulips. I would love to travel to Amsterdam and see more!

  43. Earworm, I got it! la-la-laa..... :)
    Now I know that 'snowdrop' is 'lumikello' ("snow clock") in Finnish, thank you!
    Have a good week ahead!

  44. I have to say I simply adore those tulips--so bright and inspiring. And that blackbird! Aye!! I want to kiss him on that beautiful yellow beak. Lovely stuff here. xo

  45. What a great theme, and a beautiful page you created! Love those gorgeous tulips!

  46. Oh these are both brilliant Valerie - beautiful tulip piece and fabulous doodle face ( and a great quote that made me smile ).. love them both very much.. Gill xx


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